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Whither shall you Wander?


Whither shall you wander, when the nights are dark and long?

Will you wander 'mong the evergreens up until the dawn?

Strolling through the forest by the light of the moon,

Thinking that when dawn comes, it always comes too soon.


Whither shall I wander, when the nights are dark and long?

Sitting by the babbling brook, lending my voice to song.

Watching the moon's reflection, distorted by the stream,

And though I am awake, here I sit and dream.


Whither shall we wander, when the nights are dark and long?

Singing, talking, laughing, until the night is gone.

The starlight shines, the moonlight glows,

And these are the most pleasant nights I have ever known.


Website created by: Niquel     Personal Portrait By: Merle     Full Figure Drawing by: Athene     All poetry and songs © Niquel's player    Name graphic created with: Photo Draw II     Line Border from: 25,000 Web Objects CD by BLAST! software.

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