To read and collect

      I presently store over 50,000 choice back issues (Inquire if you want to buy some). I gave 100% service & attention to all my customers at all times.   I had to become innovative since often the store became overflowing and I could not mention all the new titles.   I'd push a button on my tape recorder when people said "what is new."  Then the many fans and readers would get an audible list of every last detail of the new comics that had just come in.    I was busy ringing sales with other customers so this made it possible for me to sell more comics.  When shipments were bumped due to mail I'd say put my comics in some coffins -- I need 'em now (Capital City never did).  When I lived on the premises I had a buzzer so I was the first 24 hour comic store that I know of.  
     As a kid I'm proud to have collected and owned several complete mint sets of every Marvel Comic Book (1961 to present).
     In fact I feel the Lee, the Ditko and the Kirby are three awards the Comic Industry should create (I said this loudly prior to 1984).  Though as often as I try to turn him into one of his characters (such as Doctor Strange the occult master of mystic arts) Stan remains a human being -- a man, down to Earth -- courageous and kind.  But I'm sure it was Stan's business savvy that made and kept Marvel such a colossal success for many years.   Long may Vishnu (Hindu God of preservation) bless the best that the "Comics Industry" has brought forth in creative inspiration down through the decades.

Jack Kirby wearing the hands from one of his creations:  "The Thing" from the Fantastic Four or is that what ones' hands look like after drawing 500 pages of comic art  a month for many years? Steve Gerber is on the right.

A few of dozens of innovative Philosopher/Artists

     Some of my favorite creator's & comics are listed here for beginners and adept comic book connoisseurs looking for really good entertainment known as comic books:  Roy G . Krenkel (Edgar Rice Burrough's Book Covers, Comics and illustrations), Gray Morrow (E.C. Comics), Wally Wood (Weird Science, Weird Science Fantasy, Daredevil, Thunder Agents, Dynamo, NoMan for Tower Comics), Jack Kirby whose work spans 5 decades, still living and thriving John Byme (Wonder Woman, X-men), Terry Austin, Roy Thomas Author of Conan and many Marvel and D.C. titles, Frank Frazetta (Master heroic fantasy painter), Len Wein, Peter David, J. Allen St. John (Illustrator--strong influence on the best comic art), Tarzan Artist Burne Hogarth--Major Art Teacher, friend, mover and shaker the - world of Comics is deeply missed known for his Dynamic Anatomy books & Tarzan work), Gerry Conway, Marty Pascoe, Alcala, Nebres,Frank Miller (Daredevil, Sin City, Batman; Al Williamson (Weird Science, Star Wars ), Jack Davis (Tales from the Crypt, Mad etc.) , The Mick Jagger of S.F.: Author Harlan Ellison (Dream Corridor, The Illustrated Ellison, etc.), Marv Wolfman (Teen Titans), S.F. Author Larry Niven (Ganthet's Tale/Green Lantern and others ), Eisner (Spirit), Kurtzman (Mad), Steve Ditko (part of the original Marvel crew to bring us Dr. Strange & Amazing Spider-man, Creeper from D.C. along with Shade, The Question and Capt. Atom for Charlton and others too numerous to mention including 1950's best selling Atlas Comics (that became Marvel), Joe Kubert (Sgt. Rock and many wonderful War Comics for D.C.) and his sons, Curt (Superman) Swan, Gil Kane (Green Lantern and tons of bitchen D.C.'s and Marvel's), John Buscema (Conan and more), John Romita (Spider-man) and John Romita Jr., Dick Ayers, Vinnie Colletta, John and Marie Severin, Dave Stevens (Rocketeer), William Stout, these were the names whose work flew off the shelves in the 60's--80's, and still do because of their inspired quality art and stories. And let us not forget Jim Shooter former Marvel editor who created Broadway Comics (who also brought us Plasm through Defiant). 

These are just a few of the master storytellers one should look for when desiring to truly get into the best Comic Books can be. The discriminating gourmet will find the highest quality art & story in the works of those just mentioned and in the work of these great creator's: Charles Vess (has a Children's Storybook style of fine art Books Of Magic, John Bolton (whose works are also in Books Of Magic D.C. TPB and elsewhere), (The Michelangelo of Comics) Barry Windsor Smith (The Studio, Conan, Rune, the new Dr. Solar, Archer & Armstrong with some exciting new titles on the way), Bemi Wrightson (A Look Back, Frankenstein), Jeff Jones (Idyll, Yesterday's Lily,The Studio--a book of fine art by four of my favorites), Michael Kaluta, Russ Manning: Magnus Robot Fighter for Gold Key), Alan Moore (Watchmen, V For Vendetta (like the Prisoner TV show), Swamp Thing) , Neil Gaiman (Author:  Sandman), Gene Colan (artist Dracula, Daredevil, Dr. Strange), Alex Raymond's (Flash Gordon, Jungle Jim) , Hal Foster (Prince Valiant), Kelly Jones (Batman, Deadman), John Bolton, Charles Vess,...Zen Masters in the Tao (the Way), all!

Happily I have met many of these creator's!

There are dozens of other great new & older talent too numerous to mention in an article of this size.

With comics you get to read and enjoy them over and over again and someday they will be worth something. Sure the overproduced over hyped stuff may be valueless, but if you buy what you enjoy you can't lose. 

Comics have proven themselves over the last 60 years as a legitimate American art form. Comic Book audiences are growing faster than in any other hobby form including electronic games & virtual reality. It isn't over yet. In fact, one could say we are at the beginning.

("He who knows, knows, they who say they know, don't." --Lao Tsu).  Like Meditation, you won't know what it is unless you try it.

There are many Star Trek and Star Wars Comics from Marvel and D.C. that have been issued and I collected in the past all of which are very popular. These use to be issued by Gold Key in the 1960's. Shatner co-created TEK comics. Spielberg and Lucas were influenced by the Comic Book genre. Roger Corman is cashing in with his Cosmic Comics. Even Leonard Nimoy has a successful Comic out. Other comics sport logos from deceased Isaac Asimov & Gene Roddenberry.

In the 1960's, Underground Comix & Fanzines made the scene. One could say this was the beginning of the Independent line of comics. Vaughn Bode' (Cheech Wizard) kids have emulated this sadistic character through their Graphitti on the walls of washes in the past for years) Rick Griffin, George Metzger are but a few of dozens of innovative Philosopher/Artists whose work not only represents the 1960's but whose originality rivals the Will Eisner's (The Spirit), Harvey Kurtzman's (MAD ), Milton Canniff (Steve Canyon), AL Capp (Lil Abner)  of their day. Though sex and drugs were the order of the day, during the 1960's, Underground's did not and do not represent mainstream comics--which are clean and not usually politically or spiritually sophisticated. Though political cartoonist Ron Cobb punched the unrightous right wing in their gut when necessary during the 1960's.

If you know where to look one can find incredible literary treasures in this unique American art form--The Comic Book, now worldwide in acceptance, popular in every country (indeed, as a teaching tool one could learn other languages).

Fanzines and Underground's contain some of the earliest and best art by today's seriously great Comic Creators.   That will be a future article.

1977 Photo of  Rob Gustaveson and Marvel's Stan Lee

Some pros like Roy Thomas started contributing to Fanzines (self published--of a higher quality in the realm of SF and comics) and Apa's (amateur press association zines) before breaking into pro work.  I also interviewed Thomas for the Comics Journal.

A successful new film has been released a few years ago about the life of Robert Crumb creator of Fritz  the Cat.  Robert Crumb also created Zap and Mr. Natural (I've seen original Mr. Natural artwork prominently displayed framed on my best friend's Fathers' wall. (A Psychiatrist by profession in the early 1970's).

A recent publication that is highly popular and well illustrated borders on and crosses the boundary of porno: Penthouse Comics illustrated by modern day Comic Professionals. ((Evoking safe sex -- excuse the attempt at humor)).

Comic Collectors love the works of Vargas (from Playboy) and Olivia. Jim Steranko  (Talon)(Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.) was the first to see the connection between art in any genre being of interest to the multitudes of comic art fans with his publication: Mediascene Prevues. He also wrote a great two volume book called the History of Comics. His work appears in Penthouse Comix Dec. 1995.

Gerber's four volume Photo Journal Guide To Comics is a masterpiece chronicling comics history with full color photos of the covers of old back issue comics from the 1940's--1970's loved by many generations of people who wished their mother hadn't thrown them away so they could retire in style today. I explain it is never too late to begin again as gems are published weekly and the selection is enormous.

Many Doctors, Lawyers, Film People, Teachers, Musicians, Computer Experts, Politicians, Artists & Authors people from all walks of life still all read comics & or collect them.  I've sold comics to Clint Eastwood and his son.  Robin Williams once roller skated into my first Comic Store in 1978 and bought Art Books & material related to the Comic Book genre.  My friend reminds me that when I threw a mini comic con Leo DiCapprio worked for me briefly (I bought Underground comics from his Dad George).

Social Relevance

Comics indeed, teach art and story writing skills by their very nature. And are used by storyboard artists in making films, doing animation and more. 

"Spiritual" Comics also exist and have quietly educated kids for decades.  Printed in many languages and about different spiritual paths.  Few exist in mainstream comics currently, I think, but there was a comic issued about the Pope and also one about Mother Teresa.

At my suggestion Marvel and D.C. issued Hunger Awareness comics in the late 1970's with proceeds going to charity. Various talents offered their artistic skills as a donation. Marvel and D.C. have done other promotional activities for charities protecting wildlife, anti-drug campaigns etc.

Other social issues Marvel has utilized in their Comics: Scientist/Inventor Tony Stark wrestled with his own inner demons as an alcoholic with heart problems who is kept alive by his suit as Iron Man.  The blind Daredevil fought the ( Kingpin) Mafia & Crime with his supersenses. Radioactivity and a spider created Spider-man. A nuclear test created the Hulk.  As I read  Dr. Strange (one witnesses a 30 year battle with Dr. Strange that sadly and finally ends as the villain Baron Mordo dies of Cancer--fully forgiven by Dr. Strange all the evil rendered unto him. World War two vet Nick Fury (Secret Agent) dies just after his creator Jack Kirby passes away.  I discovered new worlds in micro dimensions and negative zones in the Fantastic Four (Human Torch lives) back in the early 1960's.  Marvel Lee/Kirby even created the Black Panther at the same time as Black Panther's were active in America--and this tie in with history and comics is not an unusual thing.  This version of the Black Panther  was a Chief from Africa with super powers of a sort.

In the 1980's Aids Awareness comics were issued (Ninja high School).  And a  major character also died from Aids in Marvel's (Canadian Mutants) Alpha Flight.

Some Comic Books teach Science or even other languages.  Ms. Mystic by Neal Adams and Green Arrow by Mike Grell and Hawkmistress by yours truly (ask to see the script) often tackled environmental issues. Am I preaching to the converted.

Kids like to read & try their hand at creating comics.  Classes (including Distance Learning internet classes on comics and other themes are available around the nation.  In other words people can get credit and training without leaving their homes.

Comics are a safe addiction for the whole family.  

Big Little Books (short thick early one page comics, every other page just text--hardbound, from the beginning of this century) are a form of early comic books.

Violence in any form is wrong (physical, emotional etc. or against Nature). Scape-goat-ism / facism of an economic, political, militaristic, religious, talk show, judicial, prison or from any source is wrong.

Other comics explored the murders of JFK, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King.  Most comics are not humorous.  And History can effortlessly be learned, through the enjoyment of comics. 

Capt. America and the Human Torch fought Hitler & fascism in Captain America comics during the 1940's, for example.

Comics can be better than film or TV when done right. Though few have translated to the screen all that well so far except for X-men and a sleeper called Unbreakable (as of June/July 2001 it's extremely hot at the video stores).  (A great film!  But it seems the comic industry is attacking itself? with this sort of material.)

Mural on wall of Ninth Nebula 1987

Note this is B&W but copies in full color may later  be added.

comics  Page #17:

  Page 17   click now 

(final page in this article)

Comic_books  1

comics 2
comics 3
comics 4

See photos of Jack Kirby & Stan Lee!!!:

Click links for rest of article

Stan Lee and the Comic Industry.

 (This is  page 5) Click 17 now.

Dr. Strange Art for my former store's mural is 

�1996 Marvel Comics

It's of Dr. Strange's hand gesturing "love" or "anti evil eye."

Article & photos by Rob Gustaveson

� Copyright 1996, 2001 Rob Gustaveson

all rights reserved. (Many more films have come out since the first draft or two of this have come out.)

For a NEW fanzine with art and stories send $10.00 + $3.95 shipping  to:


Robert Gustaveson 

P.O. Box 1261

Phoenix, OR 97535

[email protected]

[email protected]



And now 30 years later 

Graphic Illusion #1

2001 edition

just $15.00 for a hard copy!


Note I have many pages of comics for sale now.  

Over 50,000 items on hand at all times.  Want lists accepted.

Free lists upon requests (800 + positives on Ebay!)


My friend Robert does distance learning classes

on comics & film:

College credit!

Contact me for his address.

Your ad can be here.

Wanna exchange links?!

1Update:  We have now witnessed Not only a Wonderful Spider-man film, two awesome X-men films,  a Daredevil film but also a HULK film all of which were truely great!  Thanks Marvel.



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