Zen until I told him Alan Watts was a famous and popular theologian turned beatnik Philosopher & Author (one of many) responsible for introducing Eastern Religions to the spiritually starved West--often heard on KPFK radio.  Alan Watts is possibly the foremost promoter of Zen.  Watts' book " The Wisdom of Insecurity,"  mentions, of all things, Comic Books.   What are Chakras?  The Tao means what?  When kids grow up and learn about Meditation will they be tainted by our stupidity and greed?  

Views of my shop 1986--1996

      Buzz words usually lower consciousness and cause confusion. Of course when I use to publish stuff as a youngster I made up names that sounded good but had little or no meaning such as:  Beyond Infinity,  Eon the Magazine of Graphic Illusions. I know less now than I did then.  What is craft, art, Love, Truth?  
      In the mid 1990's different factions of the Comic Industry warred against each other and nearly lost their whole audience, I feel (I know -- I watched it--still happening now) (circa 1996) (and it continues in the new battlefield of on-line auctions).  
My discount fell from 55% off to 25%  off  (thanks to Marvel's selection of Heroes World to help ruin my life) so I decided retail was not for me.  Titles were overproduced and people who collected thirty or more titles weekly had to cut back and many stopped buying comics altogether. Publishers have the right to publish whatever they want. Customers have become more selective out of financial consideration, primarily. Prices jumped from $1.00 to $2.50  for a new comic in a very short amount of time.   (Who manipulated the shutting down of Sparta?!).  
       I held several autograph parties with Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in the 1970's and 1980's. I threw over 50 successful autograph parties with many wonderful comic book artists and writers. I'd host the event, provide refreshments, do all the advertising, graphic art, press releases, etc. It was an exhilarating experience.  It was fun to interact with pros and fans.  I gave away a lot of free promo stuff.
        Ninth Nebula's first autograph party was held with Stan Lee, publisher of Marvel Comics.  For ten years my shop endured in North Hollywood, CA next door to the world's oldest Science Fiction Club (a built in audience of friends and fans and computer fiends).  I had already managed a chain off and on for 10 years in Westwood, CA, Studio City, CA and Long Beach, CA.  
      The Stan Lee event evoked long lines of Comic Book fans of all ages drooling for Stan's signature on the splash page of their old and new comics.  Nowadays professionals sign comics on the cover of their title en mass which I don't approve of.  (But who listens to me).
      Comics forms are often abused by aspiring young publishers who use several unnecessary full page splashes when the effect could be achieved in a tiny panel--waste of money, ink and paper if you ask me.  Unlike the good old days when Steve Ditko gave us our money's worth in the form of about 6 panels per page--he in his way was like a Zen Master--the precision of his work rivaled the art of Chinese Calligraphy (see his unique style in old Atlas Comics from the 1950's).  Some of the recent experimentation's by Frank Miller

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