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    Pokemon Gold/Silver

    By Jorden

    I'm sure most of you have read my
    import review, but for the benefit of those who haven't, the Import scores will be in brackets.

    Story: 8 (7)

    Virtually the same as the first game. You are a young person starting out on your Pokemon adventure. A few minor changes in rivals and things like that but otherwise it's the same. Scored a little higher because I can now read everything and it makes a little more sense to me.

    Graphics: 9 (9)

    BIG step up from the other games. The world looks much better, has GBC support, and the battles look much smoother. In battles, both the characters and attacks look so much better than before. Also great redoing of the old world!

    Gameplay: 8 (7)

    The same as the last game although a few things have been improved. More PKMN boxes and your item lists are sorted. You can also assign the bike to the select button...

    Sound: 8 (8)

    Once again the music is very good for GB and you have the ability to change "radio stations" while you play (after finding a radio...). There are also different radio stations in both worlds.

    Lasting Value: 9 (8)

    With 251 monsters to catch (no you can't catch Mew, and Celebii will be exactly the same so technically 249 for those without access to a Nintendo tour), more gyms than ever, and a new elite four will add some length to the game not to mention the final challenge! Don't forget, if you want the easy way out you can trade old Pokemon over...

    Bottom Line

    I like this game a heck of a lot more than I did the import but it still isn't the "perfect game". I think it deserves more than a 9 but its quite easy and there are a few other factors to keep it from a 10. If you have not bought it and want something to last go ahead what are you waiting for?

    Final Score: 9.5 (8) out of 10

    Rated E for everyone


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