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    Pokemon Gold/Silver (Import)

    By Jorden

    Finally Pokemon 2 is in my hands, but is it better or even as good as the original?

    Story: 7

    The same as the first, you are asked to do a favor for a professor and he gives you a Pokemon in return. You have a rival and must collect badges. Nothing new here.

    Graphics: 9

    BIG step up from the other games. The world looks much better, has GBC support, and the battles look much smoother. In battles, both the characters and attacks look so much better than before.

    Gameplay: 7

    Walk, fight wild pkmn, walk, fight wild pkmn, fight trainer, heal, complete gym, and repeat. This does get tedious after a while and is much easier than the original game. This could have used a little improvement.

    Sound: 8

    Once again the music is very good for GB and you have the ability to change "radio stations" while you play (after finding a radio...). But does the Pokemon cry's annoy anyone else except me?

    Lasting Value: 8

    With 251 monsters to catch (no you can't catch Mew, and Seribi will be exactly the same so technically 249 for those without access to a Nintendo tour), more gyms than ever, (don't ask, because I will not tell. The game will not be spoiled by me) and a new elite four will add some length to the game not to mention the final challenge!

    Bottom Line

    As much as I hate to admit it I almost enjoy playing RBY more. Maybe it's because of the language, or the difficulty. Either way I will review the English version later and we will see what's changed.

    Final Score: 8 out of 10


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