rWelcome to Termina





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Webring and Affiliates
26/01/2001 - We had an overwhelming response to our Stay or Go poll we are pleased to announce that with 91% of voters (53 of a total of 58 voters) wanting us to stay, we are. Fans of Welcome to Termina will be able to acess the site (although it will be unupdated) as much as they wish. With a total of over 1420 hits we are going out with a bang; The Cube. The Cube is our new website dedicated to Gamecube and the elsuive Spin Off section (which failed to make an appearance here) will be making its debut at The Cube. Everything that you loved about this site and everything that we couldn't manage to fit onto it will be incorporated into The Cube. You will be able to access my lengthy update, more of a speech really, from a link on the links bar. We are trying hard to make the transition from Termina to The Cube as pleasent as possible and we will soon have a survey up there to ask you what you want. That's it from us here at the crew. You all know that at the end of any good game comes the credits. So here's ours, thanks for being a part of Welcome to Termina - NintenDevil

Welcome to Termina

Jarrod Farquhar-Nicol, The NintenDevil
Webmaster, Designer, Editor, Author

Aaron Hobbs, The Nintendo kNight
Researcher, Ideas Man, Formalities

Josh Farquhar, The NintenDemon
Researcher, Proof reader

Special Thanks
Everyone who supported us and visited our site


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