Caring for the Person with AD

Caring for a person with AD can be quite challenging due to the effects that the disease has on the person's brain. However, there are different techniques/tips that can help family members and health care professionals to provide better care.

Communication Tips

- Limit distractions.
- Avoid crowded areas.
- Speak clearly and slowly while maintaining eye contact.
- Allow the person time to process the information that they have recieved and to determine their response.
- You may need to repeat what you have said.

Feeding Tips

- Health Care Professional should assess the persons gag reflex.Use thickening agents in beverages and soups, when needed.
- Cafinated beverages may make the person feel restless.
- Pediatric cups work well for patients who have problems drinking.

Hygiene Tips

- The person may not recognize their reflection in mirrors. Cover mirror with sheet or towel.
- Don't rush the bathing process. Wash one body part at a time. Rushing may confuse and agitate the person.

Sleeping Tips

- Shorten nap periods during the day-if person wakes frequently during the night.

Wandering Tips

- Disguise doorways or tape a red stop sign on door to avoid wandering.
- Wandering may be caused by a physical issue like pain or the need to void, rule this out before dealing with the problem.

General Tips

-People with AD typically do not like change. Try to maintain familiar looking surroundings.
-Place name labels on photos of familiy members around the house.
-Problem behaviours may be related to the persons need to do something else such as drink, eat, or use the washroom.
-Do not argue with the person. This may lead to more confusion. If the person repeats questions, act as if it is the first time that you heard the question. Also, try to find a hidden meaning in the question. Sometimes people ask a repeated question that relates to something else that they need.

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