Name: Nick North
Age: 23
Gender: FTM
Location: Up State NY
My brain is male, that means I think and feel like a guy. It's ture I never ask for directions, and I always think I'm right (I gotta work on that part!).  Oh yeah, that picture up there is me in kinderganden! I started Testosterone on 11-12-01. Not really a big deal. I am doing a documrntary on my transition to help out other ftms.

Well I was born in San Diego, Ca and lived there for 21 years.. Now I live in BUMBLEFUCK Up State NY! It's the fuckin' TWLIGHT ZONE!! People in Up State NY ARE POD PEOPLE I'm not even in a town, we don't even have 911 yet!!� NO 7-11, No Taco Bell, No Hot Topic, Not even Target! Dude, I'm SO lost here... Well, I do like the outdoors more then anything in the world, I'm just used to living in a city! It feels like I'm on a never ending camping trip.

So what do I do? I hike, bike, and kayak most of the time. Sometimes I go kick it at the river and watch stuff, like animals or something.  Right now I'm training horses to. I've never trained a horse alone before, but there's always a first time yo..  I also like taking pictures of stuff too. I draw stuff like tattoos etc. Sometimes I make graphics on my SLOW ASS computer...

All my life I have dressed like a guy... Damn.. Hold up, there was like 2 years of highschool that everyone in the world tryed to make me a girl. IT SUCKED! I looked like some damn DRAG OUEEN!!! When I grow up I think I wanna be a body piecer. (BONE YOU ROCK! & BABYBONE & ROACH TOO! "I AM THE GUSSANO!!!")

My favorite movies are Nowhere, Harold & Muade, The Goonies, Kids, & Gummo. I listen to almost all kinds of mysic, BUT HICK MUSIC!! I HATE THAT SHIT!!! NIN, Tool, ON, Creed, & God Lives Underwater are my Favorites. I still watch cartoons... Scooby Doo ROCKS!!! I also like the Smurfs, Gumby, & The Snorks. I so watch Recess, you should watch that shit, it's fuckin' funny as hell. I also watch Angela Anaconda, that shit is hella funny too.

If you wanna know what I'm up to, check out my Live Journal. Or if you want you can IM me at
ninorth Aim: NINorth
That is alittle bit about me, so uhhhh DEAL WITH IT!
Peace OUT!
To Learn More About Me?
My Transgender Stuff..
On  The Edge Of Nowhere
Some Links Of Some Stuff
Hey Peoples.. So, you're� wondering what FTM means, right? It stands for female to male. Basiclly I am a freak and I was born a girl and my parents didn't know any better so they tryed to raise me as one. They were WORNG!!
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