Cheeky Monkey
A covert spy, Cheeky Monkey utilizes her fine tuned problem solving skills to combat tardism across the country.  Gifted with a wealth of linguistic and literary knowledge, wordplay is her most powerful weapon against stupidity.  She has been known to confound idiots so well that their heads and hearts implode simultaneously.  She is also a gifted code breaker and safe cracker who is yet to meet a boundary she could not cross or a message she could not read.
Cheeky Monkey's Responses to the Ninja Monkey Survey

Part I

Name a color:
List three adjectives to describe the color: Bright, warm, clean

Name an animal:
flying fish
List three adjectives to describe the animal:
versatile, tasty, fast

Name a body of water:
Pacific Ocean
List three adjectives to describe the body of water:
salty, choppy, expansive

You are in a white room with no doors or windows. 
List three adjectives to describe the room:
light, hard, suffocating

Key to interpretation of Part I
(don't read if you haven't responded yourself; knowing destroys the integrity)

Part II

01. What is your favorite word? 

02. What is your least favorite word? Actually

03. What turns you on? forearms and hands

04. What turns you off?

05. What is your favorite curse word?
(lately) Motherfuck (ie "You Motherfuck!)

06. What sound or noise do you love?
my nieces' voices

07. What sound or noise do you hate?
Metal eating utensils rubbing against one another

08. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

09. What profession would you not like to attemp?
Meter Maid-ing

10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive?
"See, you DO get to see them all again."
"Don't get eliminated!"
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