
The first name of this organization is Rumah Kebajikan al-Khariyah, and now it changes to Pertubuhan Rumah Anak Yatim dan Miskin (RTSAY) Sg Pinang, Klang. It is founded by the late Tn. Haji Sirat bin Hj Ismail at the beginning of 1950. Tn Haji Sirat got their education at Mekah. One of the reasons why he establish the orphanage is he don't want the orphan got neglected and astray the as like her. Now, this organization are passed by Hj Bani bin Saemin. All the financial funds are from his own initiative.

Today the, total number of orphans in the orphanage were 54 people. There are 30 male and 24 female orphans. The orphans get their study at many school in Klang. Before the orphans can enter the home, they were in the interview to know more about their origin and personal charecteristic. This orphanage has 10 staff to keep on them. One of the problem in this orphanage is lack of donor.