Tai-San Shuurajou


Embraced in Asia by Bai Ling Shuurajou (a childe of Malaikat Shuurajou), Tai-San was a dutiful pupil and ardent lover to her Sire. Within the confines of the strict society set not only by her sire, but her Clan, and the Kindred themselves, left Tai-San feeling like a caged bird. Seeking the freedom she needed in her homeland, Tai-San found that she had an even shorter tether than she had suspected. Still young, and a pupil by her Sire's standards, Tai-San found restrictions at every turn. Unable to do anything more, she returned to Bai Ling's side to continue the lessons she would learn at his hands, and beneath his body. An avid pupil and skilled sorceress, Tai-San pushed herself to become the best, what Bai Ling had planned to make her. When her studies were completed, she was dismayed to find that a position had already been carved out of the Shuurajou mold for her. She was to become a Clan Enforcer. With quiet grace and dignity, she accepted the position. Bai Ling saw great potential in the young Tai-San and sought to keep her at his side, learning the 'game' as he called it. Tai-San had other idea's, and they included a young Therion by the name of Crisanto. Knowing her Sire held belief's on keeping the Clan pure the same as Tansei, Tai-San kept her romance a secret. All the while Bai Ling was busily plotting the downfall of her lover. The schemer that he is, Tai-San's Sire made her believe that there was an actual chance to be with Crisanto. Crisanto was killed, staked out in the sun to burn, the very day the two of them were to come forth with their romance. There was no doubt in Tai-San's mind who's doing it was. Jinjakoumi's cruel teasing only aided the change that would take Tai-San.

She became exactly what he detested. Lavish, excessive, flamboyant, and disrespectful even, Tai-San was far too buried beneath the pain of her loss to realize what her actions of rebellion would cost. Malaikat had attempted to step in, only to be rebuffed by Bai Ling and Tai-San alike. If he could not deal with his unruly childe, then he was not fit for his position. Tai-San, her teachings from Bai Ling influencing her, saw Malaikat's intervening as a loss to the honor for herself and her Sire. Malaikat conceeded to them both.

Tai-San was taken away the following night. Bai Ling did not return to the U.S. for many weeks, and there was no clue amongst the Clan of what was happening with Tai-San. Malaikat, of course, knew what procedures Bai Ling would use. She knew the cruelty her childe could invoke when crossed, especially by one of his own brood.

Pain and guilt was to become Tai-San's friend over those next few months. When she returned, she was once again the obediant childe, but there was no longer a spark of 'life' within her eyes. Malaikat felt a pressure within the young vampire. The sheer will it took to surpress Tai-San's rage, anger, and sorrow stunned the Shuurajou Head. The power of emotions was as dangerous as any power a vampire harnessed. Malaikat wondered how long Tai-San could hold herself together.

When Bai Ling left her in New York to go on business for Shuuken Corporation, Malaikat felt the pressure break and burst forth within Tai-San. The power of her emotions enhanced her abilities beyond that of a normal vampire. A change occured within her, and power, withheld for so long, blossomed like the terrible dawn. Tai-San's eyes aged dozens of millenia before Malaikat's gaze. Her power increased a hundred-fold. When Bai Ling returned, Malaikat looked on as Tai-San snapped the tangible, centuries old blood bond between Sire and Childe. It was forbidden, only a Sire could break a blood bond. She walked calmly out. Bai Ling wanted Tai-San dead. Tansei wished to harness her power and make her an asset to the Clan. Malaikat sensed Tai-San's pain, anger, and most of all her lonliness. She agreed with Tansei to bring the girl back. Before they could do that, however, Tai-San dissapeared for exactly two days, then returned to the city and hunted down her Sire. His death was felt by the entire Clan. Tai-San ran, away from the anger of her clan, away from the sorrow and dissapointment she felt coming from Malaikat.

Her sense of duty, of honor, is what has prompted her return to New York. She must face her Clan Leader, the Clan Council, and the crime she has commited. Her honor will allow nothing less.

Tai-San doesn't allow anyone to get close to her. There is a chasm as deep and wide as the Gulf seperating her from her Clan. A hardened creature, Tai-San doesn't allow emotions to cloud the surface. 

She learned well what it is like to be punished for her emotions, and though her power is great enough that she could stop most from hurting her, she still harbors that fear from her life with Bai Ling.

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