Jinjakoumi Shuurajou

Jinjakoumi was born under a blood moon, daughter to a lowly Shuurajou retainer in Hong Kong.  Never satisfied with her lot in life, Jin concealed her displeasure at being the daughter of one who was food on the ladder of life.  She actively sought out vampires in their lairs, in their Havens, and in their high rise offices, starting trouble and ruffling their feathers. 

The attention she got was exactly what she wanted.  She was Embraced by Aiji Shuurajou, who later found out that embracing Jin was the worst and best thing she could have done.  As a human, Jin was unpredictable.  But when she was turned, the veneer of the wild child slipped to reveal a girl totally at the mercy of the Beast riding her back.  Apparently, the homicidal tendencies were not caught by Aiji before she embraced the girl.

Jinjakoumi is a mistress of illusions.  She is capable of great subtly and terrifying displays of violence, and thrives on the Kill.  Not even elders know when and if she is acting or being herself, because she possesses so many personalities.

She does what she wants and listens to no one, not even her Clan Leader.  The ways of the Council seemed old and outdated to her, and she seeks to rebel against it, usually coaxing other younger Kindred into her mad schemes to create chaos.  She has no remorse, feels no guilt or pain, and has no trace of a soul.  When she was created, she lost all semblance of human emotion, leaving her with a Hunger that was first amongst her priorities and the pleasure of the Hunt and Kill.

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