Aiji Shuurajou


Aiji Shuurajou, eldest Childe of Malaikat, and the Clan's technology head.  Born in Manchuria, Aiji has no memories of her life before she was embraced. She reveres her mother as something akin to a goddess, remembering how she saved their lives on that island so long ago.  For that reason, she has managed to overlook her own feelings for Tansei, and has focused on building their Clan into its current position of power.

As head of the Shuuken technology division, Aiji has led their Clan from number counters with abbacus to the leaders in the world of internet communication.  Under her guidance, Shuuken has developed such cutting edge technology as wireless internet, and superconductive ceramics.  Shuuken was a major guiding force behind the development of such common items as fax machines and pal pilots.

There is a darker side to Shuuken as well.  Using their technology, Aiji has access to virtually every main super-computer used within the national government.  She can tap into any wire transfer, any guarded govenment file, any defense mechanics she pleases.  Her information gathering has helped secure the Shuurajou's place in New York, and kept them on their toes regarding other Clan's activities. Every Therion activity with the military, every Hemithanes political contact - Aiji knows it before anyone else.  It is the power of information, and has kept the Shuurajou's vault bulging, and kept the Clan's secrets safe.  No other Clan in the world is positioned to gain as much power as the Shurrajou as the world explodes into the 21rst century.  Such power makes Aiji one of the most feared Kindred in the city.  With a few taps on her keyboard, Aiji literally has the power to destroy corporations, separate families, ruin lives - and all from the safety of her office.  

Aiji is a merciless killer, a trait she did not inherit from her sire, and can often be found partying with November Hemithanes.  The two Kindred beauties enjoy nothing more then stalking their prey together, and have both been censured more then once by their respective Clan heads for risking the Masquerade in
their destructive delights.  When not at Kat's side, Aiji is often found dancing the night away at either the Orb or Tsunami.

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