Coco La Croix

Coco LaCroix was an only child, a lonely child who had no one to raise her but her grandma-ma. City life seemed to call out to Coco to join it, blend with it. She ran wild as a child, never obaying what her grandma-ma told her, sneaking out to play in the park at night as a kid, to running with the tuff crowd and cutting school as well as drinking and smoking in her early teens. Being that her grandma-ma was elderly, she couldn't do too much to inforce her rules of the house, and worried that Coco would wind up a victim of the streets.

By the ninth grade Coco was cutting school on a regular basis and was doing everything she shouldn't have been doing. One day some girls started making fun of Coco in the school parking lot, and these girls were known to play dirty, carry knives-Coco didn't back down and was prepaired to stand her ground. Tyler Baines saw what was going to go down, and stepped in, on Coco's this day he don't know why. However they have been the best of friends...more like brother and sister ever since.

Coco is the only one whom Baines will let call him by his given name, and after 10 years of friendship, Granma-ma has since passed on, leaving Baines the only family Coco has. Coco now runs a club in the city called Heat which runs after hours and attracts both humans and vampires. In the midst of her wildness Coco had contracted a serious illness that couldn't be cured and she accepted her fate, by herself...not telling Baines. Baines, aside from beeing a foot solider for his clan runs security at Coco's club. One night Drachan Kerr wandered into Heat, looking for his sister whom he had to meet on the sly when his eyes settled on Coco. He has tried on several occasions to get Coco to go out with him, but she always turns him down politley even tho she is attracted to him. This is done out of respect for Baines. Drachan had a premanition of Coco's death and offered her immortality, Coco refused, again out of respect for Baines. Not wanting to see her beauty fade so soon Drachan Kerr told Baines what he saw, and Baines confronted Coco with this. She admitted to Baines she was dying and Baines then embraced her.

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