Dulcia Hemithanes

Dulcia Finnely was the daughter a servant girl in England. As her Mother was treated as a virtual daughter to her Mistress, so was Dulcia treated as a sister to her Mistresses own children. She enjoyed the privileged life that came with growing up as the friend and playmate of one of the wealthier Families in England. But, Dulcia was a jealous girl, and rightfully so. She despaired of having to touch and taste what she herself would never have; the power, esteem, and money that her friend had grown up with. This jealousy created a sore in her soul that festered as she grew into her teen years. After receiving one too many snubs from the rich dandies constantly in and out of the mansion, Dulcia had finally had enough. She packed her meager belongings and left the house that she had virtually grown up in for parts unknown. Ending up in the seedier districts of England, it could be said that Dulcia was fortunate to have met up with Madame Courtney. Or else, she would have ended up another whore on the streets of England, and in dire straits. As it was Madame Courtney was a former courtesan, and though married and newly respectable in the eyes of society, she still felt the thrill of the challenge of taking an innocent dove under her rouged wings.

Under the guise of Courtney's young ward, Dulcia was taught, both by the Madame, and by her husband. On a trip to Paris, Madame Courtney let her loose on the populace. Word of the beautiful and untouched courtesan spread through the society of Paris like wildfire. Dulcia conned and enticed the nobles, and their wives, as well as a large number of the religious members of high society. Known for her charms, her incredible tongue, and her skill with a whip and flogger, Dulcia's name was circulated into the darker circles of society as well. There was no end to the perverse pleasures that she could provide - and she did provide them all. And this was the reason that the Hemithanes Clan simply had to have her amongst their ranks. Delilah's more spiteful children discouraged it though, knowing that Dulcia's popularity amongst the humans, and her darker talents becoming a hit with the demons, that she would override their positions as Delilah's favorites. But, Delilah Embraced her anyway. It was whispered by those same spiteful Hemithanes that the only reason that Delilah embraced the woman was because Dulcia held some weight with the the Therions, as well as Izabena Hemithanes, the Keeper of Elysium. Although it was untrue at the time, the gossip did add weight to her popularity, dragging it upwards through the ranks instead of down through the gutters. It was even rumored that Dulcia has even had Delilah in the sling a time or two, and that the Hemithane Queen enjoyed it very much. 

As a vampire, and a Hemithanes, the desire for Dulcia and her talents by the masses reached a fever pitch. But it was to be William Therion that Dulcia would ply her charms on, and be played in returned. At the time, she was sleeping with Tansei Shuurajou, and enjoying the many Eastern delights when she was introduced to Alexander's soon-to-be exiled son, William.

The two were quickly lovers, and playmates, indulging in every kind of game there was to be played. But for Dulcia, it became more than a game. The stakes were raised when her heart became involved in their relationship. Dulcia fell in love with William, and though Hemithanes are renowned for falling in and out of love by the hour, Dulcia knew that was she felt was no whim. But William hurt her terribly, cruelly rebuffing her love, and eventually the woman herself just before he was exiled, leaving an open scar on her soul that only his ruin with heal. In truth, Dulcia was glad he was gone, for she would not have to see the mocking smile on his face ever again.

She returned to Paris for a bit, opening an underground escort service for those more inclined to the darker side of sexual fantasy and play. Dulcia came to New York in the early twenties, intent on expanding her 'services', using Roxanne's business as a front. Taking on work at the Whip to occupy her ever wandering mind, Dulcia counts herself as one of the 'beautiful ones', with a soul that is black and twisted from years of pain, passions, and anger; a soul that the rest of her clans see's as insurmountably beautiful. 

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