Sofia Di Nerezza


Her name may mean ‘wisdom’ but Sofia DiNerezza lives for fun.  Three hundred years ago, Sofia was the willful only child of a wealthy Italian family living next to the DiNerezzas.  Always in the spotlight either as the only heir to the families immense fortune or as the example of what young ladiesof the time should never be, Sofia made waves in the highly traditional community.  One person who took notice was the DiNerezza enforcer  Armando.

Hungering for wealth of his own, Armando sired Sofia hoping that she would turn her family fortune over to him.  Wild, Sofia was, but stupid, never.  She killed both of her parents and took their money for her own.  Armandowas furious with his childe.  Fearing for her safety, Sofia sold her houseand possesions quickly.  She had to go to the last place he would ever expect of her, a savage, uncivilized terror of a land.  Sofia caught a ship to the Americas taking only her trunks filled with money.

The ship landed in New York.  Sofia was horrified at the living conditions and very nearly left for Italy, even if it would mean her death.  Coming to her senses, she decided not to leave.  Under the guise of a young wealthy widow, Sofia slipped effortlessly into the society.  Even when strange deaths began occurring where the victim was drained of blood, no one suspected the young Widow DiNerezza.  Despite her desire to socialize, the superstitious atmosphere kept her nearly a recluse for many years. Employing loyal servants, later turned ghouls, Sofia kept the city nearly free of the homeless.  People spoke about the Widow’s kindness in bringing in the unwanted of the city and finding them jobs within her mansion. 

After nearly two decades of self imposed house, Sofia rose to take a center place in the growing social scene playing the part of the Widow’s only child.  She held lavish balls at her home every season.  There was some gossip about the odd fact there was a Sofia DiNerezza in every generation that looked so very much like her mother.  Servants were quick to dispel any rumors knowing those that spoke ill of her often disappeared or died. 

Time marched on as it often does.  New York changed and grew.  More vampirescame to the city.  Sofia cared very little for politics as long as she was not attacked.  Every time the fashionable, classy place to live changed, Sofia was one of the first to move.  Through shrewd investments and more than a few illegal practices, she added to her personal fortune.  Still the party lover she always was, Sofia attends the best parties in the city, knowing the leader of the clan behind them doesn’t hurt.

A tad on the eccentric side, Sofia is a rather unpredictable woman.  Ever the temptress, Sofia is always on the lookout for a new lover, be they mortal, vampire, or other. 

Sofia is rather amused at the recent in pouring of the West Coast vampires. Knowing of no other DiNerezza in New York, she had grown quite accustom to spending time with the established clans on her side of the country.  One of her closer friends is Delilah Hemithanes, leader of the most lavish  East Coast clan.  Sofia wonders how the arrival of Canio to New York will  affect her life and the politics of the Council.  One thing is for certain, if Armando comes with them, he will not find the same weak girl who fled from him in Italy.

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