Cade Di Nerezza

Cade was embraced in the year 1102 by Canio DiNerezza.  Cade has been Canio's silent business partner in all matters since his embrace. He has been Canio's right-hand and negotiator whenever Canio was absent, has waged wars and made peace in Canio's stead.  He is an information getter, and finds out whatever Canio needs to know.  He considers Canio one of his closest friends.

Even though he and Canio are like brothers, he is still very dark and mysterious.  Not even Canio knows everything about him.  He is a silent,contemplative man, and very rational in irrational situations, though the last year has been tasking to even him.  In coming to Los Angeles he faced his past many times over, not only with his clan, but with his first love, Gabriella Vincenza.  She changed him like never before, for the better some thought.  But Cade lost that stoic, rational veneer in situations which demanded that he be as alert as possible.  Feeling that he'd failed his Clan, he drew away from his only distraction.  It was, by the far, the hardest thing he has done in his eternity, and the willpower that allowed him to do could move continents.

Again the business-minded man the Clan knows him for, Cade plunged himself into the business of keeping his Clan safe and secure as wars for territory started.  The influenza virus took them all by surprise, and the results had Cade fighting viciously for blood for his Clan.  It also had him, as Lead Enforcer of the Di Nerezza army, keeping them from fighting each other for blood.

The move to New York has left Cade busy, and he relishes throwing himself into the work if only to keep his mind from straying to his Gabriella, and the heartache and longing that accompanies every thought of her.Cade has seen lots of death, entirely too much for his taste.  He has livedfairly quietly, but now he must reemerge and possibly fight by his Clans side to earn a place in their new city.

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