Raven Andrasta

Raven is a sweet, almost naive person. She always looks for the good in people, and almost always has a smile on her face, and many people are attracted to her charm and personality. Upon meeting Raven, due to her soft voice and quiet demenor, you almost feel like you need to protact and shelter her. With long, silky brown hair, blue eyes, and almost alabaster skin men crave her, and women want to befriend her. And that's when she pounces on you, as you've fallen right into her trap.

In her mortal life Raven never looked for trouble, always played by the rules and always was there for her friends. She worked as a librain in New York City, and emersed herself in all kinds of studies, from history, to business, to dark magic. She has a gift for the dark arts, and had submerged herself in the study of white magic. Since she realized she had 'the gift' she always carries a bag of Rune stones with her and casts them when the whim hits her, wether it be for a simple question, or at the request of someone visiting the library.

One night, when walking home to her apartment in the village, Raven felt a dark presence stalking her. With a quick glance she looked over her shoulder, spotting no one. Crouching down, she cast her runes to see what they told her, and they spelt out death. Scooping them up, she started to run, only to be snatched by the hand of her assaliant. Gazing into her blue eyes, Sebastion Andrasta mesmorized her...trying to read her mind, to sense her fear. He sniffed her, as a wolf would sniff the air for information...and was startled. Sebastion sensed that this innocent girl would not do as a meal itself, that she would be quiet powerful, and a wonderful gift to Dimitri...an addition to the Andrasta family.

Sebastian then embrased Raven, in her mesmorized state and hauled her off to show Dimitri "what the cat dragged in". Dimitri was both appauled as well as thrilled that Sebastion would sire someone who was such an "innocent" but then he too read her aura and saw the power and strenght she possessed. Dimitri expressed his pleasure to Sebastian and turned Raven over to him to train, but Sebastion wanted nothing to do with her. Dimitri then decided that he would be Raven's "adopted father" and teach her the ways, glad to see that she was a quick learner.

Maybe it was because Sebastion sired her, maybe it was because Raven crossed over to the other side. But her penchant for magic then turned to only black magic, and hunting. Dimitri saw the girl had a knack for both physical and mental torture and was pleased that the sight of blood did not upset her as it did some of the women in his clan and the others. On the one year aniversary of her turn, Dimitri gifted Raven with a wolf cub, which has become her loyal companion never leaving her side. Even tho she has been adopted into the Andrasta family-she will only go by her first name, Raven. Even tho she prefers to be called Rae (she figures the name fits both sexes and can be used as a trap). She feels neither one way or the other for her true sire, Sebastion and feels she has nothing to prove to anyone. The one guy that gets under her skin is Simon Andrasta. Now working along side him as an enforcer he never gives her her due. He feels she has no right being in his line of work, and feels even tho she is a tuff girl, that this is not the place for her to be. Raven knows that Simon will never accept that she can be a cold-hearted killer, but just wants his acceptance. She also knows he still misses his wife, and in a way he may compare Raven to his memories. Raven has set her mind to changing how he thinks.


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