Davic Andrasta

Davic Andrasta came to New York in the time of 'anarchy', when chaos and destruction crippled the streets. Kindred killed in blatant view of the Hunters that would just as soon slaughter newborn vampires as opposed to an elder of their species. Davic was by no means 'young' when he came to New York. He was in fact so old that he could not remember his re-birth in the World of Darkness. As an ancient, he was of the top ranks, his power fisted in the palm of his hand and as tight-lipped about the secrets of how he obtained it. He was no Saint, either. Davic committed some of the most atrocious acts in his bid for power that New York would ever see. He gloried in the destruction at one point.

When Lillith came to New York, Davic was one of the strongest supporters of chaos and violence rather than Lillith's way of peace. Living in New York at that time, violence was the only way to secure the ever-changing balance of control. It was no surprise that threats to his own, small kingdom of power eventually swayed Davic to listen. And he watched, not more than a year later, as his influence flourished in New York, under Lillith's guidance of the city.

In the newer nights, Davic is one of the Council's strongest supports for peace and diplomacy, and has displayed as much on numerous occassions in his hundred or so years in New York.

Refusing to become a part of the clans who survived the earlier nights of chaos, Davic became something of an Independent. Not a Clanless Kindred, but more like a Vampire with ties of loyalty to a Council that protects him as he does it. There is no doubt that Davic is an Andrasta, despite his estrangement from his Clan.

Davic is well-bred, attractive, with aristocratic features and mannerisms to match. He is agressive, both physically and socially. Many times he has been called a "refined monster", by members of the Forty, a title that he adores. You see, Davic's acquaintances include Kindred and Kine alike. Davic embraces his Darkness. He is a monster, no matter how refined, and is not hesitant about displaying as much, a trait that has brought him much respect from his New York allies, which include all of the native New York Clans. He is the ultimate predator, and if he feels like treating the rest of the world as prey, then so be it.

Davic has something of a gift for manipulation, but he prefers bluntness and actions to slow deliberation. He is a patient man, but everyone's patience runs out eventually.


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