San Bernardino October 12-14, 2001
Holy cow, where do I begin??? Now I know what it feels like to be on tour... 5 concerts in 7 days in 5 different cities. I'm exhausted but I wouldn't have missed it for the world. I'm honestly having trouble putting together coherent thoughts right now so forgive me if I don't make sense. I should have kept a journal or something because now all of the events and shows of the past week are all blurring together.

Here are some of the highlights. Short story: I FINALLY MET NICK! (not til part 4 though) Long story: keep reading. Some of you were with me for parts of this but I'm just sending out a mass email to catch up everyone on my adventures last week. (By the way, I loved EVERY MINUTE of hanging out with you guys, EVERYONE, that made my week SO much better, BSB friends are the best!) Forgive the repetition if you've heard the details about the shows already. I'll try to keep it as brief as possible,
but it was an ENTIRE week of BSB, it CAN'T be short!!! I'll do this one concert at a time since
it's taking me freaking FOREVER to type up the whole thing. So here's part one...

SAN BERNARDINO October 12-14
Terri and I had a wonderful, fun, crazy weekend. When we asked the registration lady at our hotel
if they ever had famous people stay there, she told us there was
a "thick rumor" that BSB would be staying there that weekend. Of course it wasn't true,
but it freaked us out so bad that we hardly knew what to do with ourselves for the next 2 days.

We got to the venue early, saw the guys arrive around 5 pm. The showed up WITH the buses but not IN the buses, they were in black trucks and SUVs with tinted windows. Of course I bent over to dig out my camera just as Nick drove by, but Terri told me he was looking around so I'm convinced he was looking at
my butt. lol The venue security people were jerks on a power trip, but we ended up watching Nick and Eddie play catch with a football for a while. Nick pretty much sucks by the way, but it was fun watching him bend over to pick up the ball when he dropped it. *grin* Terri and I clapped when he FINALLY caught one,
but he didn't acknowledge us. I took pics and they actually didn't turn out too bad considering
we were kinda far away. He was wearing baggy jeans and what I later found out was that Goonies shirt --
it's my favorite movie, this is a big deal for me! We also saw Kevin walking into the building,
but no other Boy sightings despite all of our efforts.

The show was great, although I'm having trouble remebering details because all the concerts are blurring together. We were in row Q on Nick's side, not great but not too bad either. Met Krystal for the first time, what an absolute sweetheart, seems totally sincere, and she's even more beautiful in person. Kevin had his hair in cornrows -- a minor detail but I know some of you *coughDebicough* care. Nick freaked the camera during Don't Want You Back, the only time he did it in ALL of the shows this week. Damn that man
his sexy and he knows it. I was shocked as hell during Nick's band intro when AJ ran on stage and they did their Bye Bye Bye spoof thing. I NEVER heard anyone mention that they did that before -- was this a new thing? They did it at every show this week except Bakersfield. Afterwards Nick giggled, "Oh we're gonna get in trouble for that... but it's all in good fun." Aaron was there (he had a Raido Disney show in LA that afternoon), and AJ brought him on stage before The Call. Aaron said AJ was his favorite BSB, then Brian ran on stage and tackled Aaron, and then Nick ran on to the stage and carried Aaron off over his shoulder. We left during Drowning (no I was NOT one of the girls who rushed the stage lol)
because we were parked in a prime position to follow tour buses, and we did!

We followed the first BSB bus we saw, which I THOUGHT was Nick's, but we later figured out it was Howie's, although Howie was in a different bus all together later in the week. They knew I was around and were trying to confuse me. lol Anyway, we followed the bus for an hour until it got off the highway. At the
first stop light a body guard (no one I recognized -- black guy, light skin, goatee, bald) jumped out of the bus, came over to our car, POUNDED on the front window, and screamed, "If you don't stop following us I'm gonna f***ing slash your tires!" WHOA, a little extreme there. We were in shock, which later turned into being pissed off. Long story a little shorter, Terri and I ended up staying at a hotel in Beverly Hills. There is nothing more hysterical than 2 tired, hungry, BSB crazed fans without a change of clothes in a fancy hotel. Good lord it was a riot. Thank god we had sweaters to cover up our "I love bad boys" shirts. lol

To be continued...
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