
Past Daily...Almosts for your remembering pleasure.

Once you're done reading these, try some Newer Old Journal Entries. It's that real.

August 23, 2004
Well, I'm back at school. There's not much associated with that except for the usual. Moving in was fairly harmless, I even have extra room for stuff. The room setup is fresh and different thanks to my roommate. I think it will work out nicely. I've just been getting aquainted with living in the dorm, eating in the DH, and classes (which, to my horror, start tomorrow). I felt like I was beaten with a rod when I bought my books today. They cost over $600 - it brought my mood down about 17.5 happy points (and that's a lot considering the few I started with. I'd say the point level is pushing the envelope of negative numbers).
Anyway, at least it's a change to see my buddy list top out at more than 5 people online. AIM is so dead during the summer - props to all of you who stuck it out and got on a few times.
I guess I'll get my books ready for class in the morning. You're looking at the earliest bedtime of the semester (it's only downhill from here), clocking in at about 11:30pm. Goodnight.

August 17, 2004
Anything bad that I've ever said about Usher, I take it back. After attending his concert tonight, I have come to believe that Usher is THE shit. He's so amazing that I can't even begin to describe the level of sweetness that he's reached in my book. He performed almost all of his old hits and of course the triple threat that is Burn, Confessions Pt. 2, and Yeah. Oh, and the dancing? Off the heezy and very tight, son. If you can dance like Usher, I'll be your best friend for life. Damn, that concert was great! So, I'd like to dedicate this entry to Usher: the quintessence of cool.

In additon: Kanye was pretty sick too -- and by sick I mean the kind where he performs like a G and everyone loves him. Big spender.

August 12, 2004
Well I certainly just learned my lesson on buying things from little specialty shops. Their return policies, or rather exchange policies, are disappointing to say the least. They are way shorter than bigger chain stores, but they don't freely tell you that. It's probably my fault for not checking up on it, but I also kinda think they should let you know somewhere. Now I'm stuck with 2 things that I don't really want, but can't give them back. All I can tell you is that if you're shopping at a little mom and pop store, you'd better LOVE what you're getting and you'd better have no doubt in your mind that you're also gonna love it in 2 weeks. Otherwise you are, as they like to say, up shit creek without a paddle. Thank you to whoever I owe for these life lessons in buying only the things you really want and in procrastination and how you shouldn't do it. I suppose when you throw wasted money into the mix, it gets more real. Signing off, bitter and schooled.

August 11, 2004
I'll tell you this much. I need to stop going to bed so late. It has become a reoccuring trend to slide into the sheets around 3 in the morning. Anyway, I sincerely meant to put an entry in prior days to this but then our internet broke. Clearly it's fixed now, but frustrating it was indeed. I feel lost without the internet - and it's sad that I depend on it that much. I guess I can find a lot of information without using the internet...but it's the ease and centrality of the info from the computer that makes it ideal. Anyway, I've gotta jet cause I ain't got nothing good to say. I'll just end with saying that I love birthday dates and the people that take me on them (even if they are late).

August 7/8, 2004
The slash date is because technically it's August 8 since it's 3:15am. The ONLY reason I'm doing an update now is because Mr. Attitude put a sticker on my shirt telling me to "Update Website Now!!" Usually I don't respond well to threats (I been MAKING threats since I was in kindergarten - I'm so sincere), but I found this to be a valid one. Not just for my good, but for the good of humanity, for the good of all that is right and just in this world. Children are our future!!! Ahem, anyway. The Half-Price Books on Colerain sells magazines. How sweet is that?! I bought a couple (hundred). If you look real hard they have quite current issues, I imagine you'd have to bring your A-game to get recent month issues, but it's worth it. Well apparently my homepage is having major issues so I must tend to it. Lyrics of the day: Wait, you thought I lost ya...that's gonna cost ya.

August 5, 2004
I haven't included a picture thought for the day in a long here's one that I recently scanned in. Yes, I finally did discover how to use the badass scanner on our printer/copier/fax/scanner/breakfast cooker connected to the computer. X-citing!

Tell me to my face that this doesn't make you want to immediately jet off to Hawaii. I'll tell you that you're crazy.

July 28, 2004
Holy shit, guys. Is this a mere 3 day span between entries? You know, I didn't want to be THAT guy - the one that only puts entries in every 47 days. It seems that I've taken up a few of his qualities, but I am determined to change. I can nearly guarantee that they will appear with greater frequency when *knife to the heart* school starts again. It'll be my main homework deterent.
Anyway, my point of this entry is to tell you about what I wore today. Exciting, I know. But you guys will be really proud. It was our P&G closing banquet tonight and I wanted to wear something nice since everyone was gonna be there. After much deliberation, I decided to go with my heart (Aliya, be more dramatic) and wear this all white, a little past knee-length, flowy skirt. Sounds cool, right? Not. It's a disaster waiting to happen and you know me and disaster are like best friends. BUT, you'll be pleased to know that I didn't spill one thing on it! Except for that pen mark, cause i dropped it on my skirt, but that doesn't count cause you couldn't see it in the "stylish" wrinkles that formed through the course of the day. Celebrate! For Aliya was less of a spaz for a 15 hour period of her life. Cool story.

July 25, 2004
Soooooooo I've been sitting here for like hours trying to decide which CDs to order from BMG. I only order when they have sweet deals like 'Buy one, get 158 free' or something like that. Otherwise, they are overpriced and I could get the band to perform a private concert for cheaper than that. There's a way that you can preview the album to make sure you want to buy it, and me being the spendthrift (no comments on the shopping spree I may have mentioned, I took the big ticket item back) I am, take the liberty to listen to a little clippet of all the songs. You wouldn't think that would take so long but between finding and loading all the songs, you've got yourself one large chunk of wasted time cooked to perfection. I suppose it's slightly worth it though, cause I already decided not to get 3 CDs that I had decided to get because the clippets were highly disappointing. So I suggest maybe becoming a member of one of these clubs (how about mine so I can get 5 more free cds - i'll love you forever) because of the 4 regular priced CDs you'll have to buy over 20 years, you get upwards of 39 free - no foolin'. I don't joke when it comes to 2 things: money and music - and here's both.

July 16, 2004
Mihi gave me a hug!!!!(for those of you who know the story then you know it's super awesome!) (for those of you who don't, i'll just let you know that it's super awesome) That's all I have to say today. Straight money.

July 13, 2004
Oh (space for emphasis) my (and anoher one) god. So I'm at work, chillin' and looking at some tax returns and the lady next to me comes back from her maternity leave. She looks nice and all, so I'm down for whateva. But THEN I hear her laugh and immediately I want to end my life. I'm not real good at describing things, but I'll take a crack at it. It starts off kinda normal and progressively gets higher and faster until the windows start to explode. Okay (very) slight exaggeration, but it's real bad. Plus she happens to laugh every time someone calls her. So the second I hear that phone ring I know my sanity is in for a beating. Ahhh (real monsters - go Kristen)!! Fine, I'll let it go, but it's going to be really annoying laugh is one of the worst things...ever (sorta). Song of the day: "Go The Distance" Michael "No-Talent Ass Clown" Bolton

July 9, 2004
Okay okay. Get this. Last year, I was at some big shot meeting with BT (my manager) and a bunch of other people that really didn't want anything to do with me. However,there was one young guy there - his name was Jeff - and he was soooo hot. I mean like Top 5 cutest at P&G. Anyway, to keep myself amused during the meeting, I just payed attention to this kid. A little further along in the summer, I sent him an email asking a work related question and he NEVER wrote back. I was heartbroken to put it lightly. Then,TODAY, I saw BT and Jeff downstairs in the lobby. Jeff's like, "I think I was in like one meeting with you last summer." I was all, "Oh yeah, I totallyremember." Then he says, "Yeah, you sent me an email last summer and I NEVER wrote you back. I tried to send it a while later and it was like 'user doesn't exist' and I'm thinking shoot! I hope that didn't screw up your internship at all." Everyone laughs. He REMEMBERED that I sent him 1 little email out of the thousands you get per year and that he didn't answer it and STILL feels bad about it to this day. Yes! Did I mention yet how attractive this guy is? You'd be falling all over yourself, too. *Beaming*

July 1, 2004
Guys, let's be serious for just a moment. It's July 1st. Do you know that summer is practically over. Once you hit July, you can never go back. I know everyone's got exciting places to go for next semester, but the horror that is regular school will be in full force come late August. It's time to achieve and make the most of what little time there is left in this happy place. Anyway, on to less heart breaking things. Instead of working today, we went to Jillian's. If you are not familiar with it, it's this fun place with life-size video games and bowling and other neat stuff. It was really a lot of fun. Plus I think the bartender put a little tipsy in our drinks DESPITE the fact that we are underage. Things were getting crazy no doubt. Then we got these tight bracelet chain things for FRIZEE (that's 'free' with 'iz' thrown it...yeah I gotta work on not doing that). Anyway, props to the kids who keep it real and I'm always down fo whateva. Song of the day:"Get Over Yourself" by Eden's Crush. Hahahaha.

June 19, 2004
Supersize me. No, that would be bad. BUT - the movie also called "Super-size Me" was quite good. This guy eats nothing but McDonalds for an entire month...go see the movie to find out how that worked out for him. Something else that's been supersized - my annoyance level at work. I think my manager enjoys explaining things to me AFTER I attempt to do it how I thought it was supposed to be done. And one of my most favorite things is re-doing work. I can't get enough. Finally, the cicadas are dwindling away...I'm gonna miss the little guys (tear). Artist of the day: Craig David (if you can believe that).

June 12, 2004
So I guess a fair amount has happened since my last post abot 400 days ago. My bad if anyone still looks at this website. I'll put the updates in a nice list for quick and easy reading - which is something I think we all appreciate. Okay then, that should pretty much take us up to speed. Another hot and sexy day at work tomorrow. Looking forward to it like I look forward to rotten apples.

May 31, 2004
So it's Memorial Day and this weekend ruled! It was filled with free meals, rocking presents, mall-outings, Alavert hunting, and cake. Who could ask for more? I'm sorry that I've been slacking on the updates. I just told you it was a busy weekend so it's okay. T minus one week of freedom before the job starts so it's only right to make the most of it. Alright, well I'm gonna go now cause I can't think of anything funny to say and that's just rude. Have a great week.

May 27, 2004
How delicious does this cupcake look? It's a great day for birthdays. Cheers to people born on May 27th - you rule. However, if you're in jail for murdering someone, then you don't get to be included in Club 527...cause that's not cool, and you have to be cool to get in. As a sidenote: don't listen to Jessica Simpson's "I Wanna Love You Forever" unless you want your eardrums to explode. Anyway, Happy Birthday Kyle and here's to being 20 (or 19). Gracefully bow out.

May 24, 2004
I like this guy cause he rules Mexico. I mean, who's gonna mess with him?? You aren't...unless you want to take the highway to the danger zone.

May 23, 2004
Today I was supa productive and stupid fresh. I vacuumed (I just had the worst trouble spelling that) not ONE but TWO cars. TWO! I mean I vacuum about one car every 7.3 months - this is truly an amazing feat. I was also viciously attacked by 49 cicadas and 3 shovels and a baby bird...but don't worry, I'm recovering nicely. Then I even read a little bit about the Ebola virus (at the pace I'm going, I'll finish the book by mid 2005) Note: you do NOT want to mess with that bitch Ebola, no joke. It'll mess you up. I found time to prepare a delicious gourmet-quality creamed spinach dish (no digusting looks or noises, it's good AND good for you, so there). So that about wraps it up. Ta Ta. Oh, and the link to past entries at the bottom works now - I'll work on being more cool.

May 18, 2004
Bunny Trouble
Warning: this story has the potential to make you throw up so be careful.
Today, while my mom was cuttting the grass on the riding lawn mower, she heard some squeaking and a thump following. I'm sad to say this little squealing came from a nest of baby bunnies that happened to be in our yard at the wrong place and wrong time. One baby bunny died (I found that out when a neighbor picked it up with his bare hands to inform me of that fact). But this is not the end of the story. As I was trying to find a proper burial place for BB1 (Baby Bunny 1), I placed her on the hood of my car. Kayla then jumped up and ate her! Gross! I was utterly disgusted as you probably are right now. There is an uplifting portion of the story though. BB2, who I guess had gotten thrown from the nest was sitting in the grass and I found her unharmed! I put on gloves and oh so carefully put her back in the nest with the BB3. I hope the mommy doesn't smell me. We proceeded to put a fence around the nest to keep the remaining BBs safe. A moment of silence for BB1 please. (Silence). Updates to follow. On a lighter note, I cleaned the kitchen today.

May 16, 2004
So my goal of the day came from lil Riddle and it had to do with Rubik's Cube. You remember that - well the cube is evil and never wants anyone to win! And by anyone, I mean me because all I wanted to do was get one side all one color and it was damn near impossible. I know it SHOULD be easy but it was NOT. After approximately 1400 attempts, I JUST got it 3 minutes ago. Goal accomplished. Ego suffering. "I thought we had an interview with DJ Clue - No, I had an interview. Not you two."

May 12, 2004
Oh! Two days in a row - it's a Wednesday miracle! So I was driving at the gas station today. We were about to leave and this lady had pulled off to the side in front of my car to put air in her tires. Me, being the lazy aka bodily resource efficient person that I am, think I can make the turn without reversing the car and ALSO without hitting the lady. However, I don't think the lady shared my confidence as she got up from her squatting position at the tire and gave me a look that said, "Your ass better be glad that you're in that car cause I will ruin your shit the second you step out of it." Naturally, after such a look, I smile and wave and continue on my way. I wasn't gonna hit her - I wasn't even close! Drama queen. Anyway, then I had New England Clam Chowder for dinner.
Phrase of the day:"Pullin' in the driveway with a trunk full of deals." Ohhh yeah.

May 11, 2004
It's been awhile (tune: Staind's classic). I have been extremely busy these days. "Doing what, Aliya?" you say in a demeaning tone, hands on hips. Well I have been organizing my closet, that's what. You've never seen such elegance in anyone's closet as you see in mine. I almost don't want to take any clothes out ever. It was also Alexander's 17th birthday and I had to make a whole cake (I use the word "make" very loosely - I went to Kroger and ordered it - but I had to tell her what to put on it!). Plus I've had to keep Kayla amused inside cause the postwoman is scared of her. Sissy. Who would be scared of Kayla?! She's probably one of the top 95 least violent and most benevolent dogs in the nation. And so now our mail is backed up 3 days. I'll have a chat with this postlady tomorrow and set her skewed view straight. Catch ya on the flipside - oh that's funny cause the song of the day is "Naughty Girl" Remix feat. Lil Flip.

May 8, 2004
513 Summer Party Lane - Holla

May 6, 2004
"I cross the finish line twice before you make it a third." That's fast.
Anyway, it's the end of an era. And by era I pretty much mean school year. I currently have a headache from TRYING to pack. I haven't really packed anything yet - I just have a headache from thinking about it. As you've maybe heard, exam week was probably one of my most unsuccessful yet. I'm learning to deal with that simply because it's f'ing summer time. Note: To my playas that are still in school now, I'm not rubbing it in. You'll be lappin' it up when I have to come back a month earlier than you. Oh my god, I'm not talking about the end of summer seeing as how it's just begun. I have a lot of very important things to get done this summer (see: profile) and my intentions are purer than Ivory soap. Anyway, I'll holla. No, you holla as well. "It just ain't the same when you slide through. I get distracted every time you in my view. Cause I heard you kinda single right now, Boo. And I got the perfect spot for a tatoo."
Throw back album of the day: Jay-Z's Volume 2 Hard Knock Life

May 4, 2004
Awww, I felt bad not posting, so I'm just going to do this itsy bitsy one. Here are some good songs that I listened to today:
Studying is a relentless foe. May God grace you with the power to overcome exams now or in a month from now or anytime you take them ever.

May 3, 2004
Guest entry: Satan
Glorious day, Aliya's faithful page viewers. I suppose y'all are wondering where Aliya is. She's unavailable at the moment, probably off screaming and yelling and tearing around campus in the biggest fit you could ever know. Or she's huddled in some corner begging for me - oh I mean exams - to be just a little nicer to her. You see, I have absolutely nothing to do with Aliya failing her exams. I didn't tamper with any tests or pay off any professors to ahem "adjust" some scores downward. How dare you accuse me of such things?! I am insulted and enraged that you think I participated in such trivial events! You wanna know what I can really do?? Check out her G.P.A. when grades are in and oops you'll see it drop oh just 2 points - not .2 - TWO. Crumble under my wrath!! Have a delightful week.

May 1, 2004
If you look up unproductive in the dictionary, the definition is sure to include a picture of me running around being stupid when I should be studying. Tomorrow is officially Aliya Getting Her Act Together Day. All who would like to join in the festivities are welcome. We will be kicking off the day at roughly 9am (if we're lucky) and activities will run until 12am (again, if we're lucky). If you would like to make donations, send cash, checks, or money orders to The AGHAT Foundation - 236 Pangborn Hall. No person nor any dollar amount will be turned away. Thank you and enjoy the day!

April 30, 2004
Last day of April, 2nd day of Study Days. I worked my last shift at the H-spot for the year. They threw a party and there was heavy breathing and wild dancing all because I was done. Actually there wasn't - but there was cake - free cake. But it wasn't for me, it was for anyone who was lucky enough to walk by at the time. It's all good though, we'll just pretend that I'm the most important thing that has happened to the Huddle since 2002. I've also decided that due to my inability to concentrate on any form of schoolwork for more than 15 minutes, finals are gonna rip me to pieces. Damn homey, in high school you were the man homey. Quote of the day: "Talk about the wrong stuff."

April 28, 2004
Today - the 28th day of April - was the LAST day of classes in the 2003-2004 school year. Will I miss the work in any of my classes? Probably not. But, I will miss a couple of the profs cause they were cool and I liked them. The last picture, last magazine tear-out, and last broken lai flower has come down from the bulletin board over my desk. It's bare now and I can't stand looking at it. It reminds me of when I first got to school in August and my life was way different than it is now. I would even, and this sounds drastic I know, start the school year all over again if I could change my life back to how it was. Anyway, here's to classes being over and a few five exams away from summer.

April 27, 2004
Slacking on your pimping? Turn it up. Simple advice, I'd say. As I reflect on the day, I've decided that hardly anything exciting happened. I'm hardpressed to think of something that anyone would care about in the least. Um, our room(s) is in shambles thanks to the new rules for taking lofts down. I've got about one square foot of free space to take care of biznass. But at least I no longer have to climb a ladder to go to bed. And I bought scotch tape today. Yes! That's it, now I'm embarrassing not only myself, but everyone involved. Holla.

April 25, 2004
Is it fair to take weekends off? We'll see... here's the rundown: E. Varga's birthday dinner at a classy country club, a fish fry that was supposed to make some cash for our club...guys, we LOST money at our fundRAISER, Rat Race (I had my doubts but it was entertaining), free t-shirts, group meetings out my expletive, and folding laundry. That was my weekend. How was yours? Oh, after some inquiries about the Top 6.5's I will make a public service announcement: They will be fully functional and delicious as soon as finals are over. If I can sneak some time in during study days (you should be saying, no Aliya dedicate your time to your work because an education is important) then I'll try that. No worries, maybe until then you can read Atom250's website if he ever updates it (ha, just thought I'd put a lil pressure on ya pal). Peace up, A-town down.

April 22, 2004
This is absurd. Could I be more bitter with the U.S. Mail service right now? Probably not. I try and mail something roughly 9 and a half days ago and I ask you, has it reached its recipient? No sir/ma'am! I was an avid promoter of U.S. Mail - giving it mad props for it's speed and accuracy. Now I'm not so sure...fists will fly if this problem is not resolved in a timely manner. On another completely unrelated note: we picked shifts for the Huddle early this morning. Know this - due to my unfaltering dedication to attend every shift (or find a sub) and unmatched work ethic, I (and about 15 others) got to sign up before the massive crowd of 200+ workers. Major score. It was a beautiful thing, near tear-worthy.

April 21, 2004
Oh! (and I put oh like you guys know I was thinking of something before and just remembered it) When I was at work today, 2 of my japanese prof's friends came into the Huddle. They were all talking japanese to me and I was all not understanding, but smiling and laughing a lot. So the lady is paying for the coffee they got and the man proceeds to back up suspiciously. I keep my eye on him though (you know how THOSE people are...haha i'm so just kidding). All of a sudden he pulls out camera. You were probably thinking gun - and that would have been way more exciting. But anyway, he then took a picture of his wife and me during our payment transaction. All I can ask is why. I guess it's cause I'm like THE coolest person in the japanese class and I rule the Huddle registers...I don't know. Sidenote: I didn't listen to the iPod AT ALL today. I miss it now. I'd do anything for you little iPod.

April 20, 2004
Sooooo, I type roughly 69 words per minute net. I discovered this after a failed attempt to see the very popular Mo Rocca (you may know him from The Daily Show or I Love the 80's) who happened to be coming to our school today. Attendance grossly outnumbered the seating in the facility, so alas we didn't make the cut. It probably sucked anyway! Yeah! Eat it! I thought 69 wpm was kinda fast til I saw that the record is like 182 wpm. Excuse me?! I hope that guy's/girl's nickname is something like Bob "I type faster than you can even read...bitches" Smith. So I think you should go to the site and try it out and let me know what you got.
I Eat Slow Typers Like You For Breakfast No lying about scores...I'll find out...I always do...

April 19, 2004
Oh, so here's a summary of the day: Started eating week-after-expiration-date turkey, realized what i was doing and violently threw the sandwich across the room; went to the NAACP (note: I'm a new officer for the club) Image Awards and got excited when our advisor was announcing the new officers and proceeded to get shot down when she named ALL the other officers except for me; went to dinner for japanese class and was scolded for not eating ice cream by my 5 foot nothing prof (she said something in japanese rough translation: "you crazy m.f.") and they refused to make my sushi without rice (something about an art or other bs); and finally, went to Walgreens looking for ONE thing, one very common thing and they were out of stock. One thing is all, that's not much to ask for. ANYWAY, I hope that all made's late and the whole coherency thing really declines for me after 11:34pm. I'll just end it with, "That's when I look back and say, I'm a superstar. And if it costs a hundred grand, it's a super car." Amen.

April 18, 2004
Note: I hate my computer and it makes me cry. The entry won't be as good a second time around...but I'll try....
So I was wondering, should I make this a journal or a JOURNAL. Would you like to know the difference? A journal is one where I generally make all the entries when I'm in a decent to good mood. A JOURNAL is one where I write when I'm not in the jovialest of spirits. This decision isn't really up to me. This is for the readers, this is for you. So, a show of hands for journal. And one for JOURNAL. Oh, you know what? How about I make it a JOUrnal. Then it'll be in the middle. That doesn't mean there will be watered-down entries and no fire. There will be fire, I assure you and the marshal on call. Stop it, Aliya. You've had enough. Until next time!

Entry Number One - April 17, 2004
It's the start of a new day, a new website. I was up until 4am designing (haha if you can call it that) the beginnings of my most creative effort yet. A sad effort? Maybe, but I'm learning. It'll be a growing process for everyone involved. I'm excited to begin this journey with you. I hope you too share my enthusiasm. So, come with me on a journey of the Corny, Cheesy, Lovable, Sometimes Sad, Sometimes Really Bitter, and of course Charming thoughts of Aliya.

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