No, YOU bask in the glory of SUMMER

Let's stick up the world and split it 50/50

May 21, 2005
Today I have a special treat for you guys. I've been waiting to put something good in the Daily...Almost and I think I've found it. I now present to you QUOTES FROM THE MOM. I swear she said these exact things, girl scouts honor:

Scene: Mom and I are playing cards and she asks if I want to play the card game 'Remember' -- I'm like you mean the game 'Memory'? Haha. Anyway I start laughing. She says, "Are you going to put the cards out or are you going to continue being an asshole?"

Scene: Alex comes in and tells my mom about the graduation party he went to this evening. He tells her that he gave his friend's mom (who apparently my mother doesn't care for) a hug. She says, "Oh you won't hug me, but you'll give some bitch a hug."

Haha! Gotta love Mom!!! (P.S. I bowled a 139 the other night, my highest score ever - one of my goals for the summer is now to reach 160, but I think I'll need a coach...any takers?)

April 27, 2005
Raise your hand if you don't like accomplishments. (Okay, now put it down and go get therapy cause you need help) Well I'd say that I've had a few of them these past days and I'd like to share them with you all:

If you want to let people know some of your accomplishments then send in a Guest Entry then everyone'll know just how cool you are (I'm gonna keep asking until someone else does one!). Some closing advice: Make sure you stay in bed until it's safe enough to wake up.

April 18, 2005
Listen, the temperature at 11:58pm was 65 degrees. How often in South Bend does the temperature reach 65 as a HIGH during the day? Roughly 3.2 times a year. This is just fantastic. I heard that like 85% of people wouldn't be able to start a conversation without the weather. I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't do the same thing just now for my Daily...Almost. Then the conversation usually leads on to more important things, but I can't promise this entry is going to do the same. Hmmmph. I really just felt like I hadn't updated in a while so given my new enthusiasm for the website, I thought I should add a lil' somethin' somethin'. This just goes to show that guest entries are essential to the fun and livelihood of the Daily...Almost. So if it stops being funny, IT'S YOUR FAULT (Oh, that was smooth one wants to take the fall for an unfunny website. The entries will come pouring in). Good day!

April 14, 2005
Ladies and Gentelmen, I'm pleased to announce that I have a real treat for you on today's edition of Daily...Almost. Apparently my offer from yesterday was nearly impossible to resist, and we have the FIRST EVER GUEST ENTRY!!!! *Cheers and Excitement* Give it up for Eileen Varga, former Quadruple Threat member, current sweet deal friend living in the room below mine. Just to let you know, she's really cool and you'll be able to tell that as you read her guest entry. So without further anticipation, here it is:


Capital: Riddle

Language: Pimpin'

Major Religion: Badassism, as well as Hippanity, and several hundred other religions. Note: Due to the ferocity and indifference of most practicing Badasses, actual doctrine on this religion is free-floating and difficult to describe. The reader is encouraged to observe Aliya for the fullest available expressions of the faith.

Population: One love

Currency: Flex Points, the Money

GNP: Varies internship to internship, anticipated to be enormous in upcoming years.

Selected Crops: Certainly no cocoa, sorghum, whole grain.

Selected Industrial Products: Sweet Rides, iPods, Malfunctioning Apples

Rationale For Targeting: From the UN's Memo, She's got the hottest website on the face of the planet.

Fun Fact: From The Comprehensive Guide to Aliya (reprinted by permission from Coolkid Publishing): One of the more prominent organizations in Riddle, the Original Flow Society meets once a year to celebrate Aliya's birthday. The twenty-four hour party includes impromptu tennis & racquetball matches and Scrubs-watching. Inevitably, someone gets overwhelmed by the Hippanity-esque revels and has to spend several days recovering in a local hospital.

Speechless. I can only say I hope all Guest Entries are of such FINE quality.

April 13, 2005
NO! It's not over! Just when you thought I was done for good ("Oh, Aliya's website? Yeah she's done") HERE I AM!!! It has been a really long time...pushing the envelope on 2 months. That's not even relatively close to the definition of daily in anyone's dictionary (unless yours is f-ed up to the max). So I'm not gonna make any promises that I'll write everyday and each entry will be more fantastic than the entry before it (b/c we've seen how far that's gotten me...probably look to every other entry for my supposed comeback each month), but I am gonna try. I want to make sure that you guys are still reading though. It will not be cool if I just make entries to practice my typing skills. So it's a dual promise - you read, i'll write. If you want, I have welcomed guest entries so sometimes, you write, I read. That would be really cool. As a matter of fact, the first person to request a guest entry will receive $1.25. Scout's honor. Spend it wisely. That's all I have for now. Oh and that I actually found a good song on Janet Jackson's most recent album - you'll know why when I name it. Prepare your eyes for future reading!!!!

1 of 2.5 good songs on Janet's album: "My Baby" featuring none other than Kanye West.

February 15, 2005
I'm only writing right now because I thought I was being so cute and funny early that I just had to share. For my Black Music, World Market class (which is absolutely fantastic, if you go to ND take the class. If you don't, transfer just to take it), we are reading about the Rastafari religion and it's influence on reggae. So as I was reading, I was listening to random songs and whatnot on my iPod. Suddenly I'm struck with this wave of brilliance and turn on Bob Marley. Ha! I was about as close to Jamaica as you could get in South Bend. It was almost as if the book had come alive! Okay, so maybe it wasn't that cute and funny, but it was one of my highlights of the week (you're right, that is sad and it's about to get a lot worse). Another bright note, I'm eating free Papa John's as I type. Yes to pizza! No to dirtying my keyboard! Damn - I gotta go clean this shit off.

February 4, 2005
I WAS in a good mood up until like 3 minutes ago. And that sucks cause it's Friday and everyone should be in a good mood on Friday. As my little Japanese teacher stood at the front of class shaking her little fists like maracas and screaming "Kyo wa kinyobi des!!!" (translation: I hate teaching you punks!) (real translation: today is Friday!), I couldn't help but realize that we all live for Fridays. Is that healthy? Maybe not. That's why I'm going to start living for Tuesdays. Oh man, I'm gonna get so excited on Monday nights and say, "Hey you guys know what tomorrow is, don't you?" And when Tuesday morning comes, I'll jump out of bed like a flash and rejoice cause my favorite day has finally arrived. Others will be forlorn and dejected cause there favorite day is not for another 3 days, but I'll be different. Some may wonder if pink is the new black, but there's no question that Tuesday is the new Friday.

January 28, 2005
Man, a new year for Daily Almosts. It has been a while. I thought people were kidding when they said, "Hey Aliya, quit being a jackass and update your Daily Almost." I was mistaken. So this past week has been probably one of the most trying in a while...and it wasn't even because of tests or exams! What is that?! I also just slipped on some ice and a guy had to help me up. Embarrassing to the max.

As a tribute to my hopefully more consistent return, I want y'all to read about Special High Intensity Teaching. I think you've probably seen it before, but I was recently re-introduced to it and found it hi-larious. Here it is:

Memo to all students.

In order to assure the highest levels of quality work and productivity from students, it will be our policy to keep all students well taught through our program of SPECIAL HIGH INTENSITY TEACHING (S.H.I.T.). We are trying to give our students more S.H.I.T. than anyone else.

If you feel that you do not receive your share of S.H.I.T. on the course, please see your lecturer. You will be immediately placed at the top of the S.H.I.T. list, and our lecturers are especially skilled at seeing that you get all the S.H.I.T. you can handle.

Students who don't take their S.H.I.T. will be placed in DEPARTMENTAL EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION PROGRAMS (D.E.E.P. S.H.I.T.). Those who fail to take D.E.E.P. S.H.I.T. seriously will have to go to EDUCATIONAL ATTITUDE TRAINING (E.A.T. S.H.I.T.). Since our lecturers took S.H.I.T. before they graduated, they don't have to do S.H.I.T. anymore, and are all full of S.H.I.T. already.

If you are full of S.H.I.T., you may be interested in a job teaching others. We can add your name to our BASIC UNDERSTANDING LECTURE LIST (B.U.L.L. S.H.I.T.). For students who are intending to pursue a career in management and consultancy, we will refer you to the department of MANAGERIAL OPERATIONAL RESEARCH EDUCATION (M.O.R.E. S.H.I.T.). This course emphasizes how to manage M.O.R.E. S.H.I.T.

If you have further questions, please direct them to our HEAD OF TEACHING, SPECIAL HIGH INTENSITY TRAINING (H.O.T. S.H.I.T.).

Thank you,
(B.I.G. S.H.I.T.)

December 11, 2004
This is what finals week feels like:

December 9, 2004
I only got on here to fix a typo in the previous entry! I thought, "Hell, since I'm here, I might as well leave a few lines." Then I can (with out all the lies and trickery) say that I wrote in my Daily...Almost two days in a row. A feat accomplished by few, perfected by me. Now, I have to write a paper. It's hard (I know yours are, too, so whatever). Maybe if I get done with it, I'll write another entry tonight (don't hold your breath - my all-time record is only 1.6 minutes so I probably wouldn't make it). I also moved my computer to the bed cause I'm a G. Holla.

P.S. My baby (my car) is back in action (although the rim might be super-glued on).

December 8, 2004
Sooooo, I thought today was going to be carefree and delicious the second I stepped out of my last class for the semester. Typically, anytime I want anything to go right, it usually doesn't. I'm chillin' in the dorm and we decide to go shopping right quick. Sounds like fun right?! I was under the same impression until I walk out to my car in the parking lot and the tire is FLAT. The dub was damn near touching the fucking ground. Awesome.

So, I call AAA cause I (well, Mom) pay(s) for that shit so I'm gonna use it. I wait, patiently at first and irate-ly later, as the mechanic truck takes almost two hours to arrive. NOW is when the problems really start though. A simple tire change suddenly turns into a tragic disaster. The rims are locked on and the guy didn't have the tool to take them off PLUS the alarm was acting like a real pissy bitch the whole time. He ended up having to tow it away in order to change the tire. I bet he wrecked my car on purpose cause he was so mad at me. So needless to say, we didn't go shopping and I almost froze to death. Not really the outcome I was hoping for. I'm curious to see how well the rest of study days will play out...

December 4, 2004
If I recall correctly, this must be close to (or a little over) a 6 month anniversary since the start of the website. I see that the frequency of updates has declined just slightly since the beginning. Anyway, I've been listening to a lot of music lately to drown out a lot of other things so here's a list of some of my new (or recently brought-back) favorite songs:

Well, I'd say that's plenty, wouldn't you? If you have a chance, take a listen. I have a list of stuff that I have to do before exams written on a napkin. I should get back to that.


End Notes
Well, well. If you ever want to see older entries cause you're bored or you know whateva, then you can view the Old Journal and the Less old, but still Old Journal. Don't say I never write in my journal...look at all these old entries, bitches.

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