DEMO REVIEWS "another coin in the wishing well":

Once upon a time, people had ideals and put those ideals on tape for people. Those days came back with the birth of this demo. It's hard to predict which impact these six songs will have on your life... All I can say is that i got overwhelmed with a nostalgic feeling while listening to this. Think Morning Again - Kindred with weel-constructed moshparts, a voice not unlike Ashlar and lyrics with a little bit of depth. Also, they don't use samples just to use samples. They're well chosen and placed. Give this honest band an honest chance... This one gets the xVINDICATIONx's stamp of approval.
Favorite song: as you sow... (Tim Roll�)

Green Smarties Webzine
Started as a Kindred reincarnation, they've at last created their own sound (which still can be compared to the named gods), five songs and a coversong of a certain band (guess once!) on this tape. The sound is very good for a tape, there are lots of good intro-samples on this one and the whole thing comes with the explanation of the lyrics and some stickers. This is a good release and remember... Music is a gun. Lyrics are bullets. Fire at will... (Kevin Hensels)

Value Of Strength Magazine Issue 6
Great. A new Belgian band that surprises everyone with more of that lame Belgian crap that we all buried years ago! Think Kindred, think Stroke Of Grace. Metalcore based mostly on simple riffs and screamed vs. spoken vocals. Self-described as "metallic new school mosh hardcore with influences of noisy emocore and old school". Great detailed description that doesn't portray 783 other bands out there, right? So, expect typical intros, short songs inspired by aforementioned bands, and they probably also discovered some shitty French bands the week before recording. The only band that got away with using intro's before every song was Chokehold, let it rest at that. Lame vocals, boring drumming and of course an occasional pissed off singalong. Woohoo, even some "umpf"'s and go's before tha breaksdowns! The only positive aspecta about this are that it's just that, a demo. Lyrics about emotions, denying the holocaust, homophobia, etc... Good to see a young band at least trying to address some issues I guess. Oh yeah, don't cover Kindred! Respect your classics. I'll repeat the most important word in that sentence if you still don't get it: respect, don't rape! This demo would've done the trick to just maybe get a deal to record a 7" about 5 years ago. Belgium should have more to offer than this shite. Book this band so that they get aware of the non-responding crowd. PS: no more Etty Hillesum quotes!
PPS: according to the band's name, we might not have to put up with this for very long. Here's one guy crossing his fingers! (Jan Vandenboer)

Tony De Block of Midas Recording Studios and Midas Productions
"Okay wet your chest... There's definitely a big Kindred-influence (and also some Liar-influences) in your songs and I think that's absolutely positive. Kindred was one of those bands that were quite influential for the Straight Edge scene during the time they were active. I'm rather impressed by the work delivered on this demo. Honesty and "in da face" are words that come to mind while listening to the Nine Days' Wonder demo and in fact that's what matters in the end. It's not always the sound-quality that lifts up certain bands but rather playing tight and staying in tune, etc... Concerning that matter you are getting there. The brutality is real and the listener can feel that immediately. If I may give you one advice: make sure you don't lose that brutality; that differentiates you from many other acts that lean too much towards metal.
Regarding your ideology we seem to be on the same wavelength. Your artwork takes away all doubts for the few people who might not have understood yet.

In conclusion I would recommend everybody to listen this demo a few times thoroughly and to check you guys out live; if you make an equally tight impression live, then there's a beautiful future ahead for Nine Days' Wonder.
Depending on the amount of rehearsals and live shows you play I suppose you will need six months or maximum a year to reach CD-level (what's in a name huh). En dat zal er dan ook niet naast zijn! Keep up the good work! and hopefully I will hear from you soon!" (Tony De Block)

Bullet Magazine Issue 3
It is rare for bands to care these days. While a lot of the cool mid 90's hardcore bands had explicit political lyrics (CHOKEHOLD, FRAIL, STRUGGLE and even UNBROKEN now and then), it is exceptional now to hear bands with songs that deal  with the more political/social/cultural parts of our lives. I don't know why but it seems that hardcore has become increasingly a-political and disinterested. I'm not free from blame myself, in fact I'mm one of those dudes that has already long given up any plans of changing anything. NINE DAYS' WONDER cares. The lyrics are well written, and to top things off they even elaborate and explain their lyrics. I could've done without that, but hey, it's alright.
So on to the music. These recordings are rather raw and rough around the edges, but it's a demo so that's just part of the deal. NINE DAYS' WONDER plays moshy and metallic new school hardcore, reminding me of "Ritual"-era UNBROKEN meeting up with MORNING AGAIN when they were good ("The Cleanest War" kids!). This demo sounds very promising and they're quite good live too, so let's hope good things are coming their way. (Bjorn Dossche)
PS: This band pulled off covering UNBROKEN's "End Of A Lifetime" live, after rehearsing it just once, and unplugged! Respect.
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