[ as you sow... ]
in the blink of an eye, one fraction, only one, i dared to think my life was complete. thought i finally succeeded (in) banning the chaos from my mind. but suddenly my deeds of the past turned into threats of the present, coming back to disturb my newfound order forever. i thought they had drowned in the stream of time, but here they are: drifting again on the salty waters of breeding. where i thought life's language to be the one of eternal silence, its answers came suddenly hard and fast. as you sow, so will you reap. my wishes for forgiveness scream straight towards your singing. never think life has no memory. as you have made your bed, so you must lie on it. as you sow, so will you reap...

Justice stands above everything. This has nothing to do with higher entities or spirituality; this has to do with an everyday attempt to make this world better for yourself and eveyone around you. To try and live with justice means trying to become a better person through treating everybody as fair as possible. It's not easy and we all fail every single day, but the least we can do is try, because you and i both know it's worth it.

[ betrayal of history ]
as you kill the cruelty in your pages, as you write it away in red ink, soon you'll realize the wages for a lack of reality will be your punishment. ashes are all there's left behind, and even those you try to burn along with the memory. i know your goal. the filthy lies you spread towards the uninformed. the filthy lies you spread, creating doubts. lowest betrayal of history, an attempt to justify your ideology. ashes are all there's left behind, and even those you try to burn along with the memory. what could be worse? you deny death. you deny truth. and all i can hope, and all i can wish is tha truth will deny you. liars.

Since some considerable time certain right-wing extremists claim that the Holocaust has never existed. This is a very low attempt to all victims of the Nazi-regime. The biggest problem however is the hidden goal of negotionist propaganda: the rehabilitation of National-Socialism. By denying and strongly minimizing Hitler's crimes (thereby creating doubts to mislead credelous people), fascist history forgers are trying to polish the image of the Nazi-regime. They'd like to make Nazi-Socialism acceptable again, by covering its dark side. Sadly enough there are people who tend to believe those lies! Therefore it's of major importance that society will always keep the memory of the Holocaust alive. All people have to be aware of the atrocities mankind is capable of, whether they like it or not. Negationist propagators must be punished severly. We cannot let such a thing as the Holocaust ever happen again.
For a more indepth explanation, check

[ mimic art ]
let's break the mask, let's touch the skin. so much softer than wood. let's smash these white teeth, let's bite red lips. as ugly as a brandnew doll. a birthday gift from western culture, this society. is there any chemical reaction between fire and crocodile-tears? confront the mask, tear it apart, trow with stones that never melt. throw with water, close your eyes, a lake of tears cannot extinguish the candles of our hearts. don't fear burns. be afraid to freeze instead. don't fear to brun your fingers, be afraid to freeze. these ice-cold bars hurt more than anything. this isolation you chose yourself. don't be afraid to show me your scars, they're nothing but healed wounds. this knife of fiction, this cage of loneliness, it leaves wounds not any scar. i feel uncomfortable outside of your cage. i feel uncomfortable when seeing you caged. it does more harm to lock yourself up than to be hurt.

it's only human to feel the urge to share emotions and feelings, be it by telling to someone close to you or by just writing them down. Sharing is an incredible relief. If not only society and Western culture/civilization in general taught us to hide our emotions and to never ever express deepest feelings... Threatened by the fear to be hurt and the thought that emotions are for the weak exclusively, we put on masks and hide our innerselves behind stone faces. Nowadays, the only accepted emotions are those of anger and hate. On the other hand it's okay to shed tears if it's in your own interest... To hell with society's regulations and behaviour codes!

[ threshold ]
behind the ever-giving hand, an heart as baig as a child's head pounds like a thousand trombones, by the thought of its own goodness... your doubtful charity is (as) eternal as your pretentiousness, for the only goodness in existence is what's gor for oneself. the help you offer is in fact a shield, a border to increase the distance between the both of you. there's not even a sparkle of honour in raping a culture. your charity is the genocide of their tradition. an helping hand is not making them eat your food, talk your language, speak your words and believe in your god. an helping hand is not making them walk your lines and die your death! their needs set the difference between fitting in patterns and the valueing of a culture and it's traditions. what they need is the respect you lack.

The development-aid the Western world is practising suffices just as a sop to her consience, and is meant to prevent ecenomic fugitives from Third World countries to flee to our regions. This is mere self-preservation, instead of two nations that are truly willing to develop and progress, while valueing each others cultural and social individuality.
(a longer and more indepth explanation will be added in the column-section)

[ the 100th song ]
the path you walk is paved with illusions, for clouds of submission trouble your sight. thunderclaps of silence strenghten your fear. the voice in your head is singing a lie and the song is filled with empty choruses. we confront you with the verses and throw them in your face. all you do is closing you door... the mark of the deaf the dumb and the blind. and all you do is closing your door... an empty front and a shadow behind. those angels you send, they fall without wings, and they crash to an open mind. your mind repulses what your heart should embrace. shouldn't they be gods creations in your eyes? aren't you holy enough to see through your own lies? how can a man of god blindly reject love and kill it with laws that he seems to rise above?

this song deals with homophobia and the controversity of the Catholic Church preaching to "love thy neighbour" while still rejecting homosexuals the same rights as heterosexuals.
We are fully aware of the fact that this must be the 100th song about this subject, but if you know that 24% of all Belgians doesn't want to live next to homosexuals, I guess you'll see the necessity of not only writing 100, but 100 thousand songs about this.
Since nothing reflects our prejudices like our attitude to the man next door, all there's left to conclude is that prejudices against homosexuals are still widely spread, and that's why we wil write just another song about it! Each percent is one too much! Each person is one too much!
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