What follows is rather a mission statement and an explanation of what we stand for, than a boring biography with details about bandmember switches and that sort of things. Don't worry: we'll add that kind of stuff in the near future...
the Nine Days' Wonder collective is a hardcore outfit, consisting out of four close friends. We've all been in other bands before (Cast-Down, Season, Sit-Down Strike,...) and some of us used to publish a hardcore magazine (Force Of Words zine). The four of us live near Hasselt in Limburg, Belgium.

Musically speaking, we have very different influences (as we all listen to different styles of music), but it's safe to say that a huge part of our music has been influenced by newschool hardcore bands such as Unbroken, Kindred, Chokehold, Spirit Of Youth, Strain,... we are said to play "96-era newschool hardcore" which kinda suits us fine, since that was the period a lot of our favourite bands were around. Some reviewer wrote that we play metalcore, but with the intensity of emo. We kinda like that description,  although we don't consider ourselves as a metalcore band. Metal is just one of the the many elements that complete our sound, we also use oldschool chorusses and some more chaotic parts. For the four of us music definitely is a passion. We like to create and share things that fill us with passion, energy and joy.

As far as our name goes: a "nine days' wonder" is an English expression for something that doesn't last, something that changes. Part of what we try to accomplish with our music and our lyrics is change. We don't want to preach and convince you, we just want to stir up questions, thoughts, arguments,... Things that might make you wonder or maybe even see concepts in a different perspective. Therefore we think lyrics (didn't say our lyrics), and words in general, can be bullets: they can touch certain matters, tey can raise a little part of the veil or they can reveal things you never realized before.
In this world where everybody thinks the truth is owned by the media and government, being critical is a necessary skill for survival. In this society that is based on trying to keep us silent and satisfied, bathing in luxury and decandence, it is necessary to think, take your stand and try to be critical. Question everything...

And yes, we think music can be a weapon, a weapon that might be a small step to accomplish a change. Music can take you away from the harsh reality of work or school or family troubles. It can release you from the stress that comes along with this deadline, called life. It can make anger boil inside, or it can ease your pain. It can bring comfort in hard times, and it can even give hand fresh insights. Basically someone with a passion for music is at least fascinated by, and thus spending time on, something positive. We're not lying if we would say that music saved the lives of some of us.

Feel free to contact us about anything!
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