
mbjassociates home pageThis web-site was created for the MBJAssociates and you can view it online at www.mbjassociates.com.

After I created general concept, and custom photo of Mike Johnson was taken, I worked on creating supporting background for the home page.

At the same time I developed navigation structure with color-coding for the first level of navigation. New version of MBJ logo works as a home page link throughout the site. As you can see on the second level page 2 level of navigationimage, navigation uses drop-down menu that was implemented with Java Script.

After basic structure was tested, I started working on special features with a team of programmers and copywriters:

  • This web-site has flash-based library of quotations - new quotation is loaded every time when you visit a page or hit reload/refresh button in your browser.

  • Database supports login and registration functions for users, who wants to access library of articles or have current classes with MBJAssociates.

  • If you register you will also have access to the Sales Gauge - it's a Flash-based application that calculates your score while you are answering list of questions, gives you advise at the end and allows to make an appointment with mbjassociates.

  • Without registration, but after submitting you e-mail, you can take a sales test, which contains about 50 questions that might help you classify yourself as a part of the sales and marketing team. It was also created with Flash 5 technologies.
  • web-site featuresIf you click on the image on the right, you'll see an image with general features noted on it. Or better - try it for yourself - sales gauge is really interesting!

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