home. | work. | play. | live. | love.

resume. | occupational therapy.

work.occupational therapy.

samuel merritt college.  oakland, ca.

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me, blythe, and flo in my dormroom. me, blythe, and bridget. our corner table at gaylord's. bridget, me, and dahlia. girls' nite out!
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my dorm room. anatomy lab. stuyding films. last day of anatomy lecture! sota board 2000-2001.
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splinting lab. heather, me, and dahlia. convocation. heather, me, and dahlia again. dahlia and i at our synthesis project presentation.
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heather, michelle, me, and dahlia totoros at the graduation dinner party. heather. me. heather and michelle.
graduation day! grad012.jpg (37825 bytes) grad013.jpg (34824 bytes)
blythe, nina, and flo. dahlia, nina, heather, and bridget.


work. | play. | live. | love. ninachiem.

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version 1.0 released monday, june 11, 2001.


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