Admin has received an email from the Home Orphans Ummu Zainab, located in Raub, Pahang with a view to seeking the help of donations from the public to help them manage these homes

Official letter

Here is an email that was sent by the management of welfare homes Ummu Zainab:

Assalamualaikum .... wbt. Mr. / Mrs.

Welfare Home Management Association Umm Zainab is a welfare home for dealing with orphans. The house is built on donated land located at Kampung Bukit Pampong, 27400 Dong, Raub, Pahang, has worked since 2012, and was officially registered in 2013 (Registration No.: 4954-11 PHG). Accordingly, the Management Association of Orphan want to apply for help financial contribution of Mr. / Mrs generous and sincerely as much as possible to help manage these homes. God's Word S.W.T (Surah Al-Imran verse 92) mean: "You will not get a reply virtue unless you spend of what you love and something what you spend it. God S.W.T know about it. " For Sir / Madam, who are interested in doing so may deliver money order, postal money order or check payable to the Management Umm Zainab or credited to your account No.8602152397 bank CIMB (Welfare Home Management Association of Orphans Umm Zainab Raub Pahang). All concerns and questions may contact the management at Umm Zainab Raub number 09-3658553.

That's Sir / Madam Dear, thank you.,

Yours sincerely,

b / p Treasurer Committee Management Association Home Ummu Zainab