If you're curious about that freak in
the picture, feel free to browse through some brief biographical
I wish this site was a result of having nothing better to do. Actually it arrives on the web as a part of some highfalutin' college course mandate. Consequently it must include a few of the essays I wrote for English 328 Writing: Style & Technology. I can't imagine why you'd want to read them, unless you're taking the same class over the summer and you're trying to figure out just what Uncle Steve is looking for.
Music fan? This is the most useful
music information web site that
I know of. Its main motivation is to inform, not to sell. If
you're interested in objective information about an artist, any artist, this
page will do you no wrong.
Speaking of music, to appreciate his voice
you must be open minded, "but to
live outside the law you must be honest..."