Hi! I am 25 year’s old, and have been living with psoriasis for the past 20 years. I first started showing symptoms at the age of five and no one knew what was wrong. I was treated for ringworm, scales, and all sorts of different skin problems. The medicine the doctors gave me only made things worse, and by the time someone figured out that I had psoriasis there were sores were over 90% of my body. I was not allowed to play with the children in my neighborhood or with the toys in school because the parents and teachers thought that I was contagious. While working at Wal-mart in 2003; this strange costumer almost fell over the counter trying to look at my arms because they were covered in sores. When I asked her what was going on she asked if I had the Chicken pox. I told her "No, I have psoriasis". She said “OOOOHHHH” and tried again to crawl over the counter. My manager had to come over before she stopped and left. After she left I went on brake and bought a long sleeved shirt because I didn’t want that to happen again. The joy of working with people that didn’t care was over shadowed by one person that did. From that day on I wore only long sleeves and I don’t think that anyone I worked with understood why.

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