Pink Dream

Konnichi wa, Minna san
Doomoo Arigatoo Gozaimasu For visiting my Website.
12/18/01: Okay, so i haven't made update in about, oh i don't know- maybe forever. But it's just because i feel the site is at it's best right now and it might not get better, so here's the deal: since i've got so much time on my hands now, i'll make a few changes, hey i've even added a few new links! But if you have any suggestions feel free to email me or to drop me a line in my guestbook!
Well Now, due to popular demand a new site is in the process of being made and i hope you all like it. it's new, so don't expect pictures for it and i'm still playing around with templates. Please get some feedback to me so you can tell me if the new site could be better...thanks! Oh and by the way, it's called Pink Star.
08/20/01:  WE'RE BACK!!
New updates in Chibi Usa galleries and in Usagi gallery.
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Chibi Chibi Gallery
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Sailor Senshi Attacks!
Sailor Moon's Attacks
have come to my page. please tell friends so the number can keep rising!
Legal stuff:
I make no claims and/or have no rights to any sailor moon character pictures or storyline featured on my website except any i created myself. all rights reserved to Naoko Takeuchi and all the companies that own Sailor Moon.
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