Following are some of the important questions and answers regarding Plants and Animals --

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Q.1    Do birds have teeth?

Answer:    No

Q.2    What hooded snake is found in India?

Answer:    Cobra

Q.3    Which mammal has the shortest life span?

Answer:    The shrew

Q.4    The sound of which bird is called a boom?

Answer:    The bittern

Q.5    What is a young pigeon called?

Answer:    A squab

Q.6    What is the collective noun for a group of leopards?

Answer:    A leap

Q.7    Which is the only animal that can kneel on all fours?

Answer:    The elephant

Q.8    What is is the collective noun for a group of kangaroos?

Answer:    A troop

Q.9    Which bird has the longest beak?

Answer:    The Australian pelican

Q.10    Which bird has the best sense of smell

Answer:    The kiwi

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