STATUS: Complete
CATEGORY: Daniel&Janet, Cassie POV, Angst
SPOILERS: Unbelievably minor for 'Singularity'
SEQUEL/SEASON: 4th part of the Prophet series
SUMMARY: Cassie's reaction to some unexpected news...
DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognisable characters and places are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp and Double Secret productions. This piece of fan fiction was created for entertainment not monetary purposes and no infringement on copyrights or trademarks was intended. Previously unrecognised characters and places, and this story, are copyrighted to the author. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: 4 fics this one is the first in which there's more that 1 line of dialogue. Monologue, anyway. Sorry it took me so long to write, but the endless brick wall known as the common or garden 'Writer's Block', hit full force. ;) Thanks to Kat, beta-extrodinaire, who put up with the tenses ;)
Hugs to Lucy, who put up with *me*, and my minor fits of hysteria. Thanks, sweetie ;)
Dedication: It's gotta be for Bryn: who waited, and nagged, and bribed, and nagged, and inspired, and nagged, and got a whole 'nother part of her fic finished, (and nagged) until I finally managed to get going again. Thanks, hon. Oh, want DannyCookie *now*!
Feedback = More writing. Faster writing too. :)

The moonlight filters softly through the window as I slip silently into the room, bathing my surroundings in a haunting, silvery glow. Noiselessly I close the door behind me, bringing it smoothly to rest in its frame, and prowl over to my goal, carefully avoiding the surveillance equipment resting on the table nearby. Stealthily I reach down, taking the warm covering gently between my fingers, and twitch it back slightly, peering through the darkness to observe the prize therein, for which I have crept covertly down an endless corridor wreathed in shadows, like a thief in the night. I gaze downwards...

...And two crystal blue eyes gaze back. I freeze, holding my breath, and we stare at each other, perfectly still, for an eternity. But I can't suppress the smile that quirks the corners of my lips, and I grin. She smiles back at me, tiny mouth forming a delighted O as her eyes crease. I laugh lightly and she coos back, reaching an impossibly small fist towards me to clench at the air. Letting her grasp my finger, I scrutinise her thoroughly as she tries to pull the digit towards her, wondrous eyes the colour of the summer sky alight with innocent curiosity. It amazes me that it was only a scarce four months ago that this incredible creature arrived in my world, and heralded the beginning of a new chapter in our lives.


When she first told me, 10 months ago, I was shocked. I'd known that she hadn't been feeling well recently: she had to pull herself out of bed in the morning, pale and silent, to head for Cheyenne Mountain, and on her rare days off she would lie in her darkened bedroom for hours, complaining of headaches. Daniel fussed over her constantly, and often I'd walk intothe room to hear them arguing - his face urgent, hers determined - onlyfor them to stop when they became aware of my presence. I didn't need prophetic insight to know something was amiss. So, when they announced that they had to 'tell me something', I thought I was ready for anything.'Anything' had to be better than the tense, suspenseful limbo they had left me in, where my imagination could run wild and help me evoke a thousand different scenarios as to what the problem was: some terrible secret or life-threatening illness.

What I had not expected, however, was Janet's announcement that she was.... well... expecting.

My mother was already 12 weeks pregnant. I was shocked, utterly and completely. Even when they had announced their engagement, I had been nowhere near as surprised as this. I could only stutter that I didn't understand, that she didn't *look* pregnant, that I didn't even know they wanted a baby. Janet tried to soothe me, explaining that it had come as a complete surprise, unplanned. She had only suspected when she began feeling unwell so regularly, and had to have it confirmed by another doctor. As I looked down at her stomach, speechless, she told me that her 'bump' wouldn't show for while yet...but I continued to stared mutely at her. When I glanced up at Daniel, he grinned at me, full of pre-fatherly pride and excitement and love. Janet's expression matched his, her smile bright, but there was a wariness behind her eyes as she gazed at me. I nodded then, still numb, and left the room.


A few hours later she came looking for me, obviously assuming I needed some time to myself. Entering my bedroom, she sat on the edge of the mattress and reached over, placing a gentle hand on my back as I lay on my side, facing away from her.


I ignored her, curling up into a tighter ball.


Still silence.

"Cassie, talk to me. What's wrong?"

Wrong? What was wrong? Where did I start? My whole life was changing before my eyes and I had no way to stop it. The woman I'd come to love as my mother was expecting a child of her own, creating a *family* of her own. Where did that leave me? The adopted alien, not even from this planet. What if, once this baby arrived, there was no place for me? What if she realised she wanted more children that were *hers*? Or discovered that she loved it more than me? What if she and Daniel wanted me gone?

I shrugged her off, trying to screw myself into the tightest ball possible so perhaps I could just disappear all together. I didn't understand what was happening here. The future was a dark, unchartable region that I had no way of mapping. Never before had the uncertainty of what was to come been so tangible, so overwhelming. Even at those times when my 'prophet's' eyes were blinded and I could not guess at the next steps of fate... even at those times I had not been as afraid as I was now. I was afraid of losing everything, all that I had built here, gained here, since I was rescued from the ashes of my home planet. Janet, who had taken me in as her daughter; Daniel, who had accepted me without question. What if all that was suddenly pulled out from under me, and I was forced again to create a new life for myself in a strange and unfamiliar place?


The voice was almost undetectably sharper now, but the hand strengthened its grip and forcibly turned me over, till her face was above me and she was all I could see, comprising my whole universe in that moment, as she had once, years ago. Two unbelievably compassionate hazel eyes gazed down at me, scrutinising me, looking straight through me until I felt like she was reading my soul.

"I won't lie to you... won't say that this changes nothing."

My heart dropped, as if a chasm had opened in my stomach to swallow it.

"It's going to be a big adjustment for us all."

She tilted her head thoughtfully, and a hand tenderly brushed a few stray tears from my cheeks.

"But that does *not* mean that I'll stop loving you. That I'll *ever* stop loving you. You're still my baby, still my little girl." She smiled softly. "You're just gonna have to be a little bigger from now on."

I stared at her blankly for a few moments, and she watched back, her eyes never leaving mine. Her fingers stilled on my face, damp from my tears. I tried to draw breath, but it caught in my throat and escaped as a choking sob, followed by another, and another, then a flood of tears as she drew me into her arms and rocked me gently like an infant, murmuring soothing nonsense into my ear.

As I clung to her, shaking, I wondered why I ever doubted her, even for a second. I knew, deep down inside, that there was no way she would ever leave me, ever abandon me. Not for the world. Where my head rested on her chest, I could hear her heartbeat clearly, and for the first time it truly struck me that inside of her, there was another *life* growing: another fragile heartbeat in concert with hers. As I sat cradled in her embrace, listening, I heard Daniel slip through the door, coming to stand behind her, his hands moving instinctively to her shoulders. I raised my head a little and saw him gazing down on me. His eyes were worried, and I treated him to a watery smile. He grinned back, reassured...

"You okay, sweetheart?"

...And I nodded. I was okay. Or, at least, a lot better than I had been. It was a huge change that would take some getting used to, but I knew I'd manage. When I looked back up she was smiling at him, and I almost laugh. Crisis averted, they were practically delirious, looking for all the universe like two lovestruck teenagers making puppy-eyes at each other. I settled back in Janet's arms, enjoying the feeling of being the only child, the baby of the family, for a while. I knew that I could only savour it a while longer before, once again, my life was turned upside down. But as I watched my mother and father, as he bent down to kiss her lightly, it was worth it.


The next few months experience. I watched Janet as she hit her highs and lows, Daniel always by her side. I saw their excitement grow, as her pregnancy became more noticeable, her stomach expanding little by little.

He took it upon himself to convert our spare room into a nursery, which resulted in several afternoons of paint-splattered fun; Daniel, Jack, Teal'c and I each determined to win the DIY war that had broken out, in the most immature way possible. We spent a whole day trying to assemble the crib, fighting between ourselves. Daniel's cries of "I'm the father, *I'll* do it!" only served to feed our obstinacy, all of us consciously aware that Sam and Janet would have been able to assemble it in 10 minutes between them.

They visited us, every so often, so Janet could click her tongue and sigh, shaking her head, smiling affectionately at Daniel grinning proudly in the corner among the mess, and flee playfully from him when he chased her with paste-covered hands.

When I wasn't helping 'the Guys' with their conversion, I trailed along with my mother to do some baby shopping. Daniel was gently but firmly told to stay behind after the first few times of cooing over *everything* and wanting to buy out entire baby boutiques. Sam would usually come with us, to giggle excitedly with Janet over the toys, strollers, clothes - how *small* everything was - but sometimes I felt how difficult it was for her, though she *never* let it show, especially in front of Janet. I sensed it, even so.

As six months passed and her due date loomed, there was an atmosphere of barely controlled hysteria around the house. Every time Janet mentioned a small pain, or twinge, Daniel would panic, before being pointedly reminded that she *was* a doctor and knew what she was doing. Inevitably, however, one night bore witness to the real symptoms, and Janet was quickly taken to the nearby hospital. Daniel was on leave, granted for the closeness of the baby's arrival, but the rest of SG-1 was off-world. So, again with nowhere else to go at short notice, I went with them.

I sat outside, in the hospital waiting room, as they were taken through; Janet occasionally crying out quietly. For a long while I waited, alone, listening for any indication that it was over, any footsteps coming to tell me that I could see her. I stared at the walls for an eternity, just wondering. What would the baby be like, this mix of Daniel and Janet? Boy or girl? Her eyes, or his? Her colouring, with her auburn hair and pale skin, or darker, like him? I let my imagination wander, trying to picture it. After a few long hours, my questions were finally answered, as a nurse poked her head around the door and smiled at me. It was here.

I scurried along the corridor in her wake, half-nervous, half-ecstatic. She led me quietly into the room where Janet lay sleepily on the bed, Daniel sitting by her side. He was gazing down at her, and the little bundle she held in her arms, wondrously. His eyes brimmed with adoration as his fingers gently caressed the edge of the blanket. I crept over to them, as she turned her head to smile at me. Daniel looked up, grinning, and beckoned me over.

"Come and see."

I made my way over to the bed beside him and he placed a warm hand on my shoulder, as Janet shifted slightly to bring the baby into view. I leaned down and gasped, almost inaudibly, at the sight that met me.

From the depths of the blanket, two eyes stared up at me; shining clear blue like the surface of water, or the horizon of the wormhole. An incredibly tiny nose and perfectly formed mouth, a slight smattering of dark hair across her head. Her eyes blinked sleepily, roaming around the room, though they could barely see at all, before drifting shut into relaxed, contented expression. I reached out slowly, brushing my fingers in a whisper across her smooth, soft skin, and she stirred, nestling closer to Janet.

At that, I glanced up at my mother, who smiled warmly down at me, then looked up at Daniel. He smiled back at her, his eyes glistening with tears.

"She's beautiful."

And she was, incontestably. I sat there, between my mother and father, watching my new sister squirm in her soft cocoon. All my fears for the future melted with each breath she took: in the world only a few minutes, but welcomed into our hearts forever. Surrounded by my family, new and old, I smiled, happy and contented.


I gaze down, into the crib, as she tugs playfully on my finger. Her eyes regard it thoughtfully, judging it in terms of edibility. I smile, laughing softly again, attracting her attention as she glances up at the sound of my voice. I lean over and stick my tongue out at her, rewarded by a delighted gurgle and a few bubbles. Again, I hear gentle laughter, but this time it comes from the doorway.

I pull back, surprised, to see Janet leaning against the doorframe, wrapped in her dressing gown, smiling lovingly at the two of us. She raises an eyebrow at me - what am I doing out of bed at this time of night? - before closing the door behind her. She moves over to us, coming to stand behind me and looks down into the crib, pulling faces at the baby, calling "Katherine" quietly. She wriggles in her bed at Janet's voice, reaching up to her. Janet strokes the bridge of her nose for a few moments, till her eyes drift shut, then she moves back and wraps her arms around my waist, resting her chin on my shoulder; I've outgrown her in this past year. I turn my head slightly to smile at her, and she offers me one back. I turn back to look at Katherine, asleep in a world of baby-dreams, and wonder for a few moments what she'll be like when she grows up: when she learns of other worlds and other races, that her sister came from another planet, and her father travels among the stars. But all that's in the future, and my eyes start to flutter closed, tiredness overcoming me, and Janet steers me back towards my own bedroom.... the future can wait till tomorrow.


Copyright (c) Nike A. Johnston, April 2001

On to Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

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