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Professional Organizations

The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
ACTFL is a national organization for improvement and expansion of the teaching and learning of all languages at all levels of instruction in the U.S. This site provides the latest news and events of the organization and other information for teaching languages, such as lesson plans.
The Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium
CALICO is an organization for educators and researchers who are interested in modern language teaching/learning and technology. There is information about the organization and some articles from the CALICO Journal.
International Association for Language Learning Technology
IALLT is an organization for those who are interested in instructional technology for the teaching and learning of language, literature and culture. The site provides information on this organization and news about this area.
The Joint National Committee for Languages (JNCL) and the National Council for Languages and International Studies (NCLIS)
This is a governmental organization for language and international education. This site shows information about organizations for language teaching, grants, and other links of government which are related to language education.



The Association of Teachers of Japanese
This association is the largest organization for teachers of Japanese in the U.S., and the site provides a database of dictionaries, scholarship information, and job search.
Japan Foundation LA Office & Language Center
This organization provides assistance in the U.S. for Japanese language education, especially for teachers of the Japanese language at the pre-collegiate levels. The site explains strategies for teaching Japanese, the annual Japanese Language Proficiency Test, and grants for teaching Japanese.
Association of International Education, Japan
This site provides information about studying in Japan and getting scholarships there. There is other information about examinations for Japanese language proficiency.
The National Institute for Japanese Language
There is Japanese linguistic research information as well as related issues of Japanese languages. In the page titled "The Comprehensive Support Network System for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language," there is a lot of information about teaching Japanese as a foreign language.
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