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Vampires      Witches       Werewolves      Shapeshifters       Old Souls      Circle Daybreak
Based in New York, this RPG centers around vampires, witches, werewolves, and other creatures of darkness. It's a society called the Night World that's everywhere. Night World laws say it's okay to hunt humans. It's okay to toy with their hearts, it's even okay to kill them. There are only to rules:

1.) Never tell them about the Night World
2.) Never fall in love with one

                                                                        But some believe rules were meant to be broken...

Q: What does roleplay mean ?
A: Roleplaying is when you interact with others users by writing short stories that are open at the end.

Q: What does IC, OOC, RP, and RL mean ?
A: IC is an abbreviation for "in character", OOC is abbreviated for "out of character", RP is abbreviated for roleplaying, RL is short for real life

Q: Can I have multiple characters and may they interact with each other ?
A: Yes and yes. Even though we prefer if you roleplay with others, if it contributes to character development then go for it.

Q: Someone is harassing me. What do I do ?
A: Contact an administrator immediately with documented proof. You will get a response ASAP.


Q: What is Night World ?
A: Based on the book series written by L.J.Smith, the Night World is a univeral society comrprised of vampires, werewolves, wtitches, shapeshifters, and other creatures of darkness.

Q: What is Circle Daybreak ?
A: Circle Daybreak is a universal group of various Night World people and humans. They believe in harmony and peace between the two kinds, believing that each race is equal. Outcasted by the Night World, any members will be killed on sight.

Q: What is the "Council" ?
A: The Council is a group of elite and elder Night World people who run the Night World. They are the ones that usually deliver punishment to the law breakers and are feared by all.

Q: Can vampire hunters only hunt vampires ?
A: No. They can hunt any other members of Night World, preferably werewolves.

If you have any more questions,
please contact the administration.
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