Shanghai Gold Apple Bilingual School
This is the building where I lived.  It also houses the general offices, and the practice rooms (on the top floor - one above the foreign teachers floor - how lovely).
One half of the classroom building.  This half has 5 floors (the other has 4, but they are flush at the top - weird).  One of my classrooms was on the top floor, the last big window on the right.
A view of the football (soccer) field and the student apartments.  (Yes, it is seven stories tall.  The on-campus teachers live on the top floor.)  The students live 8 to a room; the teachers live 4 to a room.  The General Motors  plant is in the background.
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I taught here at the Primary School with a few other Foreign teachers and a full staff of National teachers.  And my kids...well...they were kids.  What can I say?  But we all survived the year!  And I honestly hope I never forget these people.
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