*~Mage's fic~*

The Amazing Car Trip


Toni: *yawns* Ok, this is chapter 4 of the Amazing Car Ride… boy, it’s been a while since I’ve written this thing…

Yami: No kidding… -__-;;

Toni: Don’t make me smack you…

Yami: Oh, Ra forbid…

Toni: *glares at Yami* Anywayz, here’s chapter 4, enjoy!!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------xxxxxxxxx (here come the flash backs, everyone scream!) xxxxxxxx

"You, brother, cannot rhyme for shit!"

"Well, give me better words then, you misfit!"

"THE EXIT!!!" Bakura began running feverishly towards the end of the path, but… WHAT'S THIS?! THE DOOR IS MOVING AWAY FROM HIM!!! "What?! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!" Realizing this was all hopeless, he purposely tripped and fell to the ground.

xxxxxxx (end of flashbacks, everyone cheer!) xxxxxxx

Joey and Kaiba were stuck with Yami, all three were sitting and whining about losing their precious cards.

Tristan, Trinity, Duke, and little Yugi were sitting in the room across from them, playing CLUE, out of pure boredom. Yesh….

Toni: I like CLUE… that’s a cool game, trying to find out who killed who… *laughs*

Yami: *stands over her with a golf club* Get…back…to…the…STORY!! *clonks her on the head*

Toni: Oww oww oww oww!! Ok ok!!

Bakura, Tea, and Mokuba were walking down, what seemed to be an endless hallway. Bakura dragged his feet on the ground. " Are we there yet?!"

Tea stared at her silver-haired friend. " Does it look like we are there yet?"

Mokuba was singing songs that popped into his head, " Bubbles, she’s the joy and the laughter, Buttercup---’’

Tea covered her ears. " I am surround by morons!!!" she cried out.

Well, they keep walking, and walking, and walking. Till the finally reach a turn in the hall. They turn. And walk into Marco.

He smiled. " Hello there, guys. Lost?" he asked, his smile widening.

Tea and Bakura exchanged nervous glances. " Uh, kinda…" said Bakura, rubbing the back of his head.

Marco laughed throatly. " Follow me," he said, and turned around, walking down a shadowed hallway.

Mokuba followed.

Tea shouted, " Mokuba!! You can’t just follow him like that! You don’t know what he’s capable of!!"

Mokuba grinned. " Oh, what’s the harm of trusting a stranger who looks like a maniac killer, that would tie you to a bed and tear your guts out? I trust him." He turned and skipped on after Marco.

Tea and Bakura both looked at each other.

Bakura shrugged. " He’s got a point," and so, he followed also.

Tea smacked her forehead. " God, I am surrounded by idiots, I swear! Oh well, might as well follow. Wait for me!" and she ran off behind them.

With the others…

" Mokuba! He coulda dun it!!"

" Not my little brother, nope! Blonde buffoon, my brother would never be cable of doing that!"

" Well, than who?" Yami, Joey, and Kaiba, were all sitting in a circle on the floor, trying to figure out who could have stolen their cards so easily.

Kaiba smirked. " I know they’d be able to get your cards easy, Wheeler, you’re so dumb, they’d probably be able to take them right out of your grubby hands by telling you to look behind you." He laughed.

Joey growled. " You suck at insults, but shut up, money-bags!"

Kaiba and Joey glared at each other for what seemed like forever, till Yami broke the silence.

" What if it was that Marco guy? He could have done it, he might have had keys to our rooms," he said.

Kaiba and Joey exchanged glances, and than both looked at Yami, and than glanced back at each other, and continued the cycle of looking at each other and than at Yami till Yami got so pissed off that he knocked both of them out cold and locked them in a closet, which had a secret passage way in the back of it and it led down to the robbers hide away which they fell into.

Toni: Such a weird twist, don’t you think? *laughs*

Yami: *rolls eyes* Oh joy…

Toni: *hits Yami on the head with a hammer* *smiles angelically*

Yami noticed the passage, and watched Joey and Kaiba fall down it, al-l-l-l-l the wa-a-a-a-ay do-o-o-w-w-w-w-n!!

Yami: D--*is cut off by Toni before he can say anything*

He follows them down and noticed there were a lot of boxes down there. He opened some up, and they were chock full of ….


*The tune ‘Hallelujah’ comes on*

" All these cards…. The possibilities are endless!!" cried Yami, but his happiness was brought to an abrupt end, when the mastermind behind the whole thing appeared behind him, grabbed him, and gagged him, tying him up with Joey and Kaiba.

He was knocked out before he could actually see who it was that got him. All he heard was a cold crackle laugh.

With the others…

Tristan, Trinity, little Yugi, and Duke, after finishing the game of CLUE, finding that it was Mr. Green, in the hallway, with a revolver, (got that in an actual game I played) left the room and walked down the hall.

Trinity walked pass the room the guys were in, to check in they were still in there… they weren’t.

" Oh no! Where could they be!?" She ran into the room, and than noticed the closet door open. " Look!" she shouted, and ran into it….

Falling down a ver-r-r-r-ry long flight of stairs.

Tristan, Duke, and Yugi watched her fall, bobbing their head with every step she hit, and flinched when she hit the bottom, with a hissing, " Sssssss, that had to hurt…"

" I’m ok!" she called up to them. They all walked down the stair way, and into the hide away.

Mokuba was still singing his little theme songs, " Who lives in a pineapple under the sea, Spongebob Squarepants!"

Tea couldn’t take it no more. A huge red vein popped up on her forehead, and she bashed him on the head.

Mokuba yelled out and turned on Tea. " What the heck was that for!?" He kicked her in the shine, and she toppled over him, and in turn they both rolled over Bakura, and fell through a trap door, which led to the that hide out place, where everyone else was.

Toni: Yay, they’re all together now! ^^

Yami: *sighs* I’d say something, but why waste my breath? *shakes head*

Toni: *jumps on Yami* *gets into a fist fight with him*

Joey: *cheers* Cat fight!! Go, bash his teeth in!!

Toni: Ok, now to continue, since Yami is now out of commission. *smiles*

Joey: *winces at the sight of Yami* Ooook…

Everybody was standing together in the center of the room, looking around the room.

" I’m glad you all could make it."

They all turn to see… *bum bum budum!!*

Joey:…? Toni? Who is it?

Toni: Don’t wanna say, cause you’ll get mad at me…

Joey: Huh…?

Toni: Ok, it was…


Joey: … *glares at Toni*

Toni: See!? Told ya so!! *runs and hides*

Everyone stared at her. " Serenity!?" shouted Joey.

Serenity smiled at her big brother. " Hello to you too, Joey."

" Why Serenity? What happened?" asked Yami.

" Why? I’ll tell you why! I want to be the best duelist! That’s why! I took all your cards, so I could build an unstoppable deck! So that no one could beat me with it!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

Kaiba glared at her. " Damn you woman! Give me my damn cards back!!"

She stuck her tongue at him, and said, " Come and get them! Na na!!"

Joey just stood there. " And I thought Marco did it…"

Tea bashed him on the head. " That isn’t Serenity!"

Joey stared at her. " It isn’t?"

Tea smacked her forehead. " No you dumb-ass, can’t you see the zipper on her back!?"

Joey blinked. " Huh…?"

Tea sighed, ran up behind Serenity and pulled the zipper… only to reveal that it was actually…

Yami Bakura!!

He laughed evilly. " Ha ha, I knew you would fall for that, ha ha! You all are so gullible! Ha ha!!"

Yami: Ok, this is getting confusing… -__-;;

Toni: *sweatdrop* Uh… yesh… I know it is… just bare with me here, ok?

Yami: *throws hands into the air outta frustration* *turns and walks away*

Toni: Yami? YAMI!? NOOOOOO!! *is smacked*

Yami: I’m right here, I’m right here. Just tell your damn story and finish it already!

Toni: *grabs onto Yami REALLY tight* Don’t ever leave me!!

Yami: Oh, Ra, help me!! … @_@ …


Yami stared at Yami Bakura in clear confusion. " Why on earth did you dress up as Serenity?"

Yami Bakura paused in his laughter, and gave the question some serious thought. " Well, to answer that strange question… *shrug* I dunno. I guess it was a way to throw you all off, and to see what it was like to be a girl…" *nod nod*

Everyone just stared at him… yeah…

Than, out of no where (!) Marco came!!

Kaiba:…? What’s with the (!) thing?

Toni: *shrugs* To emphasize the ‘out of no where’ saying?

Kaiba: You are an idiot.

Toni: *nods* That’s what most of my friends tell me at school…

Marco appears, and says to them allz, " Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! Me and Yami Bakura have both been working together to get you all!! He wanted the cards, and all I wanted was to torture you all in my wacky Maze House!!" *laughs like a maniac*

Joey: I thought this was supposda be about a car ride… *is ignored*

Tea stepped forward, and held up her fist. " You picked the wrong bitch to mess with!!" She jumped at Marco, and literally gouged his eyes out.

Yami Bakura stood on the side lines, and watched his partner get torn limb from limb, all the while thinking, " Thank Ra that ain’t me…"

All the peoples there, stood and stared as Tea beat the living daylights outta that guy.

Joey remarked, " I didn’t know she had in ‘er…"

Tea whipped her hands, and walked away from the bloody heap that used to be Marco Polo.

Toni: *falls to the floor laughing* Get it!!? Marco Polo!! Ahhahhahahahahahahahahaha!!!

Yami:… I know a moron… -__-;;

Kaiba advanced on Yami Bakura. " Where the fuck are my cards!!?"

Yami Bakura remarked, " Up your ass and around the corner," than turned and ran like bloody hell, with all thems right on his tail, till Yami jumped and got him, and they beat the living shit outta him, and he gave them all their cards back.

They said good bye to the old lady, never telling her that Tea had left her son in a bloody heap, got into the neon green SUV, and left off for home, with Mokuba still singing his silly songs…

" Scooby-dooby-doo, where are you? We got some th---’’




Toni: Ok, that wasn’t much of an ending, but oh well. *bows* I hope you all liked my comical story. Please review and tell me if you liked it!! ^^

Yami: Oh, please, don’t waste your time… this was so stupid…

Toni: Oh, ignore him, he’s just angry cause I made him look like an idiot. *smiles at Yami* Love ya Yam! *hugs*

Yami: Oh good god!! @_@

Toni: See ya’ll next time!! BYE BYE!! *waves*

Chapt 1 | Chapt 2 | Chapt 3

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