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[The time of insanity is nigh]

Original Flavour [This page was last gobbled at on: 6 May 2004]

Aegis: Chapter Eight
[Rating: General ··· Length: Very Long ··· Genre: Mixed up, Serious]
[ Word count: (chapter: 1, 851) (total:22444 )]

[ Chapter One · Chapter Two · Chapter Three · Chapter Four · Chapter Five]
[ Chapter Six · Chapter Seven · Chapter Eight · Chapter Nine]


As she lent back to judge the hight of the obstacle, something poked her mid-back. Turning, she could see it was one of two thin poles of metal that jutted from the badger’s warped body. An idea slowly formed in Aegis’s mind and, with some effort, she managed to snap the metal, brittle with cold. The broken edges were sharp.

Sharp enough to pierce ice. Reaching as far above her as she could, She slammed it into the wall. After testing it, she jumped up as high as she could and embedded the other pole a few feet from the first. Hanging from them, her feet dangled above the dead machine. Wrenching the lower pole from its moorings, she hung from one hand and swung up to re-embed it a few feet higher from the anchored one. After repeating this, she found she could use the dents left by the poles as footholds. Slowly she hauled herself upward, arms aching with effort. When the top was in reach, she slammed the pole one last time and pulled herself up.

The wall formed the edge of a slight ledge, about five feet wide. It gently curved, and fell away into sheer blackness. A short way off another ledge formed an inner circle. A ridge about her hight shielded her view of what she would find. Exhausted, she lay down, using her poles to avoid falling and before long, she slept. It was the need to go to the toilet that roused her. It had been many hours since she had last gone and she felt fit to burst. Her helmet reminded her that she could not go in the open – she would freeze. Becoming more and more desperate, she pulled herself to her feet, pole in each hand and steadied herself. A few small specs of snow floated down into the abyss, disappearing in its inky depths. Fixing her eyes on the ridge of ice on the other side of the chasm and swallowing her panic, she leapt.

For a few heart-stopping seconds she was suspended mid air, sure that she wouldn’t make it. The ice rushed toward her, then above her and the blackness neared. Slamming into the ice a few feet below her target, she began to topple backwards toward oblivion. The eerie silence of the icy landscape was shattered by her desperate scream as she tumbled down, headfirst. After a few seconds she found herself in a surprisingly calm frame of mind. Certain she was going to die, she relaxed and realised she was still holding the poles. Ending her scream, she embedded them into the fast passing wall.

The jerk on her arms was terrible as she flipped right way up, the abrupt ending of her fall threatening to tear her apart. Immersed in blackness, she could not tell which side she clung to and far above she could see a small patch of white sky. Unable to see her hands, she began to climb as she had before. Soon she got into a steady rhythm- embed, release, embed, release. Maddeningly, the tiny patch of sky sluggishly neared, the ice about her seeming to suck her down.

Arms shaking with the effort, she finally heaved herself over the lip of the ice and collapsed. She had made it to the other side. Gritting her teeth, she clambered over the final rise. The air suddenly warmed, hot and humid. A green dappled light, dimmer then the harsh white rays she had just come from lit the strange scene and it took her eyes a few seconds to adjust. The ground beneath her feet crunched not with ice, but sand and strange plants she had not seen before crouched low and bushy. About 100 meters away, a low mound of sand peaked above the plants’ fronds. Cautiously, she removed her helmet.

The air was hot and steamy. She felt the suit change slightly and immediately she felt just the right temperature. Crouching behind a large plant, back to the wall of ice that now felt warm to the touch, she disengaged the suit and relieved herself. After re-engaging, she decided to leave her helmet concealed underneath a rather scruffy plant. Selecting the pole with the sharpest point, she left the other with her helmet. Her muscles’ protests slowly ebbing away, she couched low and began towards the mound.

She felt she had to hurry – who knows what was happening to the captives. The plants became more and more dense, forcing her to zigzag slowly between the stems and the leaves became sharp and pointed. The pole was more hindrance than help and she almost dropped it multiple times. Soon she was among a completely different plant species, not green and plush but a withered brown, bristling with stiff sharp spines.

When she was but five meters from the mound, she found she could not move her legs. Twisting around, she saw thousands of tiny threads had wrapped about them. Each plant within view sprouted one such creeper and more were slithering toward her. Swinging the pole around, she hacked at them. As she cut, a hideous shriek pierced her ears and the tendrils were whipped away. Rushing forward, she hoped the inhabitants had not heard the commotion and stumbled onto the mound. Feeling the same paralysis as a minute before, she readied to hack again.

The pole did not hit vegetable matter but sank into sand. It too seemed to tug on her hands, she stubbornly held on. When the paralysis crept up to her waist, however, she looked down to discover the sand was swallowing her up. Her arms now pinned to sides, she could do nothing but stare in horror at the sand. She couldn’t die now, not after all she had been through! The suit was now completely covered, her hair following. At such close quarters, she could smell a strange chemical fragrance, very out of place in this organic environment.

Drawing one last deep breath she sank totally beneath the hungry sand. As the sand grew still, the sharp plants rustled though there was not a breath of wind. The air took on an earthy tone and the plants shook more vigorously. They moved in unison, like a morbid vegetable army. All of them pulled their leaves and twigs to the centre and then began to stretch. Each extended two long limbs; arms made of thorns and twisted hands like claws. The raised on two knotted legs and round heads formed above gnarled shoulders until they resembled grotesquely warped human shapes.

Eyes like orbs of blackness, they marched to surround the sand and stared into its depths hopefully. Several opened gash like mouths and unfurled the tendrils that Aegis had already met and dipped them into the sand, fishing for her body. They all pushed forward and some almost fell onto the mound, impatient for food. Out in the cold natural landscape of the ice planet, black widow lay serenely on the ice. The wind had picked up and a veritable gale assaulted the sleeping gymalef, battering at it ferociously. The gymalef itself showed signs of the cold, icicles tentatively forming from the tips of the legs and jaw scythes. The computer suddenly bleeped.

“Warning, sentient life approaching. Recommend evasive action.” But there was no-one to hear its falsely calm tones as three shapes appeared on the horizon, the pilot it was directed at completely submerged in quicksand, black dots of unconsciousness creeping into her vision, unable to move.

The plants, leaving their prey settled back down into plants and stilled confidant that more would follow. Blackness now blanketing her mind, Aegis allowed her breath to slowly bubble from her mouth and began to fall into an artificial sleep. She did not notice that her surrounds texture had changed. Instead of rough sand, thick goo held her steady. There she stayed, submerged in the sludgy liquid. Her arms and legs splayed out, hair wafting like it was under water, her face in a relaxed expression. Her chest slowly moved, lungs breathing the liquid.

The creatures hauled black widow, now trussed in thick coils of a dark metal, toward the settlement. Swathed in many layers of thick black cloth, it was impossible to see them properly, their forms seeming to waver in the wind. After a few minutes, the gymalef snagged on a metallic surface a few feet below the ice. Letting the cords droop, the creatures swarmed about the gymalef. They seemed to merge with it, then with the snow and in seconds all that remained was ice, not a trace of the metal hulk that had dominated the landscape moments before.

Within the settlement, a grey empty room waited. One of its walls was almost slimy, a deep brown in colour. Within the wall, a slightly darker shape about the size of a human floated. A hidden door slid open and two beings entered. The first was short and fat and waddled slightly, trying to keep up with its companion’s long strides. Wearing a deep red tunic and matching pants it strongly resembled an overripe tomato.
The taller did not even vaguely resemble any type of fruit. It strode easily, harsh grey cloak brushing the ground. Broad shouldered it stood tall.

If comparisons must be drawn it resembled a preying mantis of sorts- stern, patient and deadly. Throughout the hybrid ranks, this man was well known and feared. His quick temper and harsh attitude made him a deadly soldier but his missions always failed. It was thought that a hidden saboteur had decided to follow him on every mission- he said this was the case and had vowed to severely punish the interloper.

Supported on raptor like legs, they balanced on two clawed toes with thick tails curling out from beneath their cloaks. Their torsos seemed disproportionately small for their legs, giving them a rather comical sway as they walked. Up to the wrist, their arms appeared human. The left hand was not really a hand but a mass of tentacles, each about 20cm long. They constantly moved, rustling quietly like leaves in the wind. Their right hand was a large pincer with a lethal looking point at the tip.

Though basically human-like, their faces showed subtle differences. Their eyes seemed narrower and their eyebrows thicker then human’s. The shorter one had a round face with wrinkles from smiling, short fuzzy brown hair framing the pleasant face. The taller, however, had straight ash-blonde hair that was beginning to grey in a severely controlled cut and a fixedly guarded expression etched onto a sharply boned face. Both had two small horns protruding from their hairlines.

“Let’s see what we caught this time, Arrebnak,” the shorter one said in a thin, high voice. Arrebnak nodded slightly and stood in front of the goo- wall. Waddling up to the wall, Arrebnak’s companion plunged his tentacles right into the wall toward the darker patch. Coming up short, he frowned and pulled back. “I’m afraid my stature has failed me yet again,” he said, wiping the goo onto his robes.

[ Chapter One · Chapter Two · Chapter Three · Chapter Four · Chapter Five]
[ Chapter Six · Chapter Seven · Chapter Eight · Chapter Nine]


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