Final Legacy

This Page will have 3 profiles of Charecters in the game if you want to now the rest play the game when its ready.

Age 21
Uses Swords

Gan is the main charecter in Final Legacy. His story starts from his home village, a small warrior town in the east coast of an island called Derlin in north west Dergen (Dergen is the continent) and after his 18th birthday something happened to him that he has never figured out...
When a man in there village becomes the age off 18 they must show if they have become a man, and that is done by killing a Granden; an orge monster in the mountains of Derli. But Gan went to kill the beast and found it wonded from another monster. A stronger, more vicious monster... A Crader. A Crader is a flying wolf beast. The village Gan lived in had myths and legends about the beast in front of Gan. It was named the silver light because when one man saw it, the next second it had ripped throw them like a silver arrow, so Gan had a choice: to kill the weakend Granden and flee from the Crader, or fight and protect the Granden by fighting the Crader Silver light...

Age 20
Uses Staves

Hela is a friend of Gans after he came to Felden island where they met in the town and they've been friends ever since. But Hela's story is full of sadness and pain.
Her third birthday was her first painful moment when her parents left her in the house and never came back and was left in nobody's care. But then she was soon found by the free lancer (mercanary) Chris who took her, under his care and has shown her the ways off being a nice person to those that have suffered.

Her second moment of pain was when her fiancé Sun left her before the marriage when she was 18 and he has never come back for her. He left and joined the army of Reign Fei in Gergan (the capital of Dergen). Her third painful moment where she had the chance to meet her mother, who came to meet Hela in Ginji ( Where Hela and Chris live) and when she did her mother was standing in the grip of a guard...


Age 44
Uses Whips

Chris was thrown out of the Ginji army when he started to say that they where doing more damege than good to Dergen. He was right. He has held a grudge against them ever since and wants to show all of Dergen what they do in there.
When he was 27 he came across a little hut in Hunji, an island just east of Ginji island, and inside there was a little girl with no one to care for her so Chris took her under his guidance. That little girl was Hela.

Chris is the leader of a little team that is composed ofGan, Hela Chris and some other members. He is planning an attack on the Ginji Barracks to show Dergen what they are doing there. Gan was more than happy to recruit some great warriors and train them up so now you will find out whats going on... when you play the game that is.

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