
Scene 8: Pride comes before a fall .. literally! --------------------

Folenfant: "Wait! I see... I see a CRANE!"
Kelly, with a snort: "So?"
Folenfant: "I think I can work it! Let's go see!"

Kelly: Fine. You swim to the shore...Oh WAIT! BUT WE BOTH CAN'T SWIM NOW CAN WE
SARGENT!!!!!! *condemming stare at folefant*
Folefant: heh..heh...eh opps..it. must have slipped my mind.
Kelly: *narrows eyes* You know....I'm glad you said that... coz that's not the ONLY thing that is
(shoves Folefant off car roof, folefant lands in water again with a big splash , this time however, he was too far away to hold on to the sinking car)
Folefant: *splashes about in water* HELP!!! HELP!!! I CAN'T SWIM!!!!
(The man returns, smiling to himself...)
Man: Well well out of the frying pan and into the fire I see...
Kelly: Oh you're back! Thank god! Look we were just kidding, I have my handbag here, just get me
and the car out and I'll pay you....
Folefant: errmm.. miss *blub* Kel...*blub* aren't you *blub* forgettin...*blub* someone *blub*
Kelly: oh.. *rolls eyes* and if you have time...him too.
Man: On one condition...
Kelly: PLEASE....ANYTHING!!!!!!
Man: throw me your handbag...
Kelly: My what?!
Man: handbag... you heard me, payment first rescue later...
Kelly: *desperate* Fine. Take it take it..( she throws handbag to the man)
Man forages through bag and finds a camera.
Man: ahh.. i thought do. SAY CHEEZE everybody!!!!!! *takes photos*
Folefant: (still trying to keep head above water as he frantically splashes about )*blub blub* still
need* blub* help here!
Kelly: *exaspirated* okay. you've had your fun.. Can you PLEASE get me out of here now?
The man nods his head as he grins widely. He walks to the crane and lowers the hook to the car.
Man: (shouts from the crane) Attach the hook to the Car. I'll hual it up!

Kelly attaches the hook as told...
The car starts to move as it is lifted above the water..
Kelly: ARRGGHH WAIT WAIT! I CAN'T SWIM! i can't swim...
Folefant: *blub* I'm TOO YOUNG TO DIE *blub*
Kelly falls into the water with a loud splash as the car is lifted out onto the shore.
Kelly and Folefant are now both struggling in the water as they splash about...
( * okay so folefant has great endurance, i'll give him that! ;) * )
Man gets off crane and casually strolls to the side of the siene
Man: well m'am, the car is out like i've promised. i'm off now.
Kelly: (splashing) WAIT!!!!*blub* WHAT ABOUT US?!!!*blub* WE HAD A DEAL!*
Folefant: *blub* yeah..* plEEAASEE?* i don't wannna die... * blub*
Man: * evil grin* Sigh.. A deal's a deal. Okay m'am. On the count of three, you and your errmm ....
friend over there stop waving your hands, put your feet down and STAND...
Kelly puts her feet down and was surprised that she could touch the ground.
Kelly: WHA...? You MEAN... WE were stranded on the CAR for SO LONG when we could have
just WALKED back to the shore?!
Folefant apprehensively does the same after seeing Kelly stand.
Folefant: HEY! I CAN STAND? I CAN STAND!!! WE're SAVED KELLY!!!We're.... ( sees
kelly's face turning red ) *pacifyingly takes a step back* heh heh.. ahem.. geee..maybe it wasn't as
deep as i thought it was.
Kelly: .....WHY ....I..... OUGHTTA.......
Folefant: Err gee look at the time, i think the inspector needs me...errm well it's been a spendid date
Kelly... errm let's do it again some other time....
Folefant quickly scrambles up the shore and dissappears. *
Kelly: *waves fists angrily in air* COME BACK HERE AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN YOU
(*note: heh heh heh... we seem to be getting a lot of that from kel ain't we? ;] )
Kelly finally makes her way to the shore, the man is gone.
she sees the car in a huge muddy mess.
Kelly: Great, what more could happen? Hey what the....?
She picks up a muddy card that was sticking out from the steering wheel of the cord.

My dear Kelly,
I trust that your date with the sargent has been most unforgettable.
Of course should you ever forget, I'll be sure to send you photos ...
Yours most amusedly, Arsene Lupin.
p.s: Kindly wash the car before you bring it back , you know how Grognard is with


Scene 9

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