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Digimon the movie
T.K.: "Quick, someone get Kokomon a toothbrush!"
Buffy the vampire slayer
Buffy the vampire slayer
Buffy: "Um sorry Spike it's still too big, I'm gonna have to hack a bit more off!
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Ok, whoever stole my Barbie had better return it RIGHT NOW!
Maybe Buffy should think about hiring a more trustworthy hairstylist!
The Sailor Scouts are caught violating a public telephone!
"Oh my, I'm sorry but the first aid course never covered that"
Lita gives advice on how best to keep your school notes together
(This was just before the bulldog clip fell off and all her notes fell apart!)
The Worst Witch
Mildred attempts the ancient art of hypnosis! (either that or she's forgotten to let Tabby use the litter box before she brought him out!)
Mars discovers Rini's big secret: She's really a Genome!
Here's Mars attempting to break the news to Sailor Moon that she's going to have to tell Tuxedo Mask about that fling she had with Zidane..........
(for those of you who don't know, Rini is Sailor Moon's daughter!)
Tenchi in Tokyo
"Yo! could someone get a torch over here? I blew the power again!"
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