Here I'm just going to post pictures of my fav characters! Please be warned that some will undoubtably have captions. (I am a humourist Hee hee ^_^)
If anyone can think of any better captions then please
E-mail me. P.S. Thanks to Gothic Pixie for helping me write the captions! All Peter Pan pictures are taken from Marshmallow Fairies image gallery
Final Fantasy 9
A cool picture of Zidane looking serious.
I love this picture!
Final Fantasy 9
"Ahh!, who in their right mind would put a mirror there?!?!"
Vivi: It's an elephant.
Steiner: No, no, It's a rinocerous, I tell you.
Zidane: You're both wrong, it's...... QUEEN BRAHN!!!!!!!!
Final Fantasy 9
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Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
The classic Sailor Moon pose we all know.
"Pigs really do fly!"
"Who twanged my bra strap?"
Lugia, The psychotic master.... I mean the psychic master!! (oops)
Pokemon the 1st movie - Mewtwo Strikes back
I think Pikachu will find it easier to read if he actually looks at the right side
Tenchi in Tokyo
Bad hair day?!?!
Tenchi Universe
This is what happens when you put your guardians in the washing machine on too high a temperature
Tenchi in Tokyo
Washu tries out a new hair style! It's called the 'mixing of the wrong chemicals and getting blown up' style
Pokemon 3 - Spell of the Unown
Dragonball Z
"Why couldn't this Pokemon gym have an elevator?"
"What do you mean 'what hair gel do I use?'!!!!"
Here's how not to handle your Pikachu!
Dragonball Z
A nice picture of Gohan going mental (I told you I had a thing about characters with tails!)
Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates
"Hey Tink, the mermaids are stripping again!"
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Final Fantasy 9
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