Act V Harrogate
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Quest I Siege on Harrogate
You are given this quest by Larzuk wher you enter Harrogate. He tell you to move through the bloody foothills  and kill Shenk the Overseer. As you move  through the bloody foothills there will lots of Enslaved and death maulers in it. There are also many many catapults that you have to destroy and even a party of imps and they boss in the middle. when you meet Shenk the Overseer kill him and hit the WP behind him and talk to Larzuk  who will socket one of your items!!!
Quest II Rescue on mount arreta
After getting this quest from Qual-kehn move into the Frigid Highlands and find three cages and destory they doors so Qual-kehn men can get out. once you done this Qual-kehn will let you hire his men.
Quest III Prison of ice
Malah tell you that anya has meen missing from Harrogate for quite some time so she wants you to go through the Frigid Highlands into the Arrear Plateau then into the Crystallin passage (WP here) then into the Frozen Rver. When you get there find anya and return to Harrogate, talk to malah and then talk to anya, then go back to town and talk to anya  and Malah for your rewards.
Quest IV Betrayal of Harrogate
Anya now wants you to kill Nihlathak so go through her portal and go down throu all the lvl's there untill you meet Nihlathak in the halls of Vaught (WP in the halls of Pain) and kill him then return to Anya for your reward.
Quest V Rite of passage
This is the best quest in the game because you can get
3-10 lvl's but you must be lvl 20 to do this quest (40 in nm and 60 in hell). Move through the Glacial Trail (WP here) then through the Frozen Trudra (WP here) and last into the Ancients' Way (WP here too). when you reach the summit you will see an alter, read it and kill the ancients. This is VERY hard because if you are kill or open a TP you to read the  alter again and they will be all at full health again. when you do kill the ancients you will be given some lvl's
Quest VI Eve of destruction
After killing the ancients go into the world stone keep
(3 lvl's WP on lvl 2) then into the throne of Desturction AND OPEN A TP and find baal. Baal will give you 5 waves of monsters, the 1st wave are act I monsters, 2nd wave are act II monsters and so on till wave 5 where you face the minions of destruction. once you killed them all go into the Worldstone chamber and fight baal. Baal has a lot go spells and even a spell what makes a clone of him. Once you killed the real baal Tyrael appears and he opens a portal, go through it to finisht he game
Tips on killing baal comming soon
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