Act IV Pandemonium Fortress
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Quest I The allen angel
Tyrale give you this quest to kill Izual. Go through hell untill you reach the Plains of Despair then loof around for Izual. When you find him he will attack you with his sword and Frost Nova. once you have killed him talk to Tyrale  and he will give you 2 skill points.
Quest II The Hellforge
After talking to Cain go to the plains of despair to the city of the dammed and find it's WP. nekt to the WP will be a staircase to the river of flame. have way down is the hellforge (you have miss is if you found another WP) enter it and kill all the monsters there. there will be a boss monster there called Hephasto, kill him and he will drop the hellforge hammer.Click the forge to place the soulstone there then hit it with the hellforge hammer. You will get lots of gems from this quest.
Quest III Terror's end
After talking to Tyrale go down the river of flame and hit its WP then go on to the Chaos Sanctum open a TP here) where there is 5 seals which you have to open but 3 of these seals will give out monsters and a boss. When you have hit all 5 seals Diablo will come he hac Fire Nova, Lightning inferno, bone cage (which he puts round you and your TP) and last Fire Serpent, he also has a good melee attack. Once you killed him talk to Tyrale and he wil open a portal to act V.
Tips on killing Diablo comming Soon
On to act V >
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