Old and New Friends (2)

 Konzen>   Well, you`ll never know if you don`t try.

 Tenpo>   Dear, don't force him into such a vile act......::he sounds very disgusted::

 Homura>   ::his grin widens:: That of course explains everything. ::he is suddenly standing right in front of Gojyo. Grabbing his face with both hands, he kisses him::

 Konzen>   ::looks at Tenpo: I`m forcing nobody. I`m just repeating what you told me about food I don`t want to eat because it looks weird. If you don`t try, you`ll never find out.

Jien>   ::he walks over to the bathroom and steps under the shower::

 Gojyo>   ::his eyes are open wide, but he is to shocked and too surprised to move or fight back::

 Hakkai>   It is okay......::he stretches again::

 Homura>   ::he breaks the kiss and smiles at Gojyo:: Frozen?

 Gojyo>   ::he pushes Homura back:: What...are you insane?

 Sanzo>   ::he takes out some clothes and hands them over to Hakkai:: I shouldn`t be staring at you like this......

 Tenpo>   But that was nothing so disgusting......::he looks at Konzen, with playfull eyes::

 Hakkai>   Did you stare at me? ::he takes the clothes and starts dressing::

 Homura>   ::laughes lightly:: I`m pretty sure you never asked that a woman that just jumped on your lap and put her tongue inside your mouth. So, why are you so shocked when I do such a thing?

 Konzen>   It is not disgusting. ::hits Tenpo`s leg:: Bad boy. And by the way, it still is his decision. He`s young, he still has a lot of time for some experiments and experiences.

 Gojyo>   Because you are a man....::he slowly tries to retreat, opening the door behind him that leads into Kenren's room::

 Kogaiji>   ::he starts to get angry from hearing them talk about him like he was a kid::

 Tenpo>   I'm pretty sure he will try one day......::he laughes:: We all do it once.....

 Sanzo>   Well...... a bit. Can we go down now?

Kogaiji>   Okay, that`s it! ::he stands up and leaves the kitchen, smashing the door shut behind himself::

 Homura>   Oh, you never tried? ::he again comes closer to him:: What now? Are you trying to run away?

 Zenon>   ::looking after Ko, he laughes:: Oh my, that boy really has a thin skin.

 Tenpo>   Oh....thin skin.......::he laughes::

Konzen>   And therefor he`s such a cutie. ::shrugs::

 Hakkai>   Yes.....::he comes to Sanzo and softly kisses him again::

 Sanzo>   ::lays his arms around Hakkai`s slim figure:: Am I allowed to stare?

 Gojyo>   ::he looks into Homura's eyes and opens the door, slowly retreating into the room:: I never tried with a man....

 Kogaiji>   ::he leaves the house and sits down on the steps before. Pulling his jacket closer, he takes a deep breath:: Baka kami......

 Kenren>  Hey, Konzen!! You should think of me, not of him!!!!

Hakkai>   But only you are allowed....nobody else....::he kisses him again::

 Homura>   Aw really? Well, you missed a thing then. ::he suddenly appears right in front of Gojyo again and pushes him back onto the bed while the door behind him shuts silently::

 Konzen>   I do, love, and you know that. But you have to admit that, for a yokai, he`s pretty cute. Such a wild temper... ::grins::

 Sanzo>   ::repeats the kiss and his hands are softly caressing Hakkai`s back::

Gojyo>   ::he looks at Homura, again too surprised to really react, his heart starts to beat louder::

 Kenren>  Yeah...and you make him feel stupid......::he stands up and follows Ko outside:: Hey...don't let them do that.....

 Zenon>   ::laughes again:: Well, Konzen, tell him and he`ll rip your heart out.

 Hakkai>   ::his hands softly caress Sanzo's chest::

 Homura>   ::he climbs onto the bed, crawling over Gojyo, looking at him:: What is it? Are you afraid?

 Kogaiji>   ::looks at Kenren and sighs:: I`m pretty used to it, that`s the worst. But I`m really not in the mood for such a talk. Sex, phew. Don`t you ever think of something else?

 Konzen>   ::looks after Kenren:: Oh my, the kid`s just a bit sensitive....

 Gojyo>   <w> What...what do you want, Homura? ::he looks up into Homura's eyes, his hands weakly trying to push him back::

Kenren>  Hey....they are just trying to have some fun....and, well, usually it is me that always thinks about sex.....::he sits down next to him and holds out one of two bottles of beer he had brought outside with him:: Want one?

 Shien>  He has just lost his home and his family......::he drinks some more tea::

 Homura>   ::he grabs one of his hands and looks at it, testing it with his own hand:: You`re sweating. ::looks down on him:: You should better get some rest, Sha Gojyo. ::he stands up:: But before I want my coffee. ::grins at him::

 Zenon>   ::nods:: Yea, that can really piss you off....... ::lights up a new cig::

 Sanzo>   Let`s go down now. You really have to eat something.

 Gojyo>   ::he shakes his head, Homura confuses him. He stands up, then he suddenly grabs Homura, slams his back to the wall and kisses him deeply, his tongue forcing his way into the god's mouth::

 Kogaiji>   ::shakes his head:: No thanks, I don`t drink alcohol. ::he starts playing with the iron collars around his neck, looking at the horizon::

Hakkai>   I'm starving......::he takes Sanzos hand and leaves the room, heading downstairs::

 Homura>   ::surprised, he first struggles a bit, then he leans back against the wall and invitingly opens his mouth to Gojyo::

 Kenren>  It is just a beer, it will not make you drunk.....but I could get you a coke, if you like that more.....::he just tries to be kind and not treat Ko like the others did::

 Kogaiji>   ::gives him a light smile:: Thanks, but it`s okay, I`m not that thirsty. But thanks anyway.

Kenren>  I....I'm sorry......::he looks down::

 Kogaiji>   ::frowns:: Huh? For what? You didn`t do anything.... ::is a bit confused::

 Gojyo>   ::he kisses him madly, taking him back to the bed, throwing him down, himself ontop of Homura, not breaking the kiss::

 Homura>   ::liking the kisses and the taste of the half-yokai`s mouth, and also knowing that he could take over control again anytime, he just relaxes and enjoys the harsh treatment::

 Kenren>  I was a Captain in that army that destroyed your home.....somehow I feel responsible....and I feel the need to appologize to you......::he looks at Ko, a bit helpless::

Gojyo>   ::his hands starts to open Homura's pants, quickly and very rude::

Kogaiji>   ::shakes his head:: You are not responsible. We should have seen that coming one day. I´m pretty sure that the Empress knew about it. She left with that so-called doctor Nii just before the attacks began.

Kenren>  ::he opens his beer and takes a sip:: That is really crap.....

 Homura>   ::he breaks the kiss: That`s it now. You had enough fun for one day... ::pushes him away a bit, his hands going down to redo his pants::

 Gojyo>   ::he throws Homura back, sitting down on him, trying to get a good hold on his hands:: You really think I just stop?

 Kogaiji>   ::nods:: The biggest crap is that IF she really knew about it, I wonder why she didn`t take Lilin along. She`s her only child. And if she really had no clue, then why did she leave? That`s all so fucking strange.....

 Homura>   ::looks up at him:: And do you think I`ll let you go any further?

Kenren>  Maybe it was just some fucking co-incidence?

 Hakkai>   ::he enters the kitchen with Sanzo:: Good morning.....

 Kogaiji>   ::shrugs:: Maybe. But I hope my sister`s still alive..... ::still playing with his limiters::

 Gojyo>   Yes.....because I know something......::he smiles at him::

 Konzen>   ::smiles at Hakkai:: Hey, you are finally up. How are you? ::stands up from his chair:: Come, sit down here.

 Homura>   What shall be? ::narrows his eyes::

 Jien>   ::he leaves the shower, a towel around his waist, and walks downstairs::

Hakkai>   ::he sits down:: Thank you, Konzen. Yes, I finally woke up.......

Gojyo>   That you have a hard one, for example.....and that you did not have much fun last night......::he looks into Homura's eyes::

 Sanzo>   ::sits down on the window sill again::

 Homura>   ::gives him a wicked smile:: Oh, and now you think you can do something about that?

 Kenren>  Well, Gojyo and Sanzo said that only Jien was in the dungeons.....so there is a big chance they escaped....

 Jien>   ::he enters the kitchen:: Uhem.... hi....

 Hakkai>   ::he jumps up:: Jien, why are you not in bed???

 Kogaiji>   Yea, either that, or they were killed. Whatever, I`ll have my revenge. Those cowards gave us no sleep for 4 nights. The next time they won`t have it that simple.

 Gojyo>   Why not......maybe I should try with a guy at least once.....and you seem to have a nice ass, too.....

 Jien>   Well, after that weirdo was there, I`m feeling pretty good again. I`m just searching for some clothes....

 Homura>   Don`t even think about it, I`m not as easy as you are.

 Kenren>  Kogaiji.....don't live for revenge only, okay? That is not good......it destroys you....eats you up.....

 Kogaiji>   ::looks at him:: Well, what else do I have left? I`m sick of following orders from that dumb bitch...

Gojyo>   You think I'm easy? ::he just moves his hips a bit, knowing well that he caresses Homura's cock that way::

 Kenren>  Then you have the chance of a new start here and now. Everybody will think you are dead.....now you can live free again....

 Homura>   ::moans deeply:: Yes, I think so. Since you didn`t really trie to stop me from having my way with you.

 Tenpo>   Oh, yes......Dear, could you help Jien?

Konzen>   Sure. Just take a look into the living room. ::smiles::

 Jien>   ::nods:: Okay, thanks. Uhem, Hakkai... ::looks at him:: I really have to thank you. Very much.

Hakkai>   No, Jien, it is okay......thank your brother, Sanzo, Zenon and Homura for the rescue....I just covered your bruises.....

 Kogaiji>   ::shakes his head:: I have to take revenge for all the yokai that died. It is my duty...

 Jien>   ::shakes his head:: After what I heard, you saved my life. I owe you one, Hakkai, seriously.

Kenren>  Duty? Take revenge? And how? You can't even enter Tenkai......and the only gods you know are all here....

Gojyo>   I was just too surprised you bastard......::he again moves:: But if I am easy, you are easy, too....::he bows down, his face very close to Homura's::

 Kogaiji>   ::looks away:: Do you think I don`t know that? ::he looks very young and vulnerable now:: But...I have to do something.... ::shakes his head::

 Kenren>  ::he puts his arm around Ko's shoulders:: I will help you.....we will find a way......but promise me that you will not only live for revenge.....

 Homura>   You think? ::smiles and moans again from Gojyo`s move:: Then let`s just settle it that we both are. ::he lifts his head a bit and kisses Gojyo::

Hakkai>   ::he looks away:: You were just lucky.....

 Kogaiji>   ::gives him a light smile:: I will try.

 Gojyo>   ::he returns the kiss and moves a bit more, feeling very strange now, doing such a thing with another male, feeling Homura's hard cock pressing against his ass::

 Kenren>  And the first thing in your new life is that you will drink a beer with me......::he holds out the bottle to him::

 Jien>   ::sighs:: Whatever you say, I´ll keep it in mind. ::he leaves the kitchen and enters the living room. Taking the clothes that are lying on the couch, he starts to dress himself::

 Kogaiji>   ::he takes the bottle, but frowns:: I`m really not used to alcohol.....

Homura>   ::his hand goes down, opening Gojyo`s pants as well::

 Zenon>   ::looks at Shien:: Uh-oh, there`s something in the air.... Did you give Homura a free ticket?

 Gojyo>   ::he shivers for a moment, very excited by that new sensation::

Homura>   ::he grabs Gojyo`s cock and starts massaging it:: <w> Do you like that?

 Shien>  Not that I know of.....but if he wants the redhead, he shall have him......::he smiles and stands up, walking up a few steps of the stairs:: Kids, do you want to come with me and Zenon into the woods?

 Gojyo>   <w> Oh fuck....yes....::he now moves his hips in a steady rhythm::

 Goku>   ::looks up:: Aw yea, we have to show the deers to Sora.::jumps on his feet::

 Sanzo>   ::frowns at Hakkai:: Gojyo?

 Zenon>   ::stands up:: Thanks for the beer.

Jien>   ::comes back inside the kitchen, now dressed in jeans and shirt. Nodding to Konzen:: Thanks.

 Sora>  Deers, deers deers...<singing>

 Hakkai>   Is that really such a surprise, Sanzo? He was complaining about the lack of sex for weeks now.....

 Homura>   ::he pulls an arm around Gojyo so that he is now bound to him with the chain. Kissing him again, his movements go faster, harder::

 Kenren>  One will not make you drunk.....you're an adult man....you surely can drink....

 Konzen>   :smiles at Jien:: No problem. Sit down.

 Jien>   ::he sits down, looking at Hakkai, when hearing him talk about Gojyo:: What did he do now?

 Kogaiji>   ::sighs:: Okay, let`s give it a try. ::he opens the bottle without any problem with his long claws::

 Gojyo>   ::he moans in the kiss, still feeling strange but not bad with the god. His hands glide over the chest, slipping underneath the shirt, finding Homura's nipples to play with::

Kenren>  ::he drinks some more:: Those nails are pretty handy, right?

 Goku>   ::takes Sora up:: We`re coming. ::rushes outside the room::

 Nataku>   ::follows them::

 Tenpo>   He is in bed with Homura......::grins at Jien....::Paying for your health I guess....

 Kogaiji>   ::takes a sip, tasting:: Not bad. ::looks at him:: That? ::looks at his hand and shrugs:: Something from the past. My sister liked to scratch me, so I let them grow to scratch her back.

 Homura>   ::moaning, his hand now gets tighter, squeezing Gojyo`s cock::

 Kenren>  You can give back scratches? Then do me a fav, it's itching, can you help me?

 Jien>   ::rolls his eyes:: That stupid brat...

Gojyo>   ::He breaks the kiss:: <w> Oh my.......::he softly pinches Homura's nipples::

 Kogaiji>   ::laughes:: Better not, I`d break the skin. ::to show him, he takes a stone and scratches his nail over it, leaving a cut in the surface:: You see?

 Zenon>   ::waiting for the kids in the floor, he shouts into the kitchen:: Hey, we`ll get him later. An exchange for the kids. Don`t feed him cheese, he`s allergic to it.

 Kenren>  Oh....can't you do it carefully?

 Homura>   ::he leans back, enjoying. Still working hard on Gojyo`s cock, he looks up at him:: <w> What do you want...right now?

 Hakkai>   Do you mean Homura??

 Zenon>   ::grins:: Who else?

Gojyo>   <w> Sex.....plain and simple.....I want sex....::he deeply moans::

 Hakkai>   Okay......

 Kogaiji>   Well, I could try. But for back scratches and massages Do... Jien is the one you should ask.

 Konzen>   ::grins:: Don`t feed him.... really, those are crazy.

Shien>  ::he brings down the kids:: Okay, let's go then...::he smiles at Goku carrying Sora::

 Goku>   See you later! ::waves at the others and goes outside, almost running into Kenren:: Whoops...

 Kenren>  Hey....do you always run into me? ::he laughes::

 Homura>   ::he rips Gojyo`s shirt open and starts to lick his chest:: <w> So...? Do you want me... to fuck you...?

 Shien>  ::he takes Nataku's hand and walks out of the house::

 Zenon>   Bye. ::he follows them outside::

 Goku>   ::also laughes:: That`s because you`re always sitting directly in my way.

Gojyo>   ::his body stiffens a bit hearing those words:: <w> I...I don't know......I never...<moan>...did that before.....::he pinches Homura's right nipple a bit harder::

 Tenpo>   Well, we really should not feed him......

 Homura>   ::he stops, looking at him:: Then you better think about it now. Or we stop it. You don`t think I would let you fuck me, do you?

 Kenren>  Going back to the woods? Be careful it is cold......

 Konzen>   ::nods:: Surely he bites.

 Jien>   ::frowns:: I wonder what that guy is doing with my bro. I should better take a look... ::stands up::

 Gojyo>   <w> Why not? ::his hips move harder on Homura now::

 Hakkai>   Jien!! Do you really want to do that? ::he holds him back::

 Homura>   ::moans deeply:: Never...

 Zenon>   Aw, it will be okay. Or we burn down a few trees for a nice lil campfire.

 Gojyo>   ::kisses him:: <w> But why not?

 Sora>  Campfire!!

 Jien>   ::looks at him:: Yes. I don`t know that god very well, but to me he seems pretty weird. And I don`t like the idea much that Gojyo`s alone with him.

 Shien>  ::he smiles:: Yes, and we could roast a few squirrels...

Kenren>  ::he makes a face of pain when hearing the word 'Squirrel'::

 Kogaiji>   ::gives Kenren a questioning look::

 Goku>   Yea!!! ::he jumps around:: That`ll be fun...

 Homura>   ::with a sly grin:: You are not qualified.....

Gojyo>   ::he looks at him confused:: What do you mean?

 Sora>  ::holding close to Goku:: Help!!

 Shien>  Then let's go now.....

 Kenren>  I had a very bad meeting with a squirrel once.....::he looks at Ko::

 Homura>   Oh, I beg you, I´m the Toushin Taichi, do you really think I let a half-breed like you fuck my ass?

 Hakkai>   Okay, then go if you want to.......

 Zenon>   ::he takes his son from Goku:: Really, be a bit more careful. He`s not a toy...

 Kogaiji>   With a squirrel? ::frowns:: They`re harmless.

 Gojyo>   Hey! Why do you say that??! ::he stops moving and looks at Homura::

 Keshinu>   ::comes into the kitchen, stretching, and barks at Hakkai:: Wepp wepp......

 Sora>  ::holds to his father, a bit white in his face::

 Homura>   Because it is the truth, isn`t it? ::his eyes are cold now::

 Hakkai>   ::he pets his lap:: Come here....

 Jien>   ::he leaves the kitchen and goes upstairs::

 Gojyo>   ::he tries to get off of Homura, but the chain holds him there:: You're an asshole....

 Keshinu>   ::jumps on his lap, looking over at Sanzo:: Wepp wepp.....

Homura>   Is that news to you?

 Sanzo>   ::looking after the kids outside, he ignores the dog::

 Jien>   ::he enters the room:: Gojyo....? ::frowns, seeing them:: Okay, sorry for disturbing... ::turns around::

 Gojyo>   Jien.......::he is just so very confused now, that is a situation he never knew before::

 Homura>   ::he pulls his arms over Gojyo`s head and releases him from the chain:: You better go now. Get some rest.

 Jien>   ::stops and turns to them:: Okay, what is going on here?

Gojyo>   ::he stands up, closing his pants, not able to walk straight at first. He suddenly feels sick and used::

 Hakkai>   ::he pets the dog:: Sanzo is busy in his mind, sweetie....

 Jien>   ::he lays an arm around Gojyo, pulling him back:: Come, let`s go. ::looks at Homura:: And you keep your hands off him, you sick bastard.

 Konzen>   ::looks at Sanzo, then smiles at Hakkai:: Yes, with whatever.

 Kenren>  That one not...it bit me and it bit Konzen......and then..::He looks at the kids::..I tell you later....

 Kogaiji>   Okay... ::he chuckles and takes another sip of beer::

Gojyo>   ::he walks with his brother like in trance. not knowing what to think or feel now, there is just that burning urge to vomit::

 Jien>   ::looks at Gojyo:: Hey, are you okay? ::walks with him over to Konzen`s room, closing the door after they entered. He makes Gojyo sit down on the bed:: Gojyo? Hey? Are you okay?

 Homura>   ::he redoes his clothes and leaves the room, walking downstairs. He enters the kitchen, but stays in the doorframe::

Gojyo>   ::he looks at his brother:: I want in my....my bed......::he swallows hard::

 Hakkai>   Oh, you are back? We were warned about feeding you no cheese.....::he smiles::

 Jien>   ::really worried:: Hey, it`s okay. Just lay down here for a moment and calm down. ::strokes over his hair::

Shien>  ::he starts walking with Nataku at his hand, into the woods::

 Homura>   Oh, really? And where did my.... companions go?

 Gojyo>   No....I want my bed......this is not my bed......::he holds his hands in front of his belly::

 Tenpo>   They took the kids to the woods when you started having fun upstairs...

 Homura>   ::with a mean grin:: Well, at least to me it was fun......

 Jien>   Oh kuso. Okay bro, calm down, I`ll bring you to your bed. But first we go to the bathroom now. Come on. ::he lifts him up::

 Sanzo>   ::frowns at Homura:: Where`s the kappa?

Hakkai>   Yes, where is Gojyo?

 Homura>   ::shrugs:: Upstairs?

 Sanzo>   ::stands up:: You damn lousy..... ::shakes his head and walks past Homura out, heading upstairs::

 Gojyo>   ::he leans to his brother, still not really knowing what is going on. His mind revolts against everything that happened, the thing Homura did now finally was just too much::

 Hakkai>   What did you do to him? ::he stares at Homura::

Jien>   ::he carries him into the bathroom and lets him sit down on the edge of the bath tub:: Listen, if you feel sick, just let it out. It`s okay.

Goku>   ::he runs around, trying to catch a butterfly:: Aw come here now!

 Zenon>   ::walking next to Shien with Sora on his arms:: Tz, I really wonder what Homura is thinking. At the moment he`s really unnerving.

Homura>   Nothing. What should I have done to him?

 Shien>  Oh yes, he is.....and even I do not understand him anymore......::he shakes his head::

Sanzo>   ::he comes upstairs, hearing voices from the bathroom, he comes inside. Seeing Gojyo, he comes closer, laying a hand on his shoulder:: Are you okay?

 Kogaiji>   ::he takes a last sip and puts the empty bottle aside:: I guess I should leave soon and check in at the hotel. I don`t know when it closes.

 Gojyo>   ::in the same moment as Sanzo touches him he starts to choke and throw up::

 Jien>   ::he grabs Gojyo and makes him bow over the toilet, grabbing his hair to get it out of his face::

 Sanzo>   ::steps back::

 Kenren>  Hey, you can stay here for a while, we have a room left.....I guess the others will return to the cabin tonight....Okay, I wanted to tell you about the squirrel, right?

 Kogaiji>   ::nods:: Yea, the killer squirrel......

 Nataku>   ::watching the butterfly that now lands on his hair:: There is a butterfly on my head....

 Konzen>   ::looks at Homura:: Stop acting dumb, you know excatly what we want to know from you.

 Goku>   ::looks at him:: Rats, I wanted to catch it.......

 Hakkai>   What did happen in that room up there?

Gojyo>   ::after a few moments everything is over, for he did not eat anything lately. He just leans to his brother:: I want my bed.....

 Homura>   ::shrugs:: Well, we had a bit of a sexual intermezzo and then I told him what I think about him. Nothing more.

 Hakkai>   And what did you tell him?

 Jien>   It`s okay. ::looks at Sanzo::

 Shien>  Now you can catch it from his head, makes it easier....

 Sanzo>   ::nods:: I`ll tell Hakkai. ::he leaves the bathroom and goes back down::

 Zenon>   Yea, but don`t jump on him.

 Goku>   Yesss..... ::he carefully tries to grab the butterfly from Nataku`s head::

 Homura>   ::smiles:: That`s none of your business.

Kenren>  Yes...it was sitting in the window and Ten told us he will handle it. He took a book about wild animals, we thought he wanted to look up squirrels.....

 Kogaiji>   ::nods:: Yea...?

 Gojyo>   Jien....I want home......::his lips are shivering as if he was freezing very bad::

 Sanzo>   ::enters the kitchen again:: Hakkai, let`s go back to the cabin. Gojyo wants home. ::gives Homura a very angry side glare::

 Sora>  ::watches the butterfly:: I had butterfly!

 Jien>   We are going. ::he lifts him up again and walks over to the staircase::

 Hakkai>   Is he alright? ::he puts Keshinu down and stands up::

 Sanzo>   No. ::he leaves the kitchen and pushes Homura a bit aside when he passes him::

 Hakkai>   ::he follows Sanzo, shooting an angry look at Homura as well::

 Kenren>  Instead of reading he threw the book and knocked the squirrel out of the window into the garden...::he laughes::

Jien>   ::he comes down with Gojyo, following the others outside. Seeing Ko, he stops for a moment:: Hey there.

Kogaiji>   ::he starts laughing, then stops when he sees Jien:: Doku.... ::stands up, looking at Gojyo:: Oh shit, what happened?

Goku>   ::the butterfly flies up:: Aw no, it`s gone again......

 Zenon>   Do you want down? ::looks at his son::

 Nataku>   Chase it, you will get it.....::he smiles at him::

 Sora>  Me down!

 Shien>  The butterfly looked good in your hair....::he softly smiles::

 Zenon>   ::lets Sora down:: I´ll keep Kuma, before he gets dirty.

 Goku>   Of course... ::running after the butterfly:: I`m gonna get you...hey, not higher, deeper......

Konzen>   ::worried, he follows the others outside::

 Hakkai>   ::he comes outside with Hakuryu on his shoulder:: Hakuryu, we need to go home.....could you change?

 Kenren>  ::he stands up and looks at Gojyo:: What's wrong with him?

 Jien>   ::shakes his head to Ko:: We bring him home. Ask that stupid kami if you want to know. ::glares at Homura::

Tenpo>   Why do you have to act like a maniac, Homura? ::he looks at him::

Sora>  ::tries to follow Goku, but he often stumbles with his short legs::

 Homura>   ::gives him a cold smile:: maybe I like it.

 Hakuryu>   ::changes into the jeep::

 Hakkai>   ::he gets into the car waiting for the others::

 Zenon>   ::smiles at Shien, seeing his son:: I fear the day he will not fit into my arms anymore. ::carrying the bear::

 Gojyo>   ::his body shakes in the cold air but he says nothing, his eyes close now, his hand grabbing Jien`s clothes::

 Jien>   ::he lays Gojyo down on the backseat, climbing into the jeep as well::

 Sanzo>   ::enters the jeep, looking at Ko:: Do you want to come with us?

Shien>  Oh, believe me, mayn years will pass before. Gods do age slower.......::he smiles at him:: He is so innocent. ::he watches Nataku play with a big black bug::

 Zenon>   ::nods:: Maybe here they can grow up happier than in Tenkai. Something like that, playing, isn`t allowed at all there.......

 Goku>   ::disappears in the woods::

 Sora>  Goku! Wait me!! ::he tries to follow Goku::

 Keshinu>   ::barking, he jumps onto Sanzo`s lap::

 Shien>  I'm sure they will be very happy here......

 Kenren>  ::he looks at Ko:: It is your choice....

 Zenon>   Oh no, sweety. ::grabs Sora`s hand:: You will only get lost. He`ll come back, don`t worry.

 Kogaiji>   ::shakes his head:: I`ll stay here, you have to care for him. Hurry.

Sora>  ::he looks at his Father:: Papa.....caterpillar!

 Zenon>   ::smiles:: You saw one?

 Hakkai>   ::he starts the car:: We will come back and get you, Ko! ::he drives off::

 Kogaiji>   ::looks after them till he can`t see the jeep no more. Then he turns to Homura with a raging look, a deep growl coming from his throat::

 Sora>  ::he point to a plant::

 Zenon>   ::goes down:: Aw there, I see it. Pretty small one, eh?

 Kenren>  ::he grabs Homura by his shirt:: Now you'll pay.....

 Konzen>   ::lays a hand on Kenren`s arm:: Hun, no.

 Sora>  Yes....uncle made me butterfly from caterpillar

Kenren>  ::to Konzen:: Why not??

 Homura>   ::just smiles at Kenren::

 Gojyo>   ::he starts to freeze more from the cold wind in the jeep::

 Goku>   ::comes back to them, holding something in his hand:: I got a FROG!!!!! ::holds his hands up::

 Jien>   Hey.... ::he gently strokes over Gojyo`s hair and takes him into his arms, trying to warm him a bit::

 Sora>  ::he jumps up and down:: Me see Me see!!

 Konzen>   No fight, please...... ::looks at Tenpo::

Zenon>   ::frowns:: A frog, how nice. Don`t eat it.

 Goku>   ::kneels down:: Yes, and Nataku must also see it. It is completely green.

Hakkai>   What did happen in that room, Jien? ::he tries to drive as fast as possible::

 Nataku>   ::holding his bug in his hand he comes closer:: Show me....

 Jien>   ::shakes his head:: I don`t know. It must have been something that bastard said to him.

 Goku>   You first.

 Tenpo>   Ken, Ko, no.....just let him go......he is insane.....

 Nataku>   ::he shows his bug the Goku:: Here....

 Kogaiji>   ::one hand behind his back, he starts to form an energy ball::

 Hakkai>   He said they had some kind of sexual intercourse and then he told him what he really thinks of him.....

 Sora>  Me see pillar!!

 Homura>   ::he passes Kenren and walks outside, looking from one of them to the others:: You are so pathetic.

 Jien>   ::nods:: That dumbass just caught the right moment to hit him hard.......

 Tenpo>   ::his eyes start to glow and the chain wraps itself around Homura's throat::

 Goku>   ::he opens his hands a bit, a fat green frog sitting on his palm::

Hakkai>   Yeah...He was so bad yesterday......he did not have much sleep.....and now that......

 Homura>   ::grabs for the chain, a hard wind appears around Tenpo::

 Sora>  ::he tries to see the frog::

 Konzen>   Hey, no, stop it! ::he tries to grab Tenpo, but the winds is too hard::

Zenon>   ::looks at Shien, frowning:: You feel that?

 Goku>   ::holds it out to Sora:: Here!

 Tenpo>   ::he stands the wind and chokes him::

 Homura>   ::Still pulling on the chain, his eyes start to glow as well. He holds out his hand and shoots a hard blast of energy right into Tenpo`s face::

 Shien>  Yes...but we are here for the kids.....you have a nice frog, Goku....

Zenon>   Are you sure?

 Tenpo>   ::it slams him backwards and he lies on the ground without any movement::

 Shien>  Yes....

 Goku>   ::smiles brightly at Shien:: I will call him Oscar.

 Shien>  You can't keep him.....he belongs out here....

 Kogaiji>   ::he throws the ki ball at Homura::

 Konzen>   TEN! ::he runs over to him, shaking him:: Ten? TEN!

 Kenren>  TEN!!

 Goku>   But I can give him a name.

Homura>   ::he jumps up and disappears. Reappearing next to Ko, he kicks him hard into the stomach::

 Nataku>   The name of my bug is Roan.....

 Zenon>   ::looking around nervously:: Damn, Shien, I can`t just let him alone.

 Shien>  He is dominating them.....

 Goku>   ::smiles:: And what`s your caterpillar`s name? ::looks at Sora::

 Zenon>   Yea, and he will kill them. ::looks at him::

 Sora>  I don't know.......

Shien>  Then go and save them.....I stay with the kids....

 Kogaiji>   ::he goes down, holding his stomach:: Kuso.... stop being such a coward, damn it...

 Konzen>   Hell, Homura stop it! ::still holding onto Tenpo::

 Zenon>   ::frowns at him:: You don`t care, right?

Goku>   Give him a name. Or her.....

 Kenren>  ::he jumps at Homura, his psysical power is much bigger than Homura's, he throws him to the ground and start to beat him::

 Kogaiji>   ::stands up again, looking at Kenren::

 Homura>   ::he tries to block the hits::

 Konzen>   ::takes Tenpo on his arms and lifts him up:: Ken, give me a bit space....... ::his eyes start to glow::

Shien>  I do....but I can't leave the kids behind.....and it hurts to see him like that...::he looks at Zenon, very worried:: Help him.....

 Zenon>   ::nods:: We have to do something about that madness. ::he disappears::

 Kenren>  ::he tries to hold him down::

 Sora>  Poob!

 Homura>   ::tries to kick Kenren off him::

 Goku>   ::frowns:: Poob????

 Nataku>   Is that a name??

 Sora>  Poob!

 Konzen>   ::around Homura, iron chains start to grow from the ground, wrapping themselves around hisbody::

 Hakkai>   ::they finally arrive at the cabin:: Here we are...

 Zenon>   ::appears next to Kenren, grabbing him:: Hey, stop that now! ::pulls him back:: Are you now all going mad? Or can`t we simply leave you alone?

 Goku>   Okay, then it is..... Poob.... ::looks with questioning eyes at Shien::

Kenren>  You should have seen Gojyo!!! ::he screams at Zenon::

 Homura>   ::he tries to break free from the chains::

 Konzen>   ::he makes the chains tighter:: Yes, exactly.

 Zenon>   Okay OKAY! Calm down! ::holds Kenren close:: See, I don`t know what happened, but it makes no sense to clear it like that.

 Shien>  Well....it is a name.....::he smiles at the kids::

Tenpo>   ::he finally starts moving again::

 Homura>   ::gasping for air, he is pinned to the ground:: I`m gonna kill you! ::yelling at Konzen::

 Konzen>   Then come and try. ::looks at Tenpo:: Are you allright?

Kenren>  Zenon! He is insane! He is hurting everybody he can.....you better watch your child!

 Tenpo>   I...I guess I am....

 Zenon>   I know, calm down now. Konzen, please stop it.

 Hakkai>   ::he gets out of the car and opens the door of the cabin::

 Jien>   ::he takes Gojyo on his arms and jumps out of the jeep:: Hey bro, now you get your bed. Okay?

 Gojyo>   ::still shivering:: <w> My bed....yes....

 Homura>   ::invading Konzen`s mind:: **You let me free now**

Nataku>   Then it is Roan the bug, Oscar the frog and Poob the caterpillar......::he smiles::

 Goku>   ::grins:: Sounds weird.

 Jien>   ::he carries Gojyo inside and brings him to his bed::

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