Old and New Friends (3)

 Gojyo>   My bed........::he feels the blanket around him and the well known smell::

 Konzen>   ...no... ::he stumbles, a hand rushing to his head::

 Kenren>  Zenon, why can't you stop him?

 Shien>  **Homura, stop it.....or I have to hurt you.....**

 Zenon>   Hell, do you want to try it? ::shakes his head:: Gimme a moment. ::his left eye starts to glow as well::

 Homura>   **Fuck off, you lil bitch!**

 Konzen>   ::he lets Tenpo down, going down on his knees:: Damn... my head.....

 Shien>  **Zenon, he is out of controll**

 Zenon>   **I know** ::he holds out his hand and a hurricane breaks lose around Homura:: **But what the fuck shall I do??**

 Jien>   ::sits down next to him:: You feel better now?

 Shien>  **I will handle it** ::he suddenly blanks out Homura's mind, making him faint::

Zenon>   **good** ::the wind stops:: What a fuck.... ::shakes his head::

 Gojyo>   <w> Yes.....::lying there, fully dressed in the clothes he was wearing for two days::

 Kenren>  Shit....what is wrong with him??

 Konzen>   ::breathes heavily::

 Jien>   Come on, let`s get you stripped. ::he starts to open his boots::

Gojyo>   ::he just lies there and lets Jien undress him::

 Hakkai>   ::to Sanzo:: Damned......What did Homura do to him? I have never seen him like that.....

 Jien>   ::he puts the boots down and starts with Gojyo`s pants:: You really have to rest......

 Sanzo>   ::shakes his head:: That stupid asshole.......

 Zenon>   ::shrugs:: I really dunno it anymore. ::he kneels down next to Homura and starts to remove Konzen`s chains::

 Tenpo>   ::he hugs Konzen::

 Kenren>  Ko, you alright?

 Kogaiji>   ::looks at the gods:: You should lock him somewhere where he can`t cause any trouble.

 Konzen>   ::smiles at Tenpo:: You are so crazy.... ::looks at Kenren:: Both of you.......

Gojyo>   Jien.....thank you......::he shivers when Jien undoes his pants::

 Jien>   ::stops when he feels him shiver:: Hey, don`t be afraid. We`re at your home. Here`s nobody who can harm you. ::looks at him, very worried:: Do you want to do that by yourself?

 Tenpo>   Why do you think, dear?

 Konzen>   Stop being so reckless, okay?

 Zenon>   ::after removing the chains, he lifts Homura up and lays him over his shoulder:: Maybe that`s really not such a bad idea...

Gojyo>   No...you do it......::his body relaxes:: You are here with me, forever?

 Hakkai>   ::he looks at Sanzo:: What shall we do now?

 Jien>   ::smiles at him:: Yes. I won`t leave you alone again, brother. ::he gently touches his face, then continues undressing him:: Do you want something to drink?

 Gojyo>   Yes....ani.....

 Sanzo>   Get rid of that baka. The next time I see him, I`ll let the saru get him. ::can`t hide his anger very well::

Zenon>   **Hell, Shien, and what now? Shall I bring him home?**

Kenren>  You should lock him up anywhere........::he looks at Zenon:: Hey, when do you open that bar?

Shien>  **Yes....I will care for him later....**

 Zenon>   Guess tomorrow. Enjoji is out to buy the rest of the needed stuff.

Tenpo>   That's good. We will be there ::he smiles at Zenon::

 Zenon>   ::smiles:: Fine, I´ll count on that. **Better promise me you gonna kill him, or I`ll do!**

 Konzen>   Yes. Let`s go back inside. ::he lets the chains disappear::

Shien>  **bring him home, I will punish him.....**

Jien>   ::stands up:: Okay, I`ll get something for you. Just relax. I`ll be back in a minute. ::he leaves the bedroom and walks downstairs:: Hakkai?

 Hakkai>   ::he turns to Jien:: Yes? Is he better now?

 Zenon>   ::he appears in their house and lays Homura down on the couch:: Really, you`re such an idiot. ::he walks over to the kitchen and opens the fridge in search for a beer::

 Shien>  ::he looks at the kids playing with their new lil friends and his heart sinks:: *Why do I have to take them away from here now...*

 Jien>   Yes, I think so. Can I have a glass of water for him?

 Homura>   ::lying on the couch, he slowly opens his eyes. Shien`s hit caught him off guard, but he recovers pretty fast from it::

 Sanzo>   ::still outside the cabin, he lights up a cig, looking at the horizon::

Goku>   ::the frog jumps off his hand:: Oh now, Oscar, you have to stay here! ::runs after it::

 Hakkai>   Sure, come to the kitchen with me....::he enters the kitchen and takes a glass out of the cupboard. Then he opens the fridge and takes out a bottle of water and fills the cup:: The new fridge is really a good present from Konzen....it needs no electricity.....::he hands the glass to Jien::

 Sora>  ::he tries to follow Goku, but Nataku holds him back:: Your Papa said you shall not run after Goku.....

 Jien>   ::takes it:: Thank you. I guess he`ll soon fall asleep. It was simply too much for him. ::there`s a lot of love and care in his voice when he talks about Gojyo::

Hakkai>   You really care for each other, even after all that happened....and that is good to see....::he smiles at Jien:: But you are right, he needs rest.....he nearly broke down last night....

 Zenon>   ::finding no beer, he goes back to the living room. Seeing Homura awake, he frowns and automatically grabs for his gun::

 Shien>  ::he sighs and makes a decision:: Goku?

 Jien>   ::nods:: I`ll go back to him. Thanks for the water. ::he smiles at Hakkai and goes back upstairs::

 Goku>   ::grabs the frog again:: Gotcha! ::turns to Shien:: Huh?

 Homura>   ::smiles at Zenon:: You seem not to be very hapy...... ::he stands up and comes closer to him:: My "dear friend"......

Shien>  Goku, can I leave you alone and you take care for those two?

 Gojyo>   ::He is lying on the bed and just staring into open space::

Jien>   ::comes back to Gojyo and sits down next to him again:: Here. ::gives the glass to him:: And then you gonna sleep, okay?

Zenon>   Well, not happy at all.... ::he slowly walks backwards::

Goku>   ::nods, a bit confused:: Sure, but where you wanna go?

 Gojyo>   ::he takes the glass and drinks some water:: Yes.....ani...you will stay with me, right?

 Jien>   ::nods:: Yes, but unlike you, I don`t feel the urge to sit next to your bed all night. ::he starts to take off his shoes:: What means you`ll have to move a bit aside. ::smiles at him::

 Shien>  They need me at home......::he smiles at Goku:: And you will be careful, do you hear me? Don't jump around when Sora is on your arms. and don't run away, we always tries to follow you....

 Gojyo>   ::he move to make room for his brother::

 Homura>   ::sighs:: I thought so. Well, then I guess I have to go. Farewell. ::he disappears::

 Hakkai>   ::he starts to make some coffee::

 Goku>   Sure, I`ll care for them.

 Jien>   ::he lays down next to Gojyo and looks at him:: <w> Do you feel a bit better?

 Zenon>   ::starts cursing:: Aw shit, and where the fuck did he go now? **Shien...SHIEN! We got a big fat fucking problem!!**

 Gojyo>   Yes....::he moves into his brother's arms, resting his head on Jien's chest::

Shien>  Okay, Goku, I count on you......::he disappears and reappears next to Zenon:: What happened?

 Jien>   ::pulls him close:: Then sleep a bit. I`ll stay here with you. ::gently places a kiss on his hair::

 Sanzo>   ::he throws the cig away and walks over to the cabin::

 Zenon>   He`s gone. That idiot woke up and now he`s gone and I got no fucking clue where he is.

 Nataku>   ::he looks at Goku:: Where did Shien go?

Shien>  Damned.....**Homura, where are you?**

 Goku>   ::shrugs:: Maybe he needs a toilet. Let`s play with our pets, okay? ::smiles at them::

 Gojyo>   ::he closes his eyes and finally he falls asleep, sure that his brother is there with him::

 Homura>   ::he closes his mind to Shien as if smashing a door shut::

 Sora>  Poob! ::he shows the caterpillar to Goku::

 Sanzo>   Hey Hakkai.......

 Shien>  He blocks me out......

 Hakkai>   Yes?

 Goku>   ::grins:: Yes, Poob. Okay that one gets the price for the best name, how about that?

 Zenon>   Damn. And what shall we do now? He`s completely gone nuts.

 Homura>   ::he suddenly appears right behind Sanzo::

Sora>  Me won price!

 Nataku>   And you deserve it.....::the bug keeps walking over his hand::

 Hakkai>   ::seing Homura, he tries to warn Sanzo:: Sanzo, watch out!

 Goku>   ::he opens his hand and the frog jumps again, right onto Nataku`s head:: Ooops......

 Sanzo>   ::turns around:: What the.......?

Nataku>   Now I have Oscar on my head......why do all animals want me?

 Homura>   ::he quickly wraps his chain around Sanzo`s neck and pulls him close, smiling madly at Hakkai:: Aw, too slow as it seems.....

 Goku>   Well, I have an idea. ::he grabs the frog from Nataku`s head and puts it onto Sora`s head::

Hakkai>   ::e forms a ball of Ki in his hands:: Let him go!!!

 Sanzo>   ::tries to get the chain from his throat, gasping for air::

 Sora>  Me frog on head! ::smiles at Goku::

Homura>   Don`t try it, you`ll only hurt him. Tell my "lover" that I need to have a serious talk with him. ::then he disappears, together with Sanzo::

Shien>  I don't know.....did he not say anything before he left?

Goku>   ::smiles back at Sora and then at Nataku:: See? That`s better now.

 Zenon>   ::shakes his head:: He was pretty pissed......

 Hakkai>   Sanzo? Damned.......

Homura>   ::he reappears in a cave somewhere in the mountains, throwing Sanzo to the ground::

Shien>  Ahh.....::he sits down:: Why does he have to be like that?

Sanzo>   ::holding his throat, he takes some deep breathes:: Are you completely gone nuts?

Zenon>   I really dunno.

Homura>   ::screaming at Sanzo:: Shut the fuck up! I`m getting what I want, one way or another. And I give a fuck about what you think!

 Hakkai>   ::he is standing there, not knowing what to do::

 Shien>  ::he again tries to contact Homura:: **Homura, where are you?**

 Goku>   ::looks at them:: Hey, are you also hungry?

Sora>  Woa....me so hungry.....::points at his belly::

 Nataku>   Oh yes...::he pets the bug::

 Sanzo>   ::shakes his head:: Hopeless, I see. ::he stands up and shoves the dust off his robe::

 Homura>   **The question is wrong, Shien. Try another one**

 Goku>   Fine. ::stands up:: Then let`s go to Ten-chan and ask him if he will cook for us, okay?

 Zenon>   ::watches Shien::

 Nataku>   Okay....I'm sure he will....

Shien>  **What do you mean?** ::the look on his face shows his confusion::

 Sora>  We leave?

 Zenon>   What is it?

 Homura>   ::he comes closer to Sanzo:: **Well, why don`t you ask.... who is with me?** ::he reaches out with his hand and touches Sanzo`s face::

 Goku>   Yep, let`s go. ::looks at Sora:: Shall I carry you?

 Sanzo>   ::shoves his hand away roughly:: Get lost!

Shien>  He wants me to ask who is with him....**Who is it? And what did you do?**

 Sora>  ::he holds out his arms::

 Zenon>   ::shakes his head:: Oh my, what is that shit now? ::bites his lip::

 Goku>   Good answer. ::he takes the boy onto his arms:: And no jumping. Promise!

 Nataku>   ::he tries to set the bug free, but it wants to stay with him:: Hey, come on, leave me....

 Shien>  I don't know.....

 Homura>   ::he suddenly grabs Sanzo and pulls him close to his own body, getting very close to his face:: **Well, it`s a certain monk who doesn`t seem very willing to kiss me**

Hakkai>   ::he takes up Gojyo's mobile phone and dials the number of the bar:: Answer....

Shien>  **Leave him be! What do you want from him?**

 Sanzo>   ::struggles:: Stop it, bakayaru!

 Zenon>   ::hearing the phone, he goes down to the bar and answers it:: Yea?

 Homura>   **I want YOU! And if I can`t get you, I have to search for something else** ::he lets go off Sanzo and slaps him hard through the face::

 Goku>   ::laughes:: I start to believe you that it is not so great to attract animals, Nataku.

Hakkai>   Zenon? I know our phone is bad, but Homura took Sanzo away!!! ::he tries to speak as loud as possible::

 Nataku>   ::holds out his hand:: Can you take him away?

 Zenon>   :hearing only the half of it:: Hello? Who is that?

 Sanzo>   ::he falls back against the wall::

 Shien>  **Homura, where are you? Tell me and I will come to you.....Stay calm**

 Hakkai>   Zenon? It is me, Hakkai!

 Homura>   **Stay calm, eh? Fuck you, Shien! Why are you disobeying me? Both of you, you are not with me, so you are against me.** ::he cuts the contact:: Those damn idiots. ::he grabs a good bit of Sanzo`s hair and pulls him close:: But whatever, I need no fucking Shien to have a bit fun. ::drags him deeper into the cave::

 Zenon>   Hakkai? Yea, I hear you now. What is it?

 Hakkai>   Homura has Sanzo! What is going on there?

 Goku>   Sure. ::he carefully takes the bug in his hand:: Let`s search for a nice place for him, hm? ::looks at Sora::

 Shien>  ::he tries hard to break through to Homura:: **Homura, you can have me!!! Just tell me where I shall go!!**

 Zenon>   I don`t know, we`re already trying to find him, but he keeps on blocking Shien. Do you know where he brought him?

 Sora>  Yes....::he looks around and point at a flower:: That flower!

 Sanzo>   ::being dragged along, he follows Homura:: Fucking Shien, eh? I thought you love him.

Homura>   ::not able to completely block Shien, he tries to ignore him:: Shut the fuck up. What do you know about love? ::arriving at a big hall, he throws Sanzo down again::

 Hakkai>   No, but he said he needs a serious talk with his lover....

 Shien>  **Homura......please...stop it, you can have anything you want from me!!**

 Zenon>   I see. Listen, Hakkai, don`t worry. We will find him. I`ll call back, okay? ::he hangs up and runs upstairs:: Shien......

 Shien>  ::his face is buried in his hands:: What?

 Goku>   Okay. ::he lets the bug down on the flower:: Here he`ll have a good live.

Sora>  ::giggles happily::

 Sanzo>   Much more than you if you have to make such a show for your lover`s attention.

 Tenpo>   I have the feeling I better start to cook the spaghetti....::he goes into the kitchen and starts to cook::

 Shien>  ::he tries something else:: **Genjo Sanzo, where are you?**

Nataku>   Well, it is okay that animals like me, but that is too much attention.....

 Sanzo>   ::holds his head, not used to hear another voice:: **What the fuck...**

 Shien>  **Sanzo, it is me, Shien.....where are you**

 Goku>   Yea, that`s right. Let`s go now, I`m soooo hungry. ::grabs Nataku`s hand::

 Sanzo>   **A cave.....I don`t know**

 Zenon>   ::watches Shien impatiently::

Homura>   ::he suddenly realises what is going on:: **so, you try it that way? We`re at a cave in the mountains, bastard!** ::he grabs Sanzo, again wrapping the chain around his neck:: **Let`s play a lil game: hurry or he`s dead**

 Shien>  **I will come there, Homura, but you leave him be!** ::he stands up:: He is in that mountain cave....I have to go there. You stay here and tell Hakkai nothing will happen to Sanzo, okay? Calm him a bit.....

 Sanzo>   ::again feeling his air supply is cut, he doesn`t reach for the chain, but instead smashes his elbow backwards into Homura`s face::

 Nataku>   ::he follows Goku::

 Zenon>   Are you sure you want to go alone?

Shien>  I have no choice, Zenon. He is serious.....you go and calm Hakkai....::he disappears::

 Homura>   ::he screams out and draws back::

 Sanzo>   ::he quickly tosses the chain over his head and takes a few steps back::

 Zenon>   ::he disappears and reappears next to Hakkai::

 Goku>   ::leads them back to the god`s house and goes inside:: Ten? Ten, hara hetta.... ::enters the kitchen::

Hakkai>   ::he stares at Zenon in shock:: Don't do that!

 Shien>  ::he re-appears next to Homura::

 Zenon>   Yea, I`m sorry. Listen, Shien knows where they are. He`s there and he will take care of Sanzo. Don`t worry.......

 Tenpo>   ::he puts the food on the table:: Here, your food......::he smiles at Goku:: But first you all wash your hands....and tell the others it is ready....

 Homura>   ::turns to him:: Shien......

 Goku>   Okay. Nataku, first one in the bathroom. ::he runs outside and upstairs::

Sora>  ::he holds close to Goku::
Nataku>   ::he can't run as fast as Goku, but he tries to follow::
Hakkai>   Is he insane? Is Homura gone mad??
Shien>  Homura, why are you doing this? ::he stays cool and relaxed, trying to calm Homura::

Zenon>   He was like that before, it passes by. Don`t worry, nothing will happen to your friend.

 Hakkai>   If that were what you are sure of, you would not keep saying it....::he takes two cups and fills them with coffee, then he hands one to Zenon:: Here...

 Homura>   I can do whatever I want. But I`m starting to understand what loyality means to you.

 Sanzo>   ::he takes a few steps back, trying to bring as much space between Homura and himself as possible::

 Zenon>   ::he takes the cup and sighs:: It`s getting me nuts that I dunno what`s going on there. Shien is stupid enough to bring himself in danger.

 Shien>  Homura, please, calm down....::he comes closer to Homura:: We only wanted to protect you.....

 Goku>   ::in the bathroom, he holds Sora up to the sink:: Okay, you first.

Hakkai>   Then why do you stay here? ::he sits down and looks at Zenon with his clear green eyes::

 Sora>  ::he washes his hands, then he suddenly looks at Goku with sad eyes:: Papa took Kuma away....

 Nataku>   ::he enters the bathroom:: So, i see, he won...

 Homura>   Protect me? By always hitting on me from behind? Is that what you do with your friends? With people that never betrayed you? You betrayed me, Shien. Both of you.

 Zenon>   Shien said I shall stay with you. He`ll tell me if he needs help. As for that, I wouldn`t know what we can do with Homura. That guy`s got a serious mental illness...

 Goku>   Yes, he was here "before" me. ::grins:: Oh yea, you`re right, he still has your bear... ::looks at Nataku:: What do you think where he did go?

Shien>  ::he lowers his head:: Please, forgive me, Homura.....

 Sanzo>   ::frowns at Shien::

 Hakkai>   Then you should consult a doctor soon. What if he attacks the kids next time?

 Zenon>   If he tries that, I`m gonna kill him..... **Shien? What`s going on?**

Nataku>   I don't know......

 Shien>  **We are okay....** ::he tries to hide the contact from Homura::

 Homura>   Forgive you? ::looks at him, a bit confused:: Why are you...? ::he comes closer to Shien. Then suddenly his eyes become cold and he slaps him right into the face::

Goku>   Kuma is surely waiting at home. ::he lets Sora down and starts washing his hands:: Now go and tell the others that we get something to eat, will you?

 Shien>  ::he looks at Homura in shock:: Why....?

 Sora>  Yes! ::he runs out of the room and climbs down the stairs, searching for Ko, Konzen and Kenren::

 Homura>   ::smiles madly at him:: Well, why not? ::reaches out with his hand again::

 Nataku>   I really wonder what is going on.......

Goku>   ::nods:: Something isn`t right here. They left so abruptly. ::finishes and lets Nataku take his place::

Nataku>   ::he starts washing his hands:: Yeah......

Shien>  ::with a quick look at Sanzo he readys himself for the next blow::

 Sanzo>   ::he jumps forward and grabs Homura`s hand, turning him around:: Can you stop with that bullshit now??? ::now really getting pissed:: And you ::looks at Shien:: Too!

Goku>   Hey, hurry a bit, I`m so hungry I`m going to starve....

 Kogaiji>   ::is sitting in the living room, watching TV::

 Hakkai>   Well, then we can do nothing but wait, right?

 Sora>  ::he comes to Ko:: Food!

 Nataku>   Okay, I'm done.....

 Shien>  Sanzo, stay back.....and shut up.....

 Zenon>   Guess so. I`m afraid Homura will notice when I try to contact Shien again, I`m pretty lousy with that kind of stuff.

 Homura>   ::looks a bit confused at Sanzo::

 Sanzo>   Why? Do you want to let him beat you to hell? That maniac needs help, no punching ball. ::glares at Homura::

 Kogaiji>   ::smiles at the boy:: Food, eh? What food?

Homura>   ::shakes his head with a sad smile:: You see it, Shien? You can`t even protect me from a human.... ::he laughes softly::

 Goku>   ::he comes back into the kitchen with Nataku and jumps on a chair:: Food!!!!!

 Sora>  Noodles noodles noodles <singing>

Kogaiji>   ::laughes:: Aaah, noodles. ::he pets the boys head and stands up:: Well, then bring me to the noodles.

 Shien>  Homura......let him go....I'm here now....you don't need him anymore.....::he softly touches Homura's chest::

 Tenpo>   Did you find the others yet?

 Nataku>   Sora looks for them...::he sits down::

 Sora>  ::takes his hand:: Noodles.....

 Goku>   ::grabs knife and fork:: Nah, but I´m hungry......

 Kogaiji>   ::follows the boy::

 Hakkai>   Damned.....

 Kenren>  ::He is in his room, lying on the bed::

 Homura>   ::he looks at him and suddenly his face is sad:: What am I doing, Shien? I love you. I don`t want to hurt you......

 Tenpo>   ::he gives noodles to the boys:: Here....

 Konzen>   ::lying next to Kenren, his hand playing with the other`s hair::

Shien>  I know.....and you will get better....this phase will go by....like it always did...now let Sanzo go.....

 Kenren>  Did I tell you I love you, Konzen Doji?

 Homura>   <w> Yes.... ::he hugs him, hiding his face on Shien`s shoulder::

 Konzen>   ::smiles:: Not today, Kenren Taisho......

 Kogaiji>   ::enters the kitchen:: Hi.

Zenon>   Trust me, Shien knows what he does.

 Shien>  **Sanzo, get out of here....leave this place**

 Kenren>  I do love you more than I can tell you, my beautiful....

 Sanzo>   ::he nods and slowly walks off::

 Tenpo>   Hello Ko....sit down, food is ready....

Kogaiji>   ::he sits down:: Thanks. Uhem... but one thing, my name is Kogaiji, not Ko.

 Zenon>   ::tries it again:: **Shien?**

 Homura>   ::holds him close:: <w> I want it to stop.... just want it to stop, Shien......

 Konzen>   ::leans over him:: Beautiful....what?

Shien>  **Sanzo is save now, Zenon. Homura calmed down. Everything is okay.....** ::he leans to Homura, trying to comfort him:: You know it will stop, we will care for you....

 Kenren>  My beautiful everything....

 Zenon>   **Should we bring him somewhere where he can`t cause any trouble? Really Shien, I`m worried about Sora...** ::he looks at Hakkai:: Your friend is safe.

 Tenpo>   Yes, I know, but it such a long name......and Ko sounds a lot nicer.....::he smiles at him::

 Sora>  ::he tries to climb onto Ko's lap:: Ko!

 Kogaiji>   ::sighs:: Okay, I give it up.... ::looks at the boy and helps him to get on his lap::

 Hakkai>   That is good news.....

Shien>  **As long as I am with him, nothing will happen....**

 Sora>  ::he takes Ko's fork and tries to feed him:: Eat....::he laughes::

 Zenon>   ::nods:: **Be careful, Shien. As soon as you turn your back at him.... ::a mental sigh::... just be careful, okay? Shall I really not come over?**

Kogaiji>   ::laughes:: Hey, I still need my eyes.

 Homura>   ::he lets go off Shien and takes a few steps away from him, looking on the ground::

 Sanzo>   ::he climbs down the rock where the cave is in, cursing loudly::

 Konzen>   ::tips his nose:: You`re so sweet, you know that?

Shien>  **no, you look after Sora.....or try to get Sanzo home, okay?** ::he softly touches Homura's shoulder:: You know we never would betray you....::the place where Homura hit him is bright red now::

 Kenren>  I hope I am.....::he laughes::

 Tenpo>   I guess he thinks you need more food...::he starts to eat:: I guess Ken and Konzen are in Ken's room.......

 Zenon>   **Okay, good luck** ::he looks at Hakkai:: I`ll bring you back your monk now. Don`t worry about Homura, he won`t come back here. ::he disappears::

 Goku>   Aw, let them stay there. They can eat later.

 Kogaiji>   I see. Hey ::looks at the boy:: Shall we do that another way? I feed you?

 Hakkai>   ::he takes out a new cup, then puts it back in and takes a beer out of the fridge::

 Sora>  ::he smiles:: Yes! ::he puts down the fork and opens his mouth::

 Homura>   Yes..... ::looks at him:: You`re the only ones that never betrayed me...... ::he gently touches his face, healing the wounded flesh::

 Zenon>   ::appears next to Sanzo:: Hey!

 Kogaiji>   ::puts some noodles on the fork and then into Sora`s mouth::

 Sanzo>   ::turns around, fist first::

Konzen>   ::his hands glide over Kenren`s chest:: Yes, you are. And so beautiful....and masculine.... and strong......

 Zenon>   ::jumps back:: Nice way to say hello.......

 Shien>  Everything will be okay.......::he smiles at him:: What kind of place is this? ::he turns around and looks at the grand hall::

Kenren>  And you are so soft.....one to be protected......::he softly kisses Konzen::

 Sora>  ::he happily eats the noodles::

 Sanzo>   Come to guess I don`t like it when some THING just pops out of nowhere next to me. ::now really pissed::

 Homura>   I found that place once. There are a few smaller rooms, some empty, some filled with odd things. And there`s a room with a large bed and dozens of destroyed dolls......

 Zenon>   ::grins:: Okay, you got a point there. Hold your breath. ::he grabs his arm and they disappear, reappearing in the kitchen of the cabin::

Hakkai>   Welcome back, dear......::he hugs Sanzo and hands him the cold beer::

 Kogaiji>   ::smiles at Tenpo while feeding Sora:: He`s such a sweet one....

 Shien>  Maybe we should stay here for a while until you feel a bit better......if there is a bed it should be okay....

 Konzen>   Protected? ::looks at him:: You think you need to protect me?

 Tenpo>   Yes.....young gods are always so sweet, right Nataku?

 Sanzo>   ::he hugs Hakkai back, taking the beer:: Yea, finally.....

 Nataku>   ::looks at Tenpo and shows him his tongue::

 Goku>   ::laughes, a noodle hanging out of his mouth::

 Kenren>  Yes....I WANT to protect you, Konzen, if you need it or not....

 Homura>   ::nods:: Just keep me from doing something wrong again. ::he rubs his forehead:: I just dunno why that always happens when I just start to think that I`m now......

Konzen>   So, then is a forced protection still a good one?

 Shien>  That you are what?

Kenren>  Yes.....

Homura>   ::looks down:: <w> ...happy. With my life.....

Shien>  You will be happy, Homura......I promise....::he softly kisses him::

Kenren>  ::he softly kisses Konzen again::

 Sora>  You eat, too! ::he tries to turn to Ko::

 Hakkai>   Come here, sit down. Are you okay? ::he looks at Sanzo worried::

 Homura>   ::he repeats the kiss, but then pushes Shien away:: I want a proof of your words.

 Konzen>   ::enjoying the kiss, he now sits down ontop of Kenren::

 Shien>  ::he looks at Homura, very confused:: What do you mean?

 Kogaiji>   ::moves his face away:: Aw come on, stop it now!

 Sanzo>   ::drinks a bit from the beer:: Sure. Why should I not? That jerk is just too dumb......

Tenpo>   Sora, stop feeding him....he will eat alone and feed you.....

 Hakkai>   Are you sure? ::he comes closer and feels Sanzo's ribs::

 Homura>   Don`t act dumb. I want a proof of your loyality, from both of you. Do you think I believe that you`re loyal to me? How should I?

 Shien>  ::his heart sinks:: What do you want?

 Kenren>  ::he bucks his hips playfully under Konzen:: Want a ride?

 Sora>  Ko hungry?

 Sanzo>   Yes, I am. I`m fine, Hakkai. ::looks at him::

 Homura>   ::grins playfully:: For Zenon I got nothing in mind right now. But for you ::points at him:: Say something pervy. Right now!

 Konzen>   ::grins:: Aw, but that could be dangerous, with such a wild stallion.

 Kogaiji>   Yes, but please stop that now. See, here come the noodles. ::continues feeding him::

 Shien>  ::he narrows his eyes, not liking Homura's game:: Suck my cock, motherfucker.....

 Sora>  ::eating his noodles::

Zenon>   ::he looks at Hakkai and Sanzo, seeing everything is okay, he disappears. Reappearing a few steps away from Shien, he frowns, hearing his words:: Eh?

Shien>  ::he looks at Zenon and blushes a bit::

 Homura>   ::starts laughing:: Aw well, that is great. But good, now I got the two of you together, let`s see.... ::thinking, he walks a few steps away from them::

 Zenon>   ::looks at Shien:: <w> Okay, what the hell is going on here????

Shien>  <w> He wants us to prove our loyality.....

 Tenpo>   So, Kogaiji, will you stay here with us, or do you want to move in with Jien?

 Zenon>   ::rolls his eyes:: <w> Can`t we just knock him out for a few hours silence?

 Kogaiji>   ::still feeding Sora on his lap:: I guess I`ll look for a room at the hotel. Don`t think they want me to visit them and I don`t want to disturb you too much.

Shien>  <w> No, that is the reason why he distrusts us now.....

 Tenpo>   Oh, we still have that free room, you can stay as long as you want to....

 Homura>   ::turns to them, giving them a strange look:: Why don`t you tell me what you`d do to give me a proof? Come on, let me hear something.

 Goku>   You can also stay with us, Ko. Sanzo will not have a thing against it, when Hakkai says it`s okay.

 Zenon>   Oh my..... Homura, what about I don`t tell you how much I think you`re completely insane? Even if it`s pretty obvious.....

 Kogaiji>   Well, that`s very nice, but.....

 Sora>  Ko us!! ::he smiles at Ko::

Tenpo>   That's right, they do have a room, too...

 Goku>   ::grins:: Sora, I don`t think that he should go to your home.

 Shien>  Homura. I love you and you know that. There is no reason why you may distrust us....

 Homura>   ::shakes his head:: That`s not enough for me. I feel betrayed. And if there`s no way for you to give me a proof, you better go..... ::he turns away and starts walking down the hall, over to the other rooms in the cave::

 Kogaiji>   I`ll think about it, Tenpo. But thanks for the offer, that`s very nice of you.

Zenon>   <w> Go on with that and I give you a proof for that sometimes terrible accidents can happen.... even to a god....

 Shien>  Zenon, what shall we do now?

 Kenren>  ::suddenly a strange smile comes to his face, and his voice goes soft:: Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say 'Ay' And I will taky thy word: yet if thou swear'st, Thou mayst prove false; at lovers' perjuries Then say; Jove laughes. O gentle Romeo, If thou dost love, promounce it faithfully: Or if thou think'st I am too quickly won, I'll frown and be perverse an say thee nay, So thou wilt woo, but else, not for the world. In truth, fair Montague, I am too fond, And therefore thou mayst think my 'havior light: But trust me, gentleman, I'll prove more true Than those that have more cunning to be strange. I should have been more strange, I must confess, But that thou overheard't, ere I was ware, My true love's passion: Therefore pardon me, And not impute this yielding to light love, Which the dark night hath so discovered......::he softly looks at him::

 Zenon>   ::looks at Shien and sighs:: Stay with him and listen to his stupidities. What else can we do? I still vote for locking him somewhere and destroy the key......

Shien>  Zenon.....maybe you should go and take care of your child. I will stay here with him in the cave until it is all over. Could you do me a favor? Block the entrance with lightnings, so he can't just leave. I'll do the rest.....

 Konzen>   ::looks at him, really impressed:: Ken...wow.... I didn`t know that... you read Shakespeare...

 Zenon>   Okay. But be careful. If he goes nuts, don`t bring yourself in danger.

 Sanzo>   ::he drinks his beer and looks outside the window:: It just came to my mind, but.... we forgot the saru. ::looks at Hakkai::

Kenren>  Well, I once read it in Ten's room......And I thought Juliet's words were somehow nice.....

 Homura>   ::shouting to them from another room:: Hell, you won`t believe how many hats are in here.....

 Hakkai>   Don't worry, Ten will feed him and he finds his way home alone......::he smiles at Sanzo::

 Keshinu>   ::comes into the kitchen, howling and hungry, looking at Hakkai::

 Shien>  I will not....don't worry. Now care for your kid, and give him a big kiss from me.....::he softly touches Zenon's face::

 Konzen>   I think it`s very sweet. Hey, are you hungry?

 Hakkai>   ::he takes out a can of dogfood and opens it, feeding the lil dog:: Here you are, sweety....

 Zenon>   ::nods:: Good luck then. ::he disappears. On the entrance of the cave a net made of lightning appears, glowing from the electricity that runs through it::

Shien>  ::he walks into the room Homura is in:: Those are really many hats......

 Sanzo>   ::looks at the dog:: Just like I said. We have to care about him......

 Kenren>  I smell dinner......

 Hakkai>   Come on, I do feed all of you, why not him, too....::he pets the dog::

 Homura>   ::looks at him:: Yea..... ::he puts one of the hats on Shien`s head and grins at him:: Looks nice, really.

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