Imana is my second brain.  She's my favorite brain -- the creative one.  I have always been very imaginative; I would play Barbies by myself (because I didn't like to play with other kids) and make up complicated plots.  In first grade, I made up a play-like thing that I acted out myself called Alley and Me.  However, I consider Imana to officially become a part of me in fifth grade when I began to write novels.

History:  Imana was part of the 7-brain group Bytamic Niarb when her name was Stormie, associated with the word "story."  I recently changed it to Imana because too many of the brains had names starting in S.  The name Imana isn't a real name; tis a combination I made between the names Iman and Imena.

Association:  imagination

Color:  lavendar

Song:  "Imagine" by John Lennon

Personality:  Imana is creative and has a very big imagination.  Her mind goes beyond her age.  She is very mature.  She created her own religion and alphabet.  The alphabet somewhat copies the ancient sematic (sp?) language, and the religion is a combination between Hinduism and Buddhism.  She is very objective and sees all sides of the story.

Likes:  to think, to write, philosophy, psychology, analyzing people

Dislikes:  non-objective people, arrogant/self-absorbed people, cursive, contact lenses, homework, short-stories, national traditions, false stereotypes, purse-like backpacks
Imana looks like this only with lavendar (sp?) hair.  Tis also convenient (sp?) that this girl (Tomoko Takase) is a writer like Imana.
Brain #1:  Nyssa
Brain #3:  Dulci
Brain #4:  Anmarie
Brain #5:  Roberta
Brain #6:  Connie
Brain #7:  Sally
Brain #8:  Selena
Brain #9:  Hana
Brain #10:  Akita
Brain #11:  Musette
Brain #12:  Aimia
Which of my Nidarcs Shama brains are you?
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