Proof that Jesus is the Messiah
I was listening to a book on tape called Jesus: Who Is He? by Tim LaHaye and I was inspired to do this page.  I haven't gotten everything I want to put on it yet, but this is a start.
1.  Christ fulfilled 332 distinct prophecies in the Old Testament.  The mathematical probability of all these prophecies being fulfilled in the life of one man is:

(That's 97 zeros!!!)
2.  Three of the four Gospels were written by people who witnessed Jesus and the fourth that wasn't was written by Luke, a historian, who searched through eyewitnesses and stories to bring out the truth as he says in the beginning of his Gospel.
3.  Jesus never once changed His story.  He always said that He was the Son of God who would save us from our sins if we believed in Him.
4.  Pilot was the actual governor of that region at the time that Jesus' crucifixion was taken place proving the relevancy of the Gospels.
5.  Jesus predicted the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem which happened in 70 AD.
The Deity of Jesus Christ
An article by R.A. Torrey giving examples that Jesus is the Messiah.
Is Jesus Christ God?
An article from the Christian Answers Network involving a series of links to answer your questions.
The Proof that Jesus Christ's Claims are True
An article using the resurrection of Jesus to prove that he is the Messiah.
Questions and Anwers about Jesus Christ
questions and answers using both opinions of the existance of Jesus.
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