Frequently Asked Questions:

LOOK! We have some questions that were asked. Maybe not all the time...some were but some weren't. And after they were asked we ANSWERED THEM!  It's all good...just take a peek!

Q: Is Hitler Gay?
A: Hitler is indeed gay�I�m not sure how you could miss that though�

Q: Why is Dubya Married to his mother in HHGHGB?
A: He is not married to his mother�This is the old Dubya Bush, 1st president bush and his wife�s name was Barbara�Babs!

Q: Is King Mitch really all that evil?
A: Yes and No, He is evil in that he could hurt people. But not evil cause when he gets to hurting them he can�t seem to do it.

Q: What�s up with Hitler�s gay sailing poker buddy?
A: He�s Hitler best friend�only friend / lover�

Q: What's so great about Osama's brownies?
A: He mixes in just the right amount of goodness�like sugar spice and everything good!

Q: Why are all the people suddenly friends?
A: They were all friends before the 9/11 and Iraq wars and they are just reuniting now�

Q: Why did Hitler and Mussolini push Stalin on the playground?
A: Well if you remember, he was power hungry and some one had to give him a reality check, but sadly that didn�t work out for them�

Q: What�s with Dubya�s Popcorn Obsession?
A: He just loves it, It�s much like his nicotine or drug addiction�Same with Mussolini�s Spaghetti obsession!

Q: What is HHGHGB?
A: How Hitler Got His Groove Back�

Q: Why does Dubya seem to hate Hitler?
A: Cause he wants to be loved like Hitler is but isn�t�we don�t go into that at all, I don�t think there�s hints but that�s it.

Q: Will Stalin ever die?
A: No he is immortal�well in HHGHGB he is�

Q: How did Hitler get his groove back?
A: He found it at Little Jimmy�s Bar Mitzvah

Q: What is Hitler favorite food?
A: Fruit of course!�though he never eats any he could also like Tacos and Muffins�

Q: Did Hitler ever get back his Muffin?
A: No, Stalin ate it after he won it,�it was a sad time for Hitler

Q: Does everyone just love Hitler out of the blue or is it something else?
A: You know�Hitler was liked before the whole "War" So they might have loved him before�but the future people�well Dubya and Babs should hate him�but he is so irresistible the can�t resist�

Q: Now when did HHGHGB actually start?
A: This is a mystery to even me, I keep track of things and do what I can to know stuff. But this all we know is that some time in the early months of 2003...I�m assuming March 7th was the date�and I�m sure it�s wrong. But now it�s the actual date and we HAVE been working on it for a year. Cause we OFFICIALIZED March 7th, 2003...some time during 5th period. To be the start date. Yeah a long road it has been.

Q: How ever was HHGHGB thought of?
A: Well, one day Jamie (Founder of HHGHGB) asked Mr. T a question and got something about Hitler getting his groove back. Jamie presented us with this, and now we have something special.
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