Chapter 9
Tracy woke up and slowly and glanced over at Nick. He looked adorable, his hair all tousled, sleeping peacefully. His arm was still draped over her side, keeping her close to him. Carefully, she sat up in the bed, not wanting to wake him. Reaching for her cigarettes, she lit one and leaned back against the head board. Exhaling, she took a moment to look around. The room was totally Nick and totally without taste. She looked over to the neon palm trees in the corners of the room and giggled. When she glanced down at Nick, he was laying there staring at her, a smile playing on his lips.

"Morning," she said, smiling at him.

"What's so funny?" he asked, sitting up and resting against the headboard as well.

"Nothing," Tracy answered, trying to stifle her giggles.

He moved in front of her, holding her shoulders back, his eyes locked on her's, laughter dancing in them. "Tell me or I tickle," he commanded, moving his hand across her tummy.

"Okay," she said, squirming under him.  "I was just wondering how some one so amazingly gorgeous could have such awful taste," she finished, giggling loudly at the look on his face.

"You don't like my trees?" he questioned pouting.

"No," she answered, pulling his face to her's.

"Okay, so they are a bit much," he admitted, dropping his head to run his tongue over her bare breasts.

She took in a breath as his hands began wandering over her body. "Nick I thought we were going out today," she asked between gasps as his fingers made their way inside of her.

"Later," he mumbled against her tummy, sliding further down her body until his body rested between her thighs at the end of the bed.

Teasingly, his tongue drew lazy circles over her thighs. "Don't tease Nick," she whispered.

He brought his mouth over her center, breathing teasingly over her clit.  "Consider it punishment for your comment about my taste," he finished before dipping his head down and running his tongue over her wetness.

"Jesus," she breathed, griping onto the headboard for leverage.

"Just call me Nick," he smirked before returning to pleasuring her.His fingers worked a maddening pace, keeping time with the intense assault of his tongue. Tracy found herself clawing at the bed sheets.  He was driving her insane. How was it possible for one guy to be this good? she questioned herself.

Nick could feel her tightening and the sound of her moans growing louder assured him her orgasm was fast approaching. Wanting to send her over the edge, his teeth lightly bit at her clit, driving her over the edge, screaming his name. Gently, Nick brought her down from her high, cuddling her until her breathing lapsed into a normal state once again.

Tracy looked at him smiling and began running her hands over his chest. He could see clearly see she wanted to take this further.

"Tracy, we should grab a shower and get going," he said, taking both of her hands in his.
She looked up at him puzzled.  "Nick we can't leave this unfinished," she said, trailing kisses over his neck  

He placed a finger under her chin bringing her lips to his.  "It's not unfinished. You had an orgasm," he said, tracing her lips with his finger. Slowly, she began licking at his finger and then drawing it into her mouth, gently sucking on it.

He let out a moan. Damn it, this hadn't been his plan. "We'll finish this later," he said, standing up and pulling her out of the bed.

"But Nick," she protested.

He quickly covered her mouth and walked them both into the bathroom. Without another word, they were both in the shower. The soft caresses between them nearly drove Nick out of his mind but they had to get to AJ's and it was a long drive. Besides sex was never better when you were made to think you couldn't have it, he thought to himself as he wrapped the towel around his waist, following Tracy into the bedroom. He glanced over at her clad in purple thongs, bent over looking in her bag. He had to take a moment to clear his mind and remember what it was he was doing.
Gotta get to AJ's.  Yeah that's it.

Nick made the drive to AJ's in record time. Somehow having someone to talk to, well someone he enjoyed talking to, made the time seem to fly by. Before he knew it, they were driving up the circular driveway to the house Aj called home.

"Jesus, can't you guys just buy houses?" Tracy asked, laughing as they got out of the truck.  "Why do they always have to look like bank buildings?" she continued as Nick slipped an arm around her.

"Because Darlin', bank buildings are the only way to show our wealth," a voice called from behind them.

"Hi I'm AJ. And you must be Tracy," he said, taking her hand in his.

"Hi. How are you?" she replied, smiling at him. Damn he was really as charming as he appeared.

"I'm doing just great Tracy," he answered, turning to Nick and winking.

"Come on Kaos, let's take this lady on the grand tour of the bank," AJ said in his best tour guide voice, turning the door handle and smiling at her.

Several hours and Budweiser's later, the three of them laid sprawled out in AJ's screening room. It had been a really great day. Tracy had been forced to admit that the only thing pretentious about these two were their houses. Other than that, they were your ordinary run of the mill 20 something boys. After stuffing themselves on pizza, Aj had suggested a movie. Settling back in the chair next to Nick, Tracy found herself totally engrossed in the movie. AJ had chosen to pop in Gone in Sixty Seconds. To both guys amazement, Tracy informed them that she enjoyed more than what they referred to as "Chick Flicks."

Nick glanced over at AJ, who now appeared to be passed out on the seat across from them and smiled. That was AJ for you, always making his exit just on time he thought to himself.
He glanced down at Tracy slipping his arms around her pulling her tighter back against his chest and to her surprise, his growing arousal. She gasped and then silenced herself when his hands began running under her baby doll T-shirt.

"Nick, I'm watching a movie," she said, turning her head to face him.

He leaned in his breath tickling her ear.  "So watch it baby," he whispered seductively. He turned her head back to the screen and carefully went to work on the hooks of her bra, slipping it down her shoulders until it fell into her lap. His fingers ran over her nipple causing it to harden under his amazing touch.

"Nick," she began again.

He silenced her with a finger.  "Shh, watch the movie," he insisted as one hand continued toying with her breasts while the other made its way down her tummy until finally, his thumb began caressing the inside of her thigh. Her head was swimming with the irresistible way he was making her feel. Slowly his hand slid inside the leg of her shorts. She made a noise to protest but his head shaking no at her brought quick silence as his fingers slid inside her panties finding her clit. Slowly he began rolling her clit between his fingers. She fought to keep silent, afraid of waking AJ who was only a few feet away. With expert timing, Nick slid two fingers into her wetness, making her moan his name against her will. He reached around pulling her lips to his, kissing her heatedly to silence her. Tracy's hands began running through his silky blonde hair, wanting to explore every inch of his mouth. He felt incredible and when he brushed a thumb over her clit coupled with the feeling of his fingers, she moaned loudly into his mouth.

AJ looked up and smiled.  "God damn Kaos, you know where the bedroom is," he said, making Tracy nearly jump from Nick's lap, which caused that snap that only underwear can make.
When Nick looked at her, he was smirking and she was crimson with embarrassment.

"AJ I'm sorry," she began, stumbling for words.

He smiled at her and then at Nick.  "No need to be sorry honey, just take it upstairs. You guys should stay here tonight. God knows Blondie here couldn't handle driving and you tonight," he said, gesturing to Nick.

"Night guys," he added, walking out of the room.

"Oh my God Nick, I can't believe that just happened. He's going to think I am some common whore," she said, looking down at the floor.

Nick slid over to her.  "NO Tracy, he's not. He's going to think damn she's beautiful, I'm Jealous and she has one hell of an affect on Nick," he said, smiling at her.

"Do I have an affect on you?" she asked, lowering her voice.

"What do you think?" he countered leaning in towards her and bringing her hand to his now throbbing hardness.

The spark between them ignited again as Nick's tongue slipped between her lips, beginning a battle for control.

Tracy broke the kiss staring at him. "Ya know he's right. It is a long drive," she purred, emphasizing the word 'long' as she ran her hand over his dick.

"Yeah baby it definatly is," he replied, pulling her to him and heading for the stairs.

"Nicky I wanna see how the movie ends," she began pouting as they came to the bedroom door.

"And I'm going to show you," he mumbled against her neck as they fell onto the bed.
Within seconds, Tracy could have cared less if Nicholas Cage ever met his quota.
Chapter 10

Chapter Index


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